15.11.2024 | 17:50
íslendingar vilja, einir þjóða, búa í hylki og borða pöddur
Ég vil meina að þeta sé kosningaloforð
"...kolefnisgjald verður hækkað til að bregðast við sjö milljarða tekjutapi ríkissjóðs vegna frestunar kílómetragjalds. Þetta er meðal tillagna fjárlaganefndar en önnur umræða fjárlaga er fyrirhuguð á Alþingi í dag."
Hærri verðbólga, lægri laun. Ef þetta er það sem fólkið vill, þá kemur næstum allt til greina. Ef fólk vill þetta ekki, kemur bara eitt til greina.
Seint mun íslendingurinn læra, held ég. Ef nokkurntíma.
"Elon Musk, a close adviser to President-elect Donald J. Trump, met with Irans ambassador to the United Nations on Monday in New York in a session that two Iranian officials described as a discussion of how to defuse tensions between Iran and the United States.
The Iranians said the meeting between Mr. Musk and Ambassador Amir Saeid Iravani lasted more than an hour and was held at a secret location. The Iranians, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss policy publicly, described the meeting as positive and good news."
Heimurinn er að breytast, og breytast hratt.
Góðar fréttir fyrir aðdáendur Taylor Swift
"Taylor Swift, who endorsed Kamala Harris for president, is reportedly seeing ticket prices fall for the latest leg of her Eras tour, which will play in Toronto this week in some cases, prices have dropped by hundreds of dollars."
Ekki minn tebolli. Kannski fyrir ykkur?
Evrópusambandið reynir enn að búa til hungursneið
"Heres how the elites work in the European Union: first, they pile on a slew of failed, crippling regulations on their farmers, making food very expensive to produce all in the name of Global Warming or Climate Change.
Then these same elites turn around and negotiate a free trade deal with Mercosur in South America, in which they mean to buy produce from these countries at a lower price since the farmers in these countries dont have to deal with the same amount of deranged green regulations."
Þetta er ekki slys, þetta er viljaverk.
Lífið í Kína gerir menn geðveika.
Brezla lögreglan sóar miklum tíma í rannsókn á löglegri hegðan
"Essex Police has now set up a "gold group", usually reserved for major crimes, to handle its controversial investigation into journalist Allison Pearson's so-called "non-crime hate incident"."
Bretland nær sér ekki á þessari öld. Niðurgangurinn er alger.
Allt á uppleið í USA.
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