26.11.2024 | 05:11
WW3 nálgast, eftir þrálátar óskir yfirvalda
Yfirmaður NIH viðurkennir að öll kóvitleysan var uppspuni
"I probably shouldnt be saying this out loud. They might have funded a lab in Wuhan, China and Pfizer and Moderna are getting a bunch of money from all of these vaccine mandates, Raja Cholan said to the OMG undercover journalist.
I dont even know if these vaccines stop you from getting COVID. They dont, Raja Cholan said, adding, Were all going to learn [about the dangers of the Covid vaccine] when its too late."
Allir jörmuðu bara með og tóku þátt. Og nú er krabbamein að verða algengara.
Bretum lýst eitthvað illa á brezka ríkið
"The online petition calling for a General Election is on course to hitting 2.5 million signatures overnight in yet another blow for Sir Keir Starmer's months-old Government.
The poll was launched by pub owner Michael Westwood, who said that Sir Keir Starmer has "gone back on his promises" - and now, Elon Musk has added his backing to the campaign."
En hann er að hækka skattana, leggja niður landbæunaðinn, starta þriðju heimtyrrjöldinni, fylla landið af sandniggurum og bjóða svo fólkinu uppá sjálfseyðingu.
Allt það sem flestir stjórnmálaflokkar á Íslandi bjóða uppá.
Fólk hlýtur að vilja þetta. Ég meina, Samfylkingin mælist með 20% fylgi. XD með 12%. Einhver vill þetta allt.
Það e eiithvað bjagað við þetta
"The scale of spending needed to keep the peace in Europe is such that ordinary people would feel the pinch in the pocketbook, Admiral Bauer said, calling on politicians to provide strong leadership to make the case this is necessary to voters. He said: if you ramp up your deterrence and if you ramp up support to Ukraine, there will be less money to spend on other things. It will take away some of our luxuries, it will require sacrifice."
Evrópa á ekkert eftir, hafandi sóað öllum sínum auðæfum í Kóvitleysuna og "grænt" kjaftæði af öllum gerðum.
Það er ekkert eftir fyrir eitthvað tilgangslaust stríð sem enginn vill heldur.
Múslimar allstaðar til vandræða
"Tensions in Sambhal began to rise last week when the first site survey was attempted on November 21, just hours after it was ordered by a local court. The application for the survey was submitted by a local temple priest who claimed that a Hindu temple had existed at the site of the mosque before it was allegedly demolished by Muslim rulers to build the Shahi Jama Masjid in 1526, according to the Indian Express."
Fjölmenning = endalaust ofbeldi
"Germany is exploring methods of keeping their civilian population safe in the event of a conflict.
This would involve reopening Germany's 579 World War Two and Cold War bunkers and repurposing underground car parks and metro stations as shelters."
Menn fara kannski að átta sig á að það va ekkert súper gáfulegt að starta stríði við Rússa.
Þetta er mjög vont
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