Trump byrjar vikuna vel

Trump byrjar á besta hugsanlega hátt

"Trump’s executive order covers an array of actions Biden took throughout his term, ranging from nixing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies to the southern border and the climate."

Það er vídjó:

Ef einhver Íslenskur pólitíkus hefði gert bara helminginn af þessu á 4 ára tímabili, væri sá maður besti pólitíkus Íslanddsögunnar.

Á meðan, á íslandi:

Inga Sæland stundar fjársvik

"Inga Sæ­land, formaður Flokks fólks­ins og fé­lags- og hús­næðismálaráðherra, seg­ist hafa verið meðvituð um að Flokk­ur fólks­ins upp­fyllti ekki laga­skil­yrði vegna op­in­berra styrkja stjórn­mála­flokka.

Flokk­ur­inn ætli sér þó ekki að skila þeim 240 millj­ón­um sem flokk­ur­inn hef­ur fengið frá hinu op­in­bera í trássi við lög."

Fyrst fer Þorgerður með fúlgur fjár úr r´æikiskassanum til útlanda í því skyni að fjármagna einhvrja stríðsherra þar, og nú er Inga Sæland uppvís að einhverju svindli.

Mogginn fær prik fyrir að benda á þetta.

Nú bíð ég bara eftir að þessi þriðja, Kristrún held ég hún heiti, geri einhvern andskotann af sér.  Eins og er hef ég ekki heyrt neitt.  Hún má reyndar fá sm+a hrós fyrir að halda Degi B frá stjórn.  Göfugt.

Musk skiptir sér af pólitískum fanga í 3. heims ríki

"Tommy Robinson has been the leading voice exposing the horrendous mass child rape gangs in UK since 2011, when he first broached the subejct in an interview with BBC Newsnight.

As British police, politicians and press sought to cover up the mass rape of over 250.000 women and girls, Robinson was repeatedly persecuted with lawfare and incarcerated in maximum security and solitary confinement on ridiculous, trumped-up misdemaneanors, such as “mortgage fraud,” “illegal immigration” and “contempt of court.”

Peterson had gone out on a limb and interviewed Tommy Robinson twice when he visited Canada 2024 (and was also persecuted and deported by the failed fascist Trudeau regime in Canada).

Elon Musk is funding the legal expenses for Tommy Robinson. This includes the costs associated with Robinson's challenge against his solitary confinement."

Þegar allt landið er rekið af barnanauðgurum...

Þessi veltir sér uppúr góðum fréttum.

Þjóðverjar hafa ekkert lært

"Germany’s domestic intelligence service, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, designated the AfD as a “suspected” extremist organization back in 2021 over its stance on immigration.

The 113-strong group of MPs, composed mostly of Die Linke/Green Party members as well as 31 SPD representatives and six from the CDU, proposed the motion in November. According to Die Zeit on Monday, the lawmakers hope to secure support from the Bundestag for the initiation of ban proceedings against the AfD in the Federal Constitutional Court.

The group claims that the right-wing party has called into question the human dignity of migrants and LGBTQ individuals, with one of the MPs behind the motion, the CDU’s Marco Wanderwitz, calling for swift action against the AfD in light of the party’s supposed “further radicalization.”"

Alltaf sama tuggan: allir sem eru ekki barnanauðgarar eða hata hvíta manninn almennt, eru hægri-öfgamenn.


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