19.1.2025 | 18:12
Trump tekur við USA á morgun
Seðlabanki USA dregur úr kolefnistrú
"the Fed just announced they were going to withdraw from a global climate coalition of other national banks that functioned like a Paris Climate Accord for centralized banking.
Yes, 8 years of being beholden to a globalist cabal that wanted to use the national bank to "save the planet" or some such nonsense, is officially over.
The Fed has come under pressure in recent years from Republican lawmakers, including over concerns that climate worries have unduly influenced financial regulation and that the central bank has become increasingly politicized"
Góðar fréttir að vestan.
"Anti-fascist leftists accosted pro-life activist Seth Drayer of CreatedEqual.org. After other pro-choice protesters attempted to cover his anti-abortion sign, the anti-fascists spray-painted his sign. DC Metro police arrived a few minutes later and gathered information about the assault."
Þeir eru þó ekki að kveikja í húsum eins og seinast.
Kannski reyna þeir að brenna borgina seinna. Mér finnst þeir merkilega friðsamir. Kannski er þetta að eldast af þeim, ég meina, það er ekki eins og barnageldarar fjölgi sér hratt, og það eru jú 8 ár síðan seinast... bara að segja.
Þessi helgi.
Meðlimir FB sölutpörs dæmdir í 15 ára fangelsi
"The charges stemmed from Scott selling 24 boxes of human remains to Jeremy Pauley of Pennsylvania for $11,000 after linking with him in a Facebook group for oddities. The body parts included fetuses, brains, hearts, lungs, genitalia, large pieces of skin, and more.
The remains included a skull, multiple brains, an arm, an ear, multiple lungs, multiple hearts, multiple breasts, a belly button, testicles, and other parts. During a search warrant executed at Scotts Little Rock home, investigators found numerous stolen body parts that she admitted she transported in trash bags from her work, the DOJ said in a press release."
Hvað fólk var svo að gera við þetta fylgir ekki sögunni.
Musk hefur áhyggjur af að USA sé gjaldþrota
"DOGE noted that the last comprehensive review of the federal government took place in 1984, when the national debt was $1.6 trillion, with a debt-to-GDP ratio of about 38%. Today, the ratio has surged to over 121%, and the national debt has surpassed $36 trillion. It is projected to hit the recently reinstated debt ceiling a day after Trumps inauguration, according to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen."
Þeir gætu reddað sér fyrir horn. Kannski. Ísland... ekki svo mjög. Ég sé alveg hverjir stjórna hér.
Ég sé það fólk með augunum.
Brezkir unglingar eru jákvæðir fyrir hryðjuverkum
"Nearly two-thirds of younger Brits believe that 'hostile activism' such as violence, vandalism and misinformation is an acceptable ways of achieving political goals.
And less than a fifth have any optimism that things will be better for the next generation.
It suggested that 70 per cent of people in the UK have a moderate or high sense of 'grievance' - meaning they feel government, business and the media do not work in their best interests."
Góðu frettirnar eru að þeir átta sig á að ríkið og medían eru ekkert með þeim í liði.
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