Mśsliminn byrjar įriš į sinn hįtt


Fyrsta frétt įrsins: "NOLA reports the suspected terrorist is 42-year-old Shamsud Din Jabbar. 

The source said Jabbar was carrying an ISIS flag in the truck, and authorities have said he was dressed in military gear. -NOA "

Alltaf skulu žaš vera mśslimar.

Strķš į lišnu įri.

Elon Musk hyggur į heimsyfirrįš... eša eitthvaš

"Musk tore into President Steinmeier (a largely ceremonial function more akin to the Vice President in the US), calling him an “anti-democratic tyrant! Shame on him!” Dec. 31. Musk also changed his username to “Kekius Maximus” and changed his icon to Pepe the Frog.

Now, the spokesman for AfD chair Alice Weidel has confirmed Weidel will join a spaces conversation with Musk Jan. 10 in New York City, effectively guaranteeing millions of listeners and breaking down the “Cordon Santiaire” legacy media have maintained around “platforming” AfD politicans.

Why are rapists given suspended sentences in the UK, but this guy gets 18 months in solitary confinement, despite doing nothing violent?

Tommy Robinson was the first to expose mass Muslim rape gangs in the UK years before mainstream media were forced to acknowledge it."

Jį... Eigum viš aš ręša žaš eitthvaš?

"The short version: Thousands of British girls have been raped by gangs of foreign Muslims who threaten to kill them unless they comply, and British police have gone so far to cover it up that they've actually arrested fathers who were in the process of trying to rescue their daughters.

This week, the court transcript of a 2013 case involving Pakistani child rapes between 2002 and 2005 was either made public or recirculated, and it is spreading like fire across social media."

Žaš sem rķkiš vill ykkur.

Meira af įrinu sem leiš, og kemur vonandi aldrei aftur.

Spaugari ķ góšum gķr

"“The 2024 election fried our brains. The Democrats couldn’t hold a primary because they were too busy holding a body upright,” Cummings quipped, alluding to concerns about President Joe Biden’s age and health.

“Kamala was forced on us so hard, you’d think she was patented by Pfizer or Moderna—whichever one’s… Oh, God. Andy just gave me a very scary look.” Cummings said.

“I thought being a mom would mean that fewer people would want to come see me. I’m now playing 3,000-seat theaters, which is about the viewership of CNN these days. Not this show, though,” she said."


Danski herinn er meš žetta.

Bill Gates reynir aš myrša alla meš moskķtóflugum

"The Blaze reports that in a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, scientists have demonstrated the effectiveness of using mosquitoes as “flying syringes” to vaccinate humans against malaria. The research, conducted at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) in the Netherlands with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, represents a new and potentially worrying advancement in vaccine technology."

Žetta viršist į yfirboršinu vera afar slęm hugmynd, en versnar bara eftir žvķ sem mašur hugsar dżpra.


Į mešan hafa mexķkanar žaš bara fķnt

"Mexico is grappling with an overproduction of tequila, with more than 500 million liters in inventory, the Financial Times reported on Tuesday, citing the Tequila Regulatory Council.

The surplus has been attributed to a slowdown in demand in the neighboring US, Mexico’s biggest trading partner and tequila consumer, and the possibility of tariffs on exports under President-elect Donald Trump’s incoming administration. 

Around two-thirds of all tequila produced in Mexico was exported in 2023, with 80% shipped to the US, while other two largest export markets, Spain and Germany, each made up just 2%. However, in the first seven months of 2024, tequila consumption in the US declined by 1.1%, a stark contrast to the 17% increase observed in 2021 during the peak of the tequila surge. Industry analysts point to a combination of factors leading to this situation, including a post-pandemic restructuring and a rise in prices that have prompted consumers to cut back on consumption."

Argentķnumenn eiga nóg af pening nśna.  ... en minni įstęšu til žess aš drekka.

Sama, sama.

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