Allt hluti af įętlun. Sem er ekki ķ okkar hag.

Ég efast um gešheilsu višreisnarfólks

"Višreisn vill aš nż­skrįn­ingu į bens­ķn- og dķsel­bķl­um verši hętt į nęsta įri, žó meš und­anžįgum. Sam­fylk­ing­in vill einnig gera žaš „raun­hęft“ aš banna nż­skrįn­ingu slķkra öku­tękja frį og meš 2025."

Glóbalistarnir koma hér hreint fram, žeir meiga eiga žaš.  Allir eiga bara aš bśa ķ hylkinu og borša pöddur.  Enginn fer neitt.

Kosningahótanirnar ķ įr eru alvöru.  Ekkert sykurhśšaš lengur, bara: allt bannaš og skattlagt upp ķ topp.

Hvaš fór kosningasjóšur Kamölu ķ?

"Vice President Kamala Harris' presidential campaign, advised by leftist political strategists, spent a billion dollars centered around labeling former President Trump and a majority of Americans as 'Hitler' and 'Nazis.' They poured millions into far-left Hollywood stars, elaborate concerts, and private jet travel..."

Magnaš.  Allur listinn er hér.  Skošiš bara ef žiš nenniš.


50K kolefnistrśarmenn halda til Azerbajan til aš samstilla sig

"The hope is to resolve the COP29 summit’s top agenda item – a deal for up to $1 trillion in annual climate finance for developing countries, replacing a target of $100 billion.

“We are asking for the down payment of a very large debt – a down payment of $5tn [a year],” sais Tasneem Essop, executive director of Climate Action Network, global alliance of more than 1900 civil society organisations in over 130 countries.

The argument is rich nations allegedly prospered by burning fossil fuels and now need to fund poorer nations to avoid the same path, and cope with the severe heatwaves, floods and storms fuelled by global heating and already here.

“Climate reparations” have consequently been demanded."

Hljómar eins og kommśnismi.

"Trump has pledged to once again withdraw the U.N. from the landmark Paris climate agreement."

ess vegna var hann jś kosinn.

Antifa er komiš į stjį aftur

"Antifa militants attempted to incite a violent confrontation with Seattle Police but were ultimately thwarted by a robust police response. This marks the second time this week that Seattle PD prevented an Antifa riot over the election.

The direct action featured a number of terrifying incidents, including the leftist extremist group dressed in black bloc and equipped with riot gear surrounding police vehicles – an act that resulted in human entrapment."

Miklar lķkur į aš žeir lendi allir ķ djeilinu snemma į nęsta įri.

En ekki fyrr.

Jesś II: fist of fury

"A man in Spain has declared himself to be Jesus after beating up seven monks in a religious rampage."

Endurkoma Krists var ópvęnt og ofbeldisfyllri en menn grunaši.

Į mešan, ķ Svķžjóš


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