Allir geta gert göng nema Íslenska Ríkið

Glóblistar viðurkenna afskipti af lýðræðinu

"Former French European Commissioner Thierry Breton has essentially openly confessed that the West stole the Romanian election and stands ready to do it again in Germany if deemed necessary.

"We did it in Romania, and we will do it in Germany if necessary," a translation from the French of Breton's recent appearance in European media said. Early last month a top Romanian court simply annulled the first round of the country's presidential election in order to create what amounted to a 'do over' election."

Frakkar þurfa alvarlega að ná í fallöxina úr geymzlu.  Ljóst að margir þurfa að fá að p´rofa hana.  Thierre fyrst.

PIA er með bestu auglýsinguna

"Pakistan International Airlines, which is Pakistan’s national carrier, put out an ad on the X platform in which they announced that flights between the capital of Islamabad and Paris would be resuming.

”Paris, we’re coming today,” the ad declares."



Sala á Jaguar dregst markvert saman

"Jaguar car sales have plummeted by more than a quarter in data released after the company launched its “woke” rebrand.

New industry registration figures released by its parent company, Jaguar Land Rover (JLR), indicated that the number of vehicles sold by the firm dropped dropped to 33,320 from 45,779 last year - a difference of 12,459."

Þeir hefðu átt að ráða Pakistana.

Alveg eins og Reykjavík.

Kommúnistar með uppsteit

"Roughly 12,000 far-left ‘Anti’-Fascists attacked the convention of the opposition AfD party in Riesa, East Germany, Saturday, erecting roadblocks, attacking vehicles, and demanding ID while police looked on.

The AfD is currently the second-most popular party in Germany, gaining another 2% in the two days since Elon Musk’s X Space with party chair Alice Weidel (pron.: “Vydel”) last Thursday, to 22%. Weidel’s armored Mercedes limousine was attacked by about 30 violent ‘Anti“-Fascists on her way to the convention in Riesa, Saxony."

AfD verður vinsælli með hverjum degi.  Enda hafa þeir göfuga stefnu.

Göng í Mexíkó

"A sophisticated smuggling tunnel believed to be used for human trafficking has been discovered at the El Paso border sector, connecting El Paso, Texas, to Ciudad Juárez, Mexico."

Mexíkönsk glæpagengi geta auðveldlega gert göng, Hamas getur auðveldlega gert göng - meira að segja fjármgnuð af íslenska Ríkinu, og Færeyjingar geta gert öll þau göng sem þá langar.

Þeir einu sem eru of miklir lúðar til þess að gera göng er Íslenska Ríkið.

Ef ráðamenn færu í færri barnanauðgunartúra í loftslagsráðstefnur þá hefðu þeir kannski manndóm í sér til þess að gera fleiri göng.  Til of mikils mælst eins og er. 

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