8.1.2025 | 13:27
Grænlendingar hitta Trump jr.
Grænland verður sjálfstætt, svo fara þeir að vinna með kananum. Allt á uppleið þar. Ég spyr: hvers vegna var Daninn ekki búinn að koma einhverju á fót þarna?
Þýzka lögreglan þarf að kljást við fjölmenninguna
"According to statistics from the Civil Rights and Police publication, the 2024 fatalities may represent the highest annual total since German reunification in 1990. The previous record highs were 19 deaths in both 1995 and 1999.
Many of these incidents involved individuals in psychological distress, often armed with knives. For example, a 31-year-old woman was shot in a Munich supermarket; shed had prior encounters with law enforcement due to mental health and drug-related issues."
Við erum alltaf 5 árum á eftir.
"In a replay of Baltic Sea undersea infrastructure attacks by Chinese ships in October of 2023 and November 2024, a Chinese-associated ship has now destroyed a major undersea cable off Taiwan."
Eystrasaltið var bara æfing.
Þetta bendir til þess að salernin séu ekkert oft þrifin
"A mother who died in a disabled toilet of a Blackpool restaurant was found three days later, her daughter has revealed.
The body of Sabrina Marlynn Lyttle, 47, was discovered at the Gurkha Buffet Restaurant, Hotel and Bar on Saturday, November 30."
Einu sinni eða tvisvar í viku kannski.
Illmenni, tilbeðið af Íslenskum pólitíkusum.
Fjöldasamtök barnanauðgara taka Tommy Robinson mjög alvarlega
"The CEO of a professional body of therapists in the UK has been forced to issue a grovelling apology after it was discovered that he was following Tommy Robinson on X.
James Esses notes that the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists were informed back in August that its Chief Executive Steve Jamiesons personal X account was following Robinson, who the organisation describes as a farright activist.
The non-profit organisation conducted a five month investigation into the matter led by trustees and even appointed a barrister as an independent investigator.
A sub-committee was established with a barrister appointed to investigate, in order to reflect the gravity of the situation.
Even more ludicrous, the investigation found that on the balance of probabilities it was deemed that this was an accidental follow.
The outcome? The CEO has been forced to issue a personal apology for his actions. In this apology, he has apologised for the hurt, distress, fear and anger that this caused."
Barnanauðgarar hafa of mikil völd í UK. Það þarf að laga. Til þess má til dæmis nota greinakurlara.
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