Ráðstefnur og alþjóðasamtök

Kolefnisráðstefnur þykja mjög halló núorðið

"Leading climate experts, including Ban Ki-moon, Mary Robinson, Christiana Figueres, and Johan Rockström, are calling for significant changes to UN climate summits, according to a new report from The Guardian

The group has urged the UN to streamline the annual summits, amplify the voices of developing countries, and increase meeting frequency to better address the climate crisis."

Bla bla bla.  Allt á kostnað alþýðunnar.

G7 læra ekkert

""Russia remains the sole obstacle to just and lasting peace," the new joint statement says. It pledges to support more measures "in support of Kyiv as the thousandth day of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine approaches."

The group major industrial countries consists of the US, France, Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the UK. Currently Italy holds to the rotating presidency.

"The G7 confirms its commitment to imposing severe costs on Russia through sanctions, export controls and other effective measures. We stand united with Ukraine," the statement added.

The European Union is a ‘non-enumerated’ member of the G7. The European Commission’s chief Ursula von der Leyen issued a simultaneous statement on X saying the "G7 reiterates its unflinching support to Ukraine.""

Sem betur fer eru ekki nema 2 mánuðir eftir af þessu bulli.

Kaninn var heppinn.  En við?  Hvað gerum við?

Glæpasamtök breiða úr sér

"Tennessee Bureau of Investigation Director David Rausch appeared on Fox & Friends on Friday where he said that the gang has “exploited” security lapses at the US-Mexico border. Rausch explained that the group has been running human trafficking operations and is expanding other criminal activities in the cities of Nashville, Memphis, Knoxville, and Chattanooga."

Tennessee?  Hvað segir Klanið við þessu?

Sigmundur Davíð hvartar undan úrkynjun Íslenskunnar

"Sig­mund­ur Davíð Guðlaugs­son, formaður Miðflokks­ins, er arg­ur yfir notk­un Sjálf­stæðismanna á kyn­hlut­lausu máli. Hann sak­ar þá um að hafa mis­notað okk­ar ástkæra yl­hýra á sjálf­um degi ís­lenskr­ar tungu."

Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn er orðinn svo úrkynjaður að hann afbakar tungumálið til þess að þóknast barnaníðingum.

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