16.12.2024 | 20:58
Hryðjuverkamenn vs skilti
Hryðjuverkamaður óttast skilti
"The landlord of a British pub which has become the subject of a lawsuit by a convicted terrorist has vowed to fight back against the claim that his establishment is "racist"."
Kominn tími á nýjar krossferðir, sýnist mér. Langt síðan sú seinast var farin.
Biden vill að spáð verði í veðrið með indíána-göldrum
"NOAA is excited to team up with the American Indian Higher Education Consortium to accelerate information-sharing aimed at building climate resilience, adaptation and co-production of knowledge in communities across the United States and tribal nations, said NOAA Administrator Rick Spinrad in a media release.
Indigenous Knowledge has made it possible for Indigenous Nations to persist and thrive for millennia. These knowledge systems are needed more than ever to inform NOAA and our nations approach to environmental stewardship."
Loftslagsvísindin hafa komið til upprunans, loksins.
Einhver hefur stolið fullt af geislavirku drasli
"What may seem like a mere coincidence is worth noting: reports of drone sightings began in mid-November, and on December 2, the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission disclosed that a medical device containing radioactive material was "lost in transit" in New Jersey.
Nazha Cancer Center reported to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) on December 3 that an "Eckert & Ziegler model HEGL-0132, with the current approximate activity of 0.267 mCi sent for disposal has been lost in transit on December 2."
"The shipping container arrived at its destination damaged and empty."
"During a segment that aired on Wednesday, Ward and her team reported from a secret Syrian prison, and said they were looking for American journalist Austin Tice, who in 2012 disappeared in the country. They found a locked cell and asked a guard to open it and, when they entered, found a man inside under a blanket. He asked for water and said his name was Adel Gharbal from Homs and claimed to be unaware of the fall of Basha al-Assad.
Verify-Sy, a Syrian fact checking group, now says that this man is Air Force Intelligence First Lieutenant Salama Mohammad Salama, notorious for extortion and theft in Homs, who had been arrested due to disputes with his colleagues about profit sharing."
Má reyna.
Efnahagur Þýzkalands er ekkert spes
"The global economic slowdown, along with years of poor decisions has hit Germany hard, the article stated. Its export-driven industry, accounting for about 30% of its GDP, faces structural challenges, such as the loss of cheap Russian energy and the struggles of automotive giants Volkswagen and Mercedes-Benz, hit by soaring energy costs and increased competition from China.
The decline in national competitiveness translates to a loss of around 2,500 ($2,600) per household annually, according to Bloomberg calculations. The unraveling of the German economy would send ripples across the rest of the EU, experts warn."
Áratuga óstjórn gerir sinn skaða.
Þegar elítan hatar þig.
Elítan er ekkert hrifin af samkeppni.
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