13.12.2024 | 20:35
Leftistinn þekkist á pedófílíunni og andúð hans á skotvopnum.
Þýzka ríkið tekur Islam mjög alvarlega
"Successful YouTuber Aron Pielka (28), who goes by the Jewish name Shlomo Finkelstein to troll Nazis, was arrested in August and is currently spending a 12-month prison term for violating his parole, as The Gateway Pundit reported.
He was given a 3-year suspended sentence in the Summer of 2020 for 10 counts of Hate Speech and Blasphemy by Cologne district court. When the court tried to send him a 600 fine at his registered address in 2024, it found he had moved for security reasons, which it termed a violation of parole and ordered his imprisonment."
Nazisminn rís aftur í upprunalandinu.
Kommúnismi þrífst ekki án ritskoðunar.
Glæpon viðurkennir að hafa lagt líf fjölda fólks í rúst með lygum
"On Thursday, Crystal Mangum, the former stripper and current convicted murderer, confessed to lying about being raped in 2006 by Duke lacrosse players. In a new interview, Magnum admitted that she lied and said she "made up a story that wasn't true because I wanted validation from people and not from God.""
Lexían sem hefur verið barin í okkur undanfarna áratugi er: ekki trúa konum.
Niger sér hlutina eins og þeir eru
"Niger has suspended BBC programming, accusing the British state broadcaster of spreading false information that could destabilize the West African country, which has struggled to combat a decade-long lethal jihadist insurgency."
Þetta er alveg rétt, það hefur verið lítið að marka BBC undanfarið.
Þetta gleymist aldrei.
Biden stjórnin reynir að selja landamæravegginn
"Weeks before Trump takes office, Biden is racing to auction off unused border wall materials. Video shows trucks hauling wall materials off the border to a government auction site, where a massive amount of wall is waiting to be sold."
Biden stjórnin hatar bandaríkjamenn.
Fáviti kærir fyrirtæki vegna vöru sem þeir framleiða ekki
"Attorney General Matt Platkin
stundum heldur maður að einungis Íslenska ríkð sé að keppa við demókrata í USA á jafnrréttisgrundvelli, en:
Þessi skorar hátt á úrkynjunarskalanum
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