15.1.2025 | 18:41
Mašur rekinn fyrir aš kjafta frį öllu samsęrinu
"A top advisor to the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon has been fired after an undercover investigation caught him on camera admitting he's working with generals on a 'stop-Trump' effort.
Mannina further revealed that he was participating in a huge meeting with military leaders; in a very secure room called The Tank."
Žaš var og.
"Sullivan was clearly making a joke about the chaotic nature of his job and the fact that crazy, dangerous people don't stop engaging in terrorism and crime just because the White House is switching hands.
But since we've watched the Biden admin try to take Trump down through lawfare for more than a year ... and since Trump survived a literal bullet to the face ... everyone is a bit on edge."
Sjįum til.
Fyrst reyna leftistar aš kveikja ķ Hvķta hśsinu. Žaš veršur į föstudaginn, segja žeir.
"Customs officials at Domodedovo Airport in Moscow have confiscated 110lbs (about 50 kg) of human hair worth nearly $70,000 from the luggage of a foreign passenger arriving from Dubai."
Fręgir kallar gera fręgu kalla hluti
"Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling compared Sandman author Neil Gaiman to disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein after multiple women accused him of sexual assault."
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