Framtķšin er komin, og einhver vél er til sem slappar af fyrir žig


... jį.

Musk rannsakašur af leynižjónustunni fyrir andstöšu sķna viš barnanaušgara

"The UK government's counter-extremism unit is reportedly conducting an investigation into Elon Musk for his criticism of Britain's failure to investigate the nation's infamous "grooming gang" scandal. In recent weeks, the tech mogul has used his social media platform X to launch a series of attacks on the Labour government. Musk's criticism is in response to Jess Phillips, Labour's safeguarding minister, who rejected an inquiry into Muslim Pakistani "grooming gangs" on the grounds that it is not the responsibility of Parliament to investigate the matter, which includes years of alleged child sexual exploitation."

Vį... brezka rķkiš er allt samansafn af pedóum, er žaš ekki?

Hvaš ķ andskotanum er aš žessu liši?

Veršur žessi betri kóngur?

"In the last few months, a growing number of reports have been coming out of the United Kingdom that Royal heir to the throne Prince William has begun ‘flexing his royal muscles’.

The Prince of Wales has reportedly ramped-up preparations for his upcoming rule, and even now is said to be ‘seizing more power’ from his ailing father, King Charles."

Veit ekki.  Kannski vęri best aš kóngurinn tęki bara alla stjórn žarna, žingiš er ekkert aš virka.


EZ prey

Cherry 2000 nįlgast

"Melody’s “functionality” and “adaptability” is made possible by infusing the machine with a combination of open-source AI and advanced motor technology, Realbotix representatives claimed.

“By incorporating advanced motor technology, Melody enhances movement fluidity, modularity, and interaction, making her a versatile option for a variety of applications,” they said."

Vélmenni og gervigreind stela allri mannlegri hegšan af öllum.  Žaš sem kemur strax upp ķ hugann: 

"And when you come home late, the doll is waiting up for you
And when you fix a snack, the doll says it would like one too
The doll is in your house and in your room and in your bed
The doll is in your eyes and in your arms and in your head
And you are crazy"

Feh. Bķš eftir gena-editušu kattastelpunum.


Žorgeršur sparkar i augaš į Kristrśnu ef hśn nżtir sparnašar-rįš almennings

"Sķšan aš opnaš var fyr­ir um­sagn­ir ķ sam­rįšsgįtt um hvernig megi hagręša ķ rekstri rķk­is­ins žį hafa yfir 2.800 um­sagn­ir borist.

Kristrśn seg­ir aš starfs­menn ķ fjįr­mįlarįšuneyt­inu og for­sęt­is­rįšuneyt­inu muni vinna śr um­sögn­um al­menn­ings ķ sam­rįšsgįtt og aš gervi­greind verši nżtt til aš hjįlpa viš verk­efniš."

Ég hef meiri trś į Stórfęti en aš žetta verši nżtt į einhvern jįkvęšan hįtt.

Bigfoot eša Taylor Swift?  Erfitt aš segja.

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