
Fasistar hafa endanlega misst vitiš

"Argentina's feminists are now dance-screaming to try and stop Javier Milei, Donald Trump, and Elon Musk"

Fasistar eru illskiljanlegir.

Alvöru?  Feik?  Nenni ekki aš tékka.

Milljaršamęringur śtskżrir afstöšu sķna

"They’ve uncovered a new way to destroy companies: 30 tech founders were secretly debanked. No warning. No explanation. No appeals. Pure, silent government power.

Our national security is hanging by a thread: • 90% of US military drones are Chinese-made. • FAA regulations wiped out American manufacturers. Each drone has the potential to be a weapon—or a spy platform."

Jį.  Hvernig stóš į žvķ aš hann hętti ekki aš styšja demókratana fyrr skil ég ekki.  Kannski voru žeir bara aš gefa ķ skyn aš röšin vęri aš koma aš honum?


Gagnslausar tölur žannig, žvķ viš vitum alveg hverjir eru aš sigra žetta įn žeirra

" The Economist noted that according to US officials, Kiev’s total casualty figure currently stands at more than 308,000 soldiers. According to the outlet’s analysis of other sources, the figure could be closer to half a million troops, of which “at least” 60,000-100,000 are believed to have been killed."

Leftistar eru samir viš sig

"“Last night and this morning, several of President Trump’s Cabinet nominees and Administration appointees were targeted in violent, unAmerican threats to their lives and those who live with them. These attacks ranged from bomb threats to ‘swatting.’ In response, law enforcement and other authorities acted quickly to ensure the safety of those who were targeted. President and the entire Transition team are grateful for their swift action,” Trump spox Karoline Leavitt said on Wednesday morning."

Žeir taka sér bara pįsu frį barnanķšinu til žess aš senda śt moršhótanir.

Ritskošaša samskiptafyrirbęriš BluesSky lofar aš ritskoša meira

"Bloomberg reports that in the wake of the European Union’s accusation that Bluesky has failed to comply with its digital regulations, the rapidly growing social media platform has announced its commitment to rectify the situation.

Breitbart News previously reported that the influx of leftists fleeing X have brought with them a tendency to complain, demand others are censored, and even posting child pornography, leaving the fledgling company to be flooded with flagged posts."

Ritskošun gerir tjįningu erfiša, og skošanaskifti torveld, vegna žess aš flest fólk er mjög vitlaust.  Žaš skilur jafnvel ekki bókstakflegar meiningar, hvaš žį ķróniu.

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1 Smįmynd: Loncexter

Jesś talaši ķ dęmisögum til aš komast hjį ritskošun. Hann er gott fordęmi, og hefur alla tķš veriš. Kannski er žaš įstęšan fyrir žvķ aš Žorgeršur Katrķn, og Kata Jak żttu N.T frį skólabörnum vorum ?

Loncexter, 30.11.2024 kl. 16:58

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