"According to the BBC, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer may end his countrys security partnership with the United States if Donald Trump does not distance himself from Elon Musks recent comments on grooming gangs.
Nick Watt, a reporter for the nightly current affairs show BBC Newsnight, claims that Downing Street are going to give a hard-headed assessment of whether these views are held solely by Musk or by the administration as a whole."
Bretlandi er stjórnað af viðbjóðslegu fólki.
"So far, five AfD members have received a notice that their gun license would be revoked, while another member voluntarily returned his license after a revocation procedure was initiated. Another 51 cases are currently being examined by authorities, according to data released by the Saxony-Anhalt Interior Ministry in response to a request for information from the Left Party.
Hunters and sport shooters will also have their gun licenses canceled by authorities. In total, there are 74 members of the AfD in Saxony-Anhalt that hold a firearms license, with 49 registered as sport shooters and 25 as hunters."
Þýzkarinn er sko militantly pro-pedó.
Barnageldarar vopnast af ótta við að ríkið banni þeim að skera kynfærin af börnum
"For decades, the left has sought to erode Americans Second Amendment rights, pushing for stricter gun control laws under the guise of public safety. Yet, when faced with imagined threats, they conveniently abandon their principles.
Matthew Thompson, a gay man from New Jersey, justified his purchase of a gun by citing fears of being put in concentration camps.
A., who The Inquirer is identifying by the first letter of her [sic] first name because of safety concerns, is new to the world of shooting ranges and target practice. As a trans woman [AKA dude in a dress] who lives in Philadelphia, she [sic] began seriously considering armed self-defense this summer, as she [sic] saw Texas uphold a ban on gender-affirming care for minors [chemical and physical castration of children] and Florida prohibit nurse practitioners from prescribing hormones to transgender people."
Já. Ofsóknaróðir og veruleikafyrrtir geðsjæúklingar sem eru þekktir fyrir að beita ofbeldi af eingum ástæðum, algerlega út í bláinn, oft í skólum, eru að vopnast á fullu vegna þess að þeir meiga ekki limlesta börn.
Förumenn eru þrefalt líklegri til þess að vera kynferðisafbrotamenn en innfæddir
"Foreigners are more than three times as likely to be arrested for sex crimes in the UK as British citizens, according to a first-of-its-kind analysis by the Centre for Migration Control using data from the Home Office and the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
The report comes amid claims that the government has purposefully suppressed information on migrant crime stats, as well as a renewed uproar over institutional cover-ups in the grooming gangs scandal."
Það var tilgangurinn með því að hleypa förumönunum inn í landið.
Of lítið, of seint. Þeir eru búnir að fæla alla geðheilbrigða menn burt, og engir eru eftir nema kommúnistar, náriðlar og barnaníðingar. Mikil skörun í þeim hóp. Helmingurnn er svo AI.
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