2.11.2024 | 17:29
Dagleg vitleysa
Allir vita, enginn vill tala um.
Þessi Cardi hefur ekkert verið að fylgjast með
"Cardi B endorses Kamala by [checks notes] saying groceries have gotten too expensive the past few years"
... uhm.
"Walz was in the process of talking about the economy when he turned the subject to tax cuts for billionaires like Musk.
If youre a billionaire, Elon Musk for example, say, that gah
, that gay got
then he snickered.
Michigan knows that word, he said."
Gamer words
"Demonstrators from Palestine Action took the sculptures of Chaim Weizmann to mark the 107th anniversary of the signing of the Balfour Declaration - a statement which announced Britains support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine."
Ekki veit ég hvað þeir ætla að gera við þetta.
Demókratar nota klám til þess að veiða atkvæði
"Democrats are leaning hard into a new talking point in their closing argument to voters porn.
We want to show the American people not tell them what Republicans are trying to do in their bedroom and in their personal lives, Jacobson told The Post, adding that more ads are in the works.
Porn matters have reached the highest levels of the Harris-Walz campaign.
During a Walz appearance on The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz, host Dan Le Batard warned that Republicans infamous Project 2025 could lead to the outlaw of porn.
Im pro-porn, added show producer Chris Cote a few minutes later."
Eitthvað sem Íslenskir pólitíkusra mættu athuga?
Þetta er á góðri leið með að verða þjóðsagnakennt
"On Friday evening, AFpost wrote on X, "Ron Paul says he wants to join Elon Musk to cut government waste in second Trump administration."
Musk chimed in on X: "It would be great to have Ron Paul as part of the Department of Government Efficiency!""
Milei verður ekki sá eini. Kaninn er í góðum málum.
Við hinsvegar... æ æ æ...
Það er hellingur af tölvuleikjum næuna sem er ekkert varið í að spila, en hörku-fjör að gera grín að.
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