Eld-menn brenna fólk nešanjaršar

Eld-menn herja į New York

"A man was found with burns on his body at Penn Station in New York on Friday evening and was transported to a hospital, where he was in stable condition, fire and police officials said.

This is the second time this week a person was found on fire in the New York City transit system. Sunday morning, a woman was set on fire and killed on a subway train by an alleged illegal alien from Guatemala."

Įstęša žess aš žaš eru engin slökkvitęki žarna

"A video of an irate individual wielding a fire extinguisher on a subway car made the rounds on social media this week, screaming and cursing at fellow passengers while brandishing the device."

Hmm... Sósķalista-paradķs, augljóslega.

Į mešan, ķ Flórķda

"Breitbart News reported that a homeowner in Bradenton, Florida, shot an alleged intruder around 9:00 p.m. Thursday night. The intruder died Friday morning.

Manatee County Sheriff Wells addressed the incident and was quoted by Fox News as saying, “[The homeowner] knew something bad was about to happen and he didn’t stall. He grabbed his firearm [and] told his wife to get into a safe spot.”

Wells added, “This is the state of Florida. If you want to break into someone’s home, you should expect to be shot.”"

Śrkynjun er śthżst ķ Flórķda.

Hreinlęti er mikiš atriši viš eldun hundamats

"A dog meat restaurant owner from Ba Ria-Vung Tau Province, Vietnam, died last week after a days-long struggle with rabies. The man had handled and butchered cats and dogs on the regular at his restaurant, which is thought to be how he caught the disease."


8 įra vęndiskonur eru ekki ókeypis.

Žjóšverjar kenna okkur hvernig į aš leggja hagkerfi ķ rśst

"Europe’s economic implosion is self-induced. Its ruling elites over-tax and over-regulate the private sector and obsess with promoting unreliable renewable energy to replace fossil and nuclear fuels in its crusade to ‘save the planet’ from an alleged impending climate apocalypse. Its attempt to blame Russia’s President Putin for high energy prices is hollow and self-serving."

Kommśnistar vilja meina aš matur sé ónaušsynlegt prjįl...

Į mešan, ķ Kķna.

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