Rapparinn Roseanne

Roseanne Barr er rappari núna.


Kínverjum fækkar

"The total population was 1.408 billion, which is 1.39 million smaller than China reported in 2023. India surpassed China as the world’s most populous nation in 2023."

Fólksfjöldapíramídinn er nánast öfugur þarna.


Íbúum Kaliforníu fækkar vegna skriffinsku

"Last week, comedian Adam Carolla went viral for a video where he talked about the California fires and how the state’s progressive bureaucracy would prevent many residents from rebuilding their homes.

Now a prominent California real estate agent named Josh Altman is confirming what Adam Carolla already knew.

Gavin Newsom and other leaders in California are vowing to cut red tape to allow people to rebuild quickly but many people don’t believe they’ll actually do it, and even if they did, the destruction is so vast that it is going to take years."

Þetta er deyjandi fylki.  Hver tilgangurinn er með því að drepa það svona veit ég ekki.  Kannski enginn, bara hrein heimska.

Ísraelar næla sér í vopn

"In the wake of Bashar al-Assad's overthrow, Israel is actually stealing or in its words "confiscating" former Syrian Army weaponry and heavy equipment, even tanks.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) acknowledged in a statement Wednesday that soldiers operating in Syria have taken more than 3,300 weapons and other gear belonging to the Syrian Army. An IDF statement on X featured video of transporting an abandoned tank from Syria."

Allt má í stríði.

Rússland er fullt af galdramönnum

"Russia is plagued by widespread occult practices, Fr. Andrey Tkachev, an archpriest of the Russian Orthodox Church, has warned...

The Russian newspaper MK claimed last month that spending on esoteric services, such as fortune-telling and spiritual healing, had reached 2.4 trillion rubles ($24 billion) annually. The outlet’s analysts said this was comparable to the country’s food expenditures. The demand for rituals such as “chakra cleansing” and “removing negativity” has reportedly surged, with individual sessions costing 15,000 to 25,000 rubles ($150-$250)."

Avrey Gonchar & leyndardómar NKVD.


Piss on

"A pissed-off New Yorker hates the TikTok famous vintage photo booth that’s been set up next door to her Lower East Side home so much that she’s throwing a literal piss and s–tstorm over it, a new lawsuit claims.

Since opening in December, the one-sided guerilla battle has allegedly seen Trakas, an artist and jewelry maker, tossing a bucket of urine from her second-story Allen Street window onto a booth owner and queueing customers — “narcissistic r—-ds,” the suit claims she calls them — and using her artist tools to paint feces along the booth’s fence and planters."

Það sem fólk lætur sér detta í hug að gera.

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1 Smámynd: Loncexter

Því miður mun fólk ekkert læra af sögum eins sódómu eða L.A í dag, eða í komandi framtíð. Eða það segja spádómar sem ég las um daginn.

Því ætti ætti að segja ; Guð blessi Los A. þegar íbúar þar hafa snúist gegn honum svo um munar.

Loncexter, 19.1.2025 kl. 14:28

2 Smámynd: Ásgrímur Hartmannsson

Tekurðu eftir að liðið sem stjórnar Kaliforníu talar alveg eins og liðið sem stjórnar í Reykjavík?

Ásgrímur Hartmannsson, 19.1.2025 kl. 16:47

3 Smámynd: Loncexter

Fólk sem stjórnar íslandi virðist haldið sjálfseyðingarhvöt á háu stigi. Gerir allt til að enturtaka sorgarferli sódómu, og ypptir bara öxlum þegar hörmungarnar dynja yfir og undirbúa sennilega  bara fleiri fóstureyðingar og gleðigöngur.

Loncexter, 23.1.2025 kl. 19:32

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