14.1.2025 | 15:33
.22 LR er banvænni en .44 Magnum
Þetta setur hlutina í samhengi...
"During her speech, she also stated that the AfD will close the borders completely and turn back every illegal and undocumented migrant. And a very clear message to the whole world: Germanys borders are closed, dear friends. They are secure."
Gott plan.
"Russian anti-aircraft defenses have repelled a large-scale Ukrainian attack on Bryansk Region, downing a dozen Western-supplied missiles and over 30 drones, the Defense Ministry in Moscow said on Tuesday.
The ministry reported the details of the overnight attack in its daily briefing, stating that Ukrainian forces used six US-made ATACMS ballistic missiles and six Franco-British Storm Shadow cruise missiles. Some 31 fixed-wing kamikaze drones were also used in the attack, it added."
Það hlýtur að draga eitthvað úr þessu bráðlega.
Demókrötum í Kalíforníu stendur meiri stuggur af Trump en eldsvoða
"California Democrats agreed to give Governor Gavin Newsom (D) $50 million to fight Trump as Los Angeles continues to burn.
California Democrats have reached a $50 million agreement to shore up state and local legal defenses against the incoming Trump administration just a week ahead of the president-elects inauguration. Half the money would go to fending off any mass deportation plan the new president might enact early in his administration."
... jæja.
Hvar er hausinn á þessum gaurum?
Þetta gæti haft allskonar afleiðingar
"A new report out from Bloomberg suggests that Chinese officials "are evaluating a potential option that involves Elon Musk acquiring the US operations of TikTok" in the event that the company is not permitted to continue operating in the United States. The Biden administration had banned the platform unless parent company ByteDance divested from the TikTok app and sold off US operations to an American company."
Heimurinn er áhugaverður, tímarnir áhugaverðir. Framtíðin áhugaverð.
Meiri vísindi úr sama geira: .22 LR er banvænni en .44 Magnum
.22 (short, long and long rifle)
# of people shot - 154
# of hits - 213
% of hits that were fatal - 34%
Average number of rounds until incapacitation - 1.38
% of people who were not incapacitated - 31%
One-shot-stop % - 31%
Accuracy (head and torso hits) - 76%
% actually incapacitated by one shot (torso or head hit) - 60%
.44 Magnum
# of people shot - 24
# of hits - 41
% of hits that were fatal - 26%
Average number of rounds until incapacitation - 1.71
% of people who were not incapacitated - 13%
One-shot-stop % - 59%
Accuracy (head and torso hits) - 88%
% actually incapacitated by one shot (torso or head hit) - 53%
Þessi gögn fengust með náinni greiningu á lögregluskýrzlum. Óvænt.
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Andspillingarráðherra segir af sér vegna spillingarmála
Guðmundur Ásgeirsson, 14.1.2025 kl. 18:39
Sumir myndusegja að þetta væri írónía... en nei. Þetta er einmitt nákvæmlega það sem ég, og held ég flestur hugsandi menn bjuggust alltaf við.
Ásgrímur Hartmannsson, 14.1.2025 kl. 19:45
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.