Blaðamenn Vísis borða kjöt sem kemur ekki af dýrum




Í Bretlandi er mönnum stungið í steininn fyrir að segja satt

"Prosecutors said Heggie’s comments were “particularly inflammatory” in the context of the riots and he is still being remanded in custody as he awaits sentencing later this month.

This is what he said: The court heard that, in videos referring to Muslims, Heggie made comments including "young white girls are being raped by these grooming gangs"."

Yfirvöld í Btretlandi eru í smá hættu.

Breski herinn ræður ekki við neitt

"“In a war of scale – not a limited intervention, but one similar to Ukraine — our army, for example, on the current casualty rates would be expended — as part of a broader multinational coalition — in six months to a year,” Carns said.

He based this calculation on questionable Ukrainian claims that Russia was taking 1,500 casualties every day, which Moscow has described as closer to Kiev’s actual losses.

Publicly available information has put the size of the British Army at 109,245 people as of October 1, which includes 25,814 volunteer reservists."

Þeir eiga vart í sitt eigið fólk, þó það sé óvopnað.  Þeir myndu ekki endast viku á móti rússum.


Þeir hafa innan við 110.000 manns.  Það skiftist í fligher, landher og sjóher.  Inni í þessu er allt flutnings og stuðningsliðið.  Bardagaliðið er kannski 10-15%, eða 10-15.000.

Á hverjum degi býst gaurinn við að missa 5-10% af bardagaliðinu, og allt að 1% af öllu hinu.  Það gengur upp yfir eina helgi, svo þurfa þeir að hætta þessu eða múslimarnir leggja þá undir sig.

Biden-stjórnin skilur eftir sig sviðna jörð

"Efron spoke to a Project Veritas investigative journalist about his role in doling out over $100 billion in grants to nonprofits under Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, which he dubs “Biden’s climate law.” The EPA’s website describes these grants as part of their mission to advance “environmental and climate justice.”

Efron even admits that the EPA is scrambling to push money out the door for projects originally designed for a Kamala Harris presidency."

Síðustu förv-ð að stela öllum peningunum áður en það verður skrúfað fyrir það.

Þetta hljómar eins og eitthvað úr Simpson's þætti

"A pair of European satellites rocketed into orbit Thursday on the first mission to create artificial solar eclipses through fancy formation flying in space.

Each fake eclipse should last six hours once operations begin next year. That’s considerably longer than the few minutes of totality offered by a natural eclipse here on Earth, allowing for prolonged study of the sun’s corona, or outer atmosphere."


Satrbucks með útsýni yfir N-Kóreu

"A 40-seater Starbucks cafe opened last week at South Korea's Aegibong Peace Ecopark in Gimpo city, which is along the divide between the two Koreas and just a river apart from the North.

The cafe's location allows visitors to have an unfettered view of a small village in North Korea's Gaepung county just 1.4km away, so near that the number of buildings in the village can be counted."



"There's been a lot of talk, especially of late, that Y.M.C.A. is somehow a gay anthem. As I've said numerous times in the past, that is a false assumption based on the fact that my writing partner was gay, and some (not all) of Village People were gay, and that the first Village People album was totally about gay life.

This assumption is also based on the fact that the YMCA was apparently being used as some sort of gay hangout and since one of the writers was gay and some of the Village People are gay, the song must be a message to gay people. To that I say once again, get your minds out of the gutter. It is not ..."


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