Kalifornía er rekin eins og Reykjavík



"About 30 minutes south of Los Angeles, local media has reported that police are searching for criminals who stole three Humvees—one of which was armored—machine gun mounts, and a whole bunch of military-grade gear from the Army Reserve Center in Tustin.

"Multiple storage lockers were discovered with locks removed and missing gear. An attempt was made to cut a lock to uniform storage; however, it was unsuccessful," TPD wrote in a report, adding, "A fence was cut to gain access to a military vehicle parking lot where three Humvees were stolen. The suspects left the area at an unknown time.""

Þetta fer beint yfir landamærin, í hendurnar á einhverju gengi.


Ég hef efasemdir um geðheilsu sumra

"A transgender TikToker claims to have spent $17,000 to have six of his ribs removed and plans to have them made into a crown."

... já.


Kommúnismi og eldvarnir fara ekki saman

"Newsweek on Friday uncovered explosive evidence that just months before devastating wildfires, which have so far killed at least ten people and destroyed countless homes, Newsom approved at least $101 million worth of cuts from seven “wildfire and forest resilience” programs."

Kynskipti eru mikilvæg, eldvarnir ekki.


Bandaríkin eru að skemma fyrir sér með kolefnistrú

"Those pushing these beliefs also claim that it is the duty of more developed countries to transfer 100’s of billions, even trillions of dollars to developing countries so that they can continue developing using so-called green technology vs. dirty old legacy technology.

Here in the United States, climate-change driven polities and mandates are being rolled out on the premise/claim that that climate change is even now disproportionately affecting the poor and disadvantaged. They also claim that man-caused climate change is negatively impacting GDP."



Rúmenar vilja fá sitt lýðræði

"Georgescu, invariably described as a “far-right populist” by international media, shocked the Romanian political establishment by roaring into first place in pre-election polling. His success was all the more remarkable because his campaign spent very little money on advertising; in fact, he claimed he spent nothing at all."


Loka-brandarinn gerir þetta.

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1 Smámynd: Loncexter

Því miður er ,,viska" stjórnenda borgarinnar ekki upp á marga fiska, og annarleg erlend öfl kunna að spila með svona fólk og mun svo hlægja þau dátt þegar íslendingar fá ekki meiri lán til að borga fyrir endalaus klúður og fjármálasukk.

Ef Trump væri með námskeið um hvernig á ekki stjórna landi, tæki hann Ísland sem demó.

Loncexter, 12.1.2025 kl. 11:48

2 Smámynd: Ásgrímur Hartmannsson

Lánin verða greidd með eignaupptöku.

Ásgrímur Hartmannsson, 12.1.2025 kl. 17:52

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