22.1.2025 | 17:12
Allri śrkynjun rutt śr vegi ķ USA
Helstu postular śrkynjunar reknir
"The Trump Administration's Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has notified the heads of all federal agencies and departments that Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) offices are to be closed by end of day Wednesday, and all staff to be placed on paid leave.
According to the notice issued by Acting OPM Director Charles Ezell, all departments and agencies are to:
Send an agency-wide notice to employees informing them of the closure and asking employees if they know of any efforts to disguise these programs by using coded or imprecise language
Send a notification to all employees of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) offices that they are being placed on paid administrative leave effective immediately as the agency takes steps to close/end all DEIA initiatives, offices and programs.
Take down all outward facing media (websites, social media accounts, etc.) of DEIA offices
Withdraw any final or pending documents, directives, orders, materials and equity plans issued by the agency in response to the now-repealed Executive Order 14035, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility in the Federal Workforce (June 25, 2021)
Cancel any DEIA-related trainings and terminate any DEIA-related contractors"
Allur rasismi og pervertismi į bak og burt.
Žessi vika hefur veriš ęšisleg fyrir kanann. Žś Trump legšist ķ helgan stein ķ kvöld, žį yrši žetta samt besta įr kanans ķ marga įratugi.
Og žaš eru 4 įr eftir.
"Olivia Krolczyk was speaking to a chapter of Turning Point USA at the University of Washington this week, but her speaking event was disrupted by trans activists and antifa."
Alltaf eins.
Amerķskir öfuguggar hrella Kķnverja
"Chinese-owned video-sharing app RedNote is reportedly considering quarantining American users over concerns they are a poor influence on Chinas own young people.
Americans descended on Chinese influencers comments sections with sexualized messages.
How do you say mommy in Chinese? Like in a horny way, one American user commented on a Chinese female fitness influencers video. Another Chinese woman received a comment reading, Ill teach you English fine sh-t, from an American user.
According to reports, the app is under pressure to move all non-Chinese users into a separate, quarantined server to mitigate contact and stop poisoning the young, mostly female user base."
Jį. Žaš er margt ķ kżrhausnum. Sérstaklega žeim sem Sigurgeir hefur komist ķ.
"Nż ķslensk rannsókn sżnir aš einn af hverjum 264 sem hófu lyfjamešferš viš ADHD fór ķ fyrsta gešrofiš eša manķu innan įrs frį töku lyfjanna."
Žeir komast aš žvķ nśna, AD 2025, aš Spķtt getur orsakaš gešrof.
Fuck yeah!
"Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has called for action against the growing influence of US-based tech billionaires who he described as a tech caste of Silicon Valley.
Sanchezs critics have argued, however, that by targeting Trump and his allies, the Spanish PM was trying to cast himself as a global leader in the fight against populism, in order to distract from scandals at home."
Populismi eša alręši. Frelsi eša fasismi. Ykkar er vališ.
Hitler er žessi meš stutta hįriš.
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