Argentķna stendur öšrum löndum framar nśna

Kolefnisskattar og sykurskattur segir til sķn

"„Annars vegar eru bošašar mjög miklar hękkanir į raforku til išnašarframleišslu um įramótin og žęr tölur hafa veriš skuggalegar. Žaš mun leiša śt ķ verš į išnašarvöru. Svo įkvaš Alžingi fyrir kosningar aš hękka kolefnisgjald um 55 prósent. Žaš jafngildir žremur til fimm krónum į hvern eldsneytislķtra og žaš keyrir upp flutningskostnaš,“ segir Benedikt."

Tilgangurinn meš kolefnissköttunum er aš koma fram, og verša ansi augljós.

Žeir sem vita hver tók viš aš Epstein vita ķ hvaš žessir peningar svo fara.

Žaš eru litlar lķkur į aš ķslenska rķkiš lęri af reynzlu Noršmanna

"Lawmaker Ingvild Kjerkol commented: “In spite of full water reservoirs, power prices are sky high. It’s very hard to explain to people in Norway why a country with a large power surplus should have high electricity prices.”

Volue analyst Bjorn Inge Vik commented: “It’s been cold and with very little wind, so those are the fundamentals that have eaten into gas storage in Europe and underpin electricity prices as well.”

Norwegians have traditionally enjoyed low power prices thanks to over 1,000 hydroelectric plants, but growing market integration has brought continental price volatility to the Nordic region.

Norway’s grid connects to Sweden and several countries via subsea cables, including Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, and the UK. Last year, Norway rejected a proposal for a second UK electricity cable to retain more power for its own growing electrification needs."

Ķslenska rķkiš mun vaša beint ķ žessa vitleysu, og skilja svo ekki neitt ķ neinu žegar orkuveršiš įttfaldast.

Kaninn į viš sama vanda aš strķša og viš

"US wholesale inflation shot higher last month, an unwelcome sign that some prices could be heating up before they come down the pike to consumers.

The Producer Price Index, a measurement of average price changes seen by producers and manufacturers, rose 0.4% on a monthly basis and 3% for the 12 months ended in November, marking an acceleration from October, when prices increased 0.3% and 2.6%, respectively, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data released Thursday."

Okkar rįšamenn hafa ekki Alzheimer.

Kanadķska rķkiš hefur myrt meira en 15.000 manns į žessu įri

"The country’s fifth annual report since euthanasia was legalized in 2016 showed around 15,300 people underwent assisted dying last year after being successful in their applications."

Aktion T4.


Argentķna sżnir gott fordęmi

"President of Argentina Javier Milei announced Wednesday that his administration is preparing a structural tax reform that will eliminate 90 percent of existing taxes in 2025."

Į mešan allir ašrir eru vķti til žess aš varast.

Allt svipaš.

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