
Greiningadeild Ríkislögreglustjóra hyggur á stórfellt mannréttindabrot í samstarfi við Europol

"Greiningardeild Ríkislögreglustjóra sendi ábendingu til Europol í tengslum við átak gegn hatursorðræðu."

Europol er á einhverju nazista trippi, og Íslenska Ríkið tekur þátt í þvi.

"Þar á meðal er efni sem var framleitt eða dreift af samtökum, einstaklingum eða hópum sem innihélt ólöglega hatursorðræðu, til að mynda gegn gyðingun" (sic)

Mér er sama hvaða orðræðu Ísland-Palestína samtökin viðhafa í garð gyðinga. Það er alger óþarfi að stunda einhverja ritskoðun þess vegna.

Þetta er ein leið til þess að slasa sig

"A Virginia hunter is dead after a bear shot by one of his fellow hunters fell out of a tree and landed on him.

The Post pointed that a bear hunter in North Carolina was injured in 2019 when a bear that had been shot “fell out of the tree and began biting the hunter.” Consequently, the bear and the hunter “tumbled off a cliff,” leaving the hunter hospitalized and the bear dead."

Birnir.  Hættulegir.

Enginn tekur mark á Joe Biden

"You can despise the man and his beliefs, but you have to give him credit for his sheer gumption.

"Let's make it so people can't have more than 10 bullets and are limited to 100-year-old technology so government criminals and petty criminals can outshoot them in a gunfight!"

The cherry on top is the fact that Biden literally pardoned his son for a gun crime earlier this month."


Fitu-aktivisti kennir fólki að vera feitt og óheilbrigt

"An overweight "fat activist" disclosed that she has been hired by the City of San Francisco to provide guidance on the prevention of "weight stigma." On Monday, Virgie Tovar reported the news to her more than 82,000 followers on Instagram. This comes after California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced the state's own version of DOGE, President-elect Donald Trump's Department of Government Efficiency, which is meant to eliminate wasteful government spending."

Allt er öfugsnúið í Kaliforníu.


"squirrels in California have been observed hunting and eating voles for the first time, leading scientists to believe that they have a wider diet than once thought. This seemingly species-defying behavior was described in a study published in the Journal Of Ethology.

This didn’t seem to be an outlier either. Videos and photos showed ground squirrels of all ages and genders hunting, eating and competing over voles during the period."

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