9.12.2024 | 16:57
Baráttan við hið illa
Glóbalistar berjast gegn lýðræðinu
"In Germany the establishment is attempting to ban the increasingly successful AfD Party on the grounds that they represent a "return to fascism". Over 100 legislators backed the resolution, though it is unclear if a vote will be taken.
All other political parties in Germany are variations of the progressive spectrum. Leftists say that if the AfD gains any significant governmental power they will refuse to work with them, preferring to leave the German government in a state of limbo rather than accept the will of the voters.
In France, the increasing success of Marine Le Pen and her National Rally Party has been met with extreme derision by the progressive elites. The establishment under Emmanuel Macron engaged in political chicanery after the National Rally won the first round of the French elections. The centrists established a coalition with the radical leftists as a way to prevent the right wing from taking power. The move was technically legal, but considered by many to be an immoral effort to deny conservative French voters a voice."
Allir að rifja upp gamla Nazista takta. Fólk þarf að passa sig á þessu liði, en ekki virðast allir átta sig á hættunni.
Þriðjungur ameríkana með hjartabilun núna
"In 2022, the FAA quietly altered its electrocardiogram (ECG) parameters for pilots to accommodate those who suffered cardiac injury. The suggestion with this quiet change is that the shots are responsible for the high number of fully jabbed pilots whose hearts are now destroyed.
The cardiac harm of course is not limited to pilots, Kirsch says about the FAAs widening of the ECG parameters beyond the normal range. My best guess right now is that over 50 million Americans sustained some amount of heart damage from the shot."
Lofar góðu.
"A San Francisco resident and vocal "defund the police" advocate, Darcie Bell, went viral after publicly complaining about police inaction following the theft of her rented U-Haul truck, which contained all her belongings.
Bell, who goes by the name Jerque Cousteau on X, initially posted a plea for help after the theft, writing, If you see a 26 foot Uhaul truck with the Arizona plate AL50003- would you let me know because it had like everything I own on it. The post garnered attention, with many mocking her due to her past of anti-police posts."
Hún bað um þetta, svo hvað er hún að nöldra?
Ævintýri ríka og fræga fólksins
"Rap star Jay-Z has been accused of raping a 13-year-old girl with fellow music mogul Sean Diddy Combs at a party in 2000, NBC News reported on Sunday, citing a lawsuit.
The lawsuit reportedly specified that the girl did not have a ticket, and was trying to gain access to the show at the Radio City Music Hall or an after-party by asking various limousine drivers to help. One of them allegedly told her that he was working for Combs and that she fit what Diddy was looking for. The driver reportedly invited her to a party after the show and told her to return to his car later in the evening after he transported Carter and Combs.
The suit claims that the driver later picked her up and drove to a white house with a U-shaped driveway. The accuser was forced to sign a document she believed was a nondisclosure agreement on arrival to enter the party, where she was offered a drink that made her feel woozy, lightheaded and felt [like] she needed to lie down.
According to the document, shortly after she went into a room to rest, Combs and Carter entered with Diddy saying: You are ready to party! Carter then allegedly removed her clothes, held her down and raped her while Combs and an unnamed female celebrity looked on. Combs also raped the girl, the suit alleged, as Carter and the woman watched."
Bara það sem þó má fréttast. Ef einhver man eftir Epstein.
Einu setti af skúrkum skipt út fyrir annað.
Í skólanum, í skólanum er skemmtilegt að vera...
"A Florida teacher is facing shocking accusations after police discovered him naked and surrounded by disturbing items in an elementary school classroom over Thanksgiving break"
Í Flórída.
Á meðan fagnar Biden einhverjum Sigurgeirum sem hafa pönnu-hneigð:
"President Joe Bidens Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) celebrated yet another LGBTQ+ holiday on Sunday, paying homage to Pansexual and Panromantic Pride Day in a post to X."
Sigurgeir er hrifinn af ílátum, segir hann.
Slappið af og horfið á þennan undarlega tölvuleik:
Flokkur: Vísindi og fræði | Facebook
Þessi mynd af konu og "konu" er alveg einstök. Mynd segir svo sannarlega meira en þúsund orð.
Rúnar Már Bragason, 9.12.2024 kl. 22:41
Maður getur alltaf reitt sig á 4Chan.
Ásgrímur Hartmannsson, 10.12.2024 kl. 18:02
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.