7.11.2024 | 16:30
Bęndur munu spreyja Starmer meš haugsugum ķ nįnustu framtķš
Sósķalistar ęša śt į götu til žess aš herja į almenning. Aftur.
"Not even 24 hours after President-elect Donald Trump won more votes in Illinois this general election than in the previous two, and after winning the US election in a massive red wave sweep, far-left protesters gathered outside the Trump Hotel in Obama's Chicago.
The protests appear to have been highly organized and well-planned before the election, given the coordination among activists...
The Democrat's playbook to potentially unleash another wave of social unrest through activism campaigns, with command-and-control centers operated by nonprofits, will likely not be tolerated under a Trump administration."
Chicago? Mętti ég benda žeim aš kķkja ķ sušurhlutann. Hann e vķst fullur af fasistum og nazistum og rasistum og mönnum sem eru ekki einu sinni barnanaušgarar.
"As a possible future Trump administration appointee, RFK Jr. has laid out a plan to rid the FDA and other key federal agencies of the deeply-rooted corruption that prioritizes corporate profits over public health.
Recall that Trump said that if he is elected, Kennedy will work on health and womens health and the nations food supply."
Mun kaninn grennast? Eru žetta endalok dónuts frį Amerķku?
Biden og félagar flyta sér aš henda vopnum ķ śkranķu įšur en žaš veršur of seint
"The White House intends to expedite up to $9 billion in new military aid in a last-ditch effort to arm Ukraine before President-elect Donald Trump takes office in January, according to sources in the outgoing administration."
Žeir hafa enn hvaš, 3 mįnuši til žess aš starta WW3?
Demókratar įtta sig loksins į žvķ aš barnageldararnir eru ekki vinsęlir neinstašar
"Democrats have quietly begun to distance themselves from more extremist elements of transgender ideology in the wake of Donald Trumps return to the White House, fearing the issue will further alienate voters."
Ég er ekkert eini mašurinn sem vill ekki skera kynfęrin af börnum, bara svo žiš vitiš.
Žórgunnur, athugašu žaš, ef žś įlpast til aš lesa žetta.
"The public overwhelmingly back farmers in their battle with Labour after Rachel Reeves capped their inheritance tax reliefs, polling by More in Common has found."
Brezka rķkiš hyggst bśa til hungursneiš. Žessi mašur, sem var einu sinni handtekinn fyrir aš gera grķn aš nazistum śtskżrir žetta betur:
Lķtur śt fyrir aš bęndur žurfi aš spreyja smį saur į Starmer & co.
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Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.