26.12.2024 | 19:15
2024 kemur aldrei aftur.
2024 í hnotskurn.
"As Breitbart reports, President Trumps annual Christmas message on his website Truth Social wished a Merry Christmas to all, including to the wonderful soldiers of China, who are lovingly, but illegally, operating the Panama Canal (where we lost 38,000 people in its building 110 years ago), always making certain that the United States puts in Billions of Dollars in repair money, but will have absolutely nothing to say about anything.
Also, to Governor Justin Trudeau of Canada, whose Citizens Taxes are far too high, but if Canada was to become our 51st State, their Taxes would be cut by more than 60%, their businesses would immediately double in size, and they would be militarily protected like no other Country anywhere in the World, President Trump continued.
Likewise, to the people of Greenland, which is needed by the United States for National Security purposes and, who want the U.S. to be there, and we will."
Maðurinn kann þetta.
"President-elect Donald Trump is poised to withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO) immediately upon taking office, according to reports from his transition team.
This decision aligns with his longstanding criticism of the organization, which he has previously labeled as overly influenced by globalist agendas and insufficiently accountable."
Hann sýnir gott fordæmi.
Það er ekki fólkið, það er klíkan.
"Repairs to the historic wharf in Santa Cruz, which collapsed in heavy swell on Monday, were reportedly delayed after an environmental and preservationist groups lawsuit delayed changes to the 110-year-old structure by several years."
Kolefnistrúarmenn leggja allt í eyði.
Pedóar settir í dejilið í 100 ár, og það er leyndó
"A Georgia couple was sentenced to 100 years in prison without parole after adopting two boys and sexually abusing them.
William and Zachary Zulock will each spend the rest of their lives behind bars, after pleading guilty to aggravated sodomy, aggravated child molestation, incest, and sexual exploitation of children. Each were sentenced on Dec. 19.
The story that these prominent gay activists ran an indescribable child sex network using their own adopted children, who they also regularly raped, and built a custom house where they could film that rape and send it for other people to watch is apparently not worth coverage from virtually any major news network besides Fox, People, and the Independent:"
CNN segir okkur ekkert.
Þeir mættu gera svona yfirferð á Íslandi
"Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has unveiled his annual "Festivus" list of wasteful government spending. The list tallied over $1 trillion in wasteful spending from the federal government, including funds for ice-skating drag queens, securing Paraguay's border, and testing cocaine for mood disordered rats, and more, per the report."
Okkar liði er nefnilega ekkert frekar treystandi, kannski síður.
"Just scraping into the list, with searches increasing by 26 per cent, vore is described in a case report in the National Library of Medicine as 'an infrequently presenting paraphilia, characterised by the erotic desire to consume or be consumed by another person or creature,' this is generally by being swallowed whole.
'Due to its unconventional nature, vore is most definitely considered controversial, as lets be honest eating another human or being eaten by someone is definitely considered taboo and not your usual everyday activity,' she explained."
Flokkur: Vísindi og fræði | Breytt s.d. kl. 19:41 | Facebook
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