11.12.2024 | 19:23
Margt gerist ķ heiminum
Fréttastofa Reuters er full af trśšum
"Reuters is at it again with their team of fact checkers. Theyre targeting The Babylon Bee, a satirical website, over an article that states the most favoured farewell in the UK, cheerio mate has been replaced with Allahu Akbar."
Sumir eru ekki meš öllum mjalla.
Dęmdur pedó reynir aš komast innķ borgarstjórn NY
"The former Congressman, who was forced to resign his seat over sexting scandals and was later convicted of sexting a minor, has filed to run for a seat on the New York City Council."
Aušvitaš er hann demókrati.
"Leftisti" er farinn aš verša samnefnari fyrir "pedófķll."
Fleiri horfa į matarrįsina en į CNN
"Despite the busy news cycle, CNN's bleak audience was smaller than TNT, Food Network, Freeform, Discovery, INSP, Hallmark Mystery, TLC, TBS, History, HGTV, USA, MSNBC, Paramount, Hallmark Channel, ESPN and Fox News."
Žeir hefšu įtt aš halda sig viš sannleikann. Alex Jones hefur engan einkarétt į honum.
"As the changes come, only those nations can be winners that can bring the most out of themselves, Orban told a gathering of university students, as quoted by his office.
Those who assimilate, fall into line, are unable to show their own values or discover the strength inherent in their national character will soon become irrelevant, he added."
Hann skilur hvaš mįlin snśast öll um.
Ég hélt aš svona lagaš geršist bara ķ teiknimyndum
"Police have confirmed that a body recovered from the Solway Firth has been formally identified as 74-year-old Shona Campbell, who became trapped in quicksand whilst walking her dog."
"On Tuesday, South Carolina Republican Congresswoman Nancy Mace was accosted on the grounds of the US Capitol. The suspect was taken into custody. Mace said the person was a male trans activist."
Hér į landi hafa trannar lįtiš nęgja aš kęra menn fyrir barnanaušgarafóbķsk ummęli.
Į mešan, ķ Bretlandi:
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