3.12.2024 | 19:27
Snjókomu spáð í Helvíti
"Fyrsta niðurstaða fundarins er að við stefnum að fækkun ráðuneyta, ég tel það fagnaðarefni."
Það frýs í Helvíti áður en þetta fæst í gegn, en höldum í vonina.
Þetta virðist við fyrstu sýn afar ósamstæður hópur. Sjáum hvað setur.
"As reported by the Post, the Stoli Group USA filed for Chapter 11 in US Bankruptcy Court in Dallas last week after a malicious cyber-attack forced the company to operate its global business manually while the systems are rebuilt, chief executive Chris Caldwell said in a statement."
Feh. Ég drekk bara romm, viský & tekíla.
Það þarf meira en haglabyssu til að skjóta þetta niður
"hundreds of car sized drones, have been flying over new jersey every night for two weeks straight and im only just now hearing about it? the drones at lakenheath and langley were also described as car sized. absolutely wild."
Ég á 30-06... það gæti gengið. Kannski. Vantar þetta.
9.3 mm. Villisvínabyssa. Mun líklega splundra svona risa-dróna.
Kanada tekur ekki lengur við förufólki
"... with an economic stagnant country, unpopular and trailing the opposition in the polls, abandoned by allies and under siege in his own party, Trudeau has decided to have his administration attempt a U-turn of sorts when it comes to immigration.
Abandoning its stance as one of the worlds most welcoming countries to refugees and immigrants, Canada is launching a global online ad campaign cautioning asylum-seekers that making a claim is hard."
Óvinsælt er óvinsælt.
"A one-meter-long asteroid is expected to enter Earths atmosphere over Yakutia, Russia, on Tuesday around 7:00 p.m. Moscow time, according to scientists. The atmospheric entry is anticipated to produce a bright flash in the sky that will be visible up to 700km away."
Sennilega lentur núna.
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