10.11.2024 | 16:50
Gaurinn er ekki einu sinni orðinn forseti.
Óeirðir dagsins, jafnvel vikunnar:
"Around 130,000 demonstrators took to the streets of the city of Valencia to demand the resignation of Carlos Mazon, the head of the provincial government, El Pais newspaper reported.
Locals blame Mazon for failing to issue an alert about the flooding soon enough on October 29; the water had already been pouring into residential areas by the time he did so.
The demonstrators tossed flares, stones and mud at the building. Some also left dirty boots outside the city council as a sign of their frustration with local authorities."
Ríkisstarfsmaður klúðrar einhverju. Í öðrum fréttum; vatn er blautt.
Trump býðst til að greiða skuldir Kamölu
"The Kamala Harris campaign raised a record billion dollars for the 2024 election and somehow still ended the race with $20 million in debt.
[Donald Trump] recently posted on Truth Social, saying that he would be willing to help with his leftover campaign funds. He might be trolling, but Democrats would be wise to swallow their pride and take him up on the offer."
ætli hún taki því?
"Several media reports and sources have been claiming that the government of Qatar has ordered the leaders of Hamas to leave the country, following pressure from Washington."
Menn vilja undirbúa jarðveginn.
Lífselixírinn er fundinn: Guinness
"The retired accountant credits her long life to her daily habit of drinking a pint of Guinness each day with her lunch."
"The Federal Emergency Management Agency supervisor accused of ordering her subordinates to skip Florida homes with Trump campaign signs has been fired.
Marni Washington was sacked for telling disaster relief workers in Lake Placid, Fla., to not go to homes with yard signs supporting President-elect Trump, FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell said Saturday."
Hún gæti endað í djeilinu.
Ég veit ekki hvort þetta er rétt. (Sem á reyndar við um flest sem ég set hérna.) Þetta er annað sjónarhorn, vissulega.
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Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.