31.10.2024 | 17:09
Biden bķtur börn
"Joe Biden bit at least three babies on Wednesday night during the White House Halloween celebration.
Joe Biden got so excited when he saw a baby in a chicken costume that he bit its leg.
Joe Biden also put a babys entire foot in his mouth after biting another infant during the White House trick-or-treating event on Wednesday."
Ég get engu viš žetta bętt.
Kanadķska Action T4 leggst ekkert of vel ķ alla
"Canadian doctors are starting to regret euthanizing their non-terminally ill patients.
Some doctors, who shared their thoughts anonymously, posted about their inner conflict with performing these procedures on patients who don't meet the traditional definition of terminally ill.
Many physicians involved in assisted dying say the loosening criteria is "morally distressing."
Since Canada expanded MAID laws in 2021 to include individuals with incurable but non-terminal illnesses, assisted deaths jumped by 30% in 2022. As a result, Canada has euthanized so many people that it "outpaces every other nation in the world.""
Skil ekki hvers vegna žeir įttušu sig ekki į žessu fyrr.
Strķš sem enginn er aš fylgjast meš
"The attack on Sunday involved hundreds of heavily armed Boko Haram jihadis launching a surprise attack on the military garrison in Ngouboua at roughly 10:00 p.m. local time.
Boko Haram took control of the garrison, seized the weapons, burnt vehicles equipped with heavy arms, and left, according to local eyewitnesses.
The military garrison housed about 200 soldiers, while Chadian military officials said there were more than 300 attackers, who were well-equipped going in, and even better-equipped coming out of the operation. The Boko Haram force reportedly withdrew into nearby villages and fled across Lake Chad after the assault.
The Lake Chad Basin became Boko Harams preferred theater of operations soon after the jihadi insurgent group was formed in Nigeria in 2009. Sundays action was the groups most devastating attack on Chadian forces since 2020, when it killed about one hundred troops in a raid."
Bśiš aš vera aš malla lengi, žetta.
Mašurinn hefur nef fyrir drama
"The lawsuit against Elon Musk for giving away $1 million to random registered voters who sign his petition in swing states has been placed on hold as the lawyers for Musk have argued that the case should go to the federal courts."
Allt geta menn rifist um.
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