27.12.2024 | 18:03
Vofa kommúnisma herjar á heimsbyggðina
Áframhaldandi ævintýr kommúnista
"For the better part of a century, Cuba has been under the control of communists and their ideologies, and the previously inconceivable has finally happened - theyve run out of sugar.
The Cuban government acknowledged that it is shameful for the island, traditionally one of the leading sugar producers in Latin America, to be forced to import this product.
Despite efforts to revive the sugar industry, the sector continues to face serious challenges, including failures in the last harvest."
Ekki hlæja of mikið, kommúnistar stjórna Íslandi líka.
Kolefnistrúðarnir hafa alltaf rang fyrir sér
"This year's minimum Arctic sea ice extent was 26% larger than 2012. @BBCNews said the Arctic would be ice-free by 2013."
Ekki hlæja of mikið, kolefnistrúðarnir eru við völd á Íslandi.
"The Biden-led Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved a Florida project to use radioactive waste in road construction.
The EPA approved a project by Mosaic Fertilizer to construct a road using different mixtures of phosphogypsum, a radioactive waste.
Phosphogypsum is a radioactive byproduct of phosphate fertilizer production, and because of its radioactivity, it is usually stored in protective stacks."
"These networks told their faithful viewers that there was no way Trump could win, right up until they were forced to admit on election night that Trump had not only won, but that he had won big.
Their viewers felt betrayed, and a massive number of them simply walked away and have not returned.
MSNBC is down more than 50 percent. CNN is down 45 percent. FOX News is the only cable news network that has gained viewers in the same period."
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