23.1.2025 | 16:17
Stellantis fer ekki á hausinn eins og ráð var fyrir gert
Stellantis virðist hætt við að fara á hausinn
"Donald Trump has been president for three days and one of the big automakers, Stellantis, is already announcing the reopening of a plant in Illinois which will make new Durango trucks in Detroit.
Stellantis said it would build a new midsize pickup truck at the recently shuttered Belvidere, Ill., assembly plant. Stellantis previously ended production at Belvidere for the Jeep Cherokee SUV, angering UAW representatives and workers. Now Stellantis said it will return approximately 1,500 UAW members to work, a reversal of the move by former CEO Carlos Tavares, who resigned in early December."
Kaninn hefur Trump. Hann orsaka svona lagað - Hvað höfum við?
Trump, uppspretta góðra og jákvæðra frétta fyrir alla. Nema fyrir Adda Rokk á Xinu. Hann er í öngum sínum. Einhver þarf að gefa honum poka af hnetum og klappa honum á kollinum og segja að þetta sé allt í lagi.
Argentínumenn eru líka heppnir með stjórnvöld
""What once seemed like a global hegemony of the woke left in politics, educational institutions, in the media, in supranational organizations or even in forums like Davos, has begun to crumble," said Milei, who took office in 2023.
The Argentinian politician says he's been forming alliances with other conservative figures and leaders.
"Over the course of this year, I have found allies in this fight for the cause of freedom in every corner of the world, from the amazing [tech billionaire] Elon Musk to that fierce Italian lady [Prime Minister] Giorgia Meloni, from [President Nayib] Bukele in El Salvador to Viktor Orban in Hungary," he said, adding "Slowly, an international alliance has been forming among all those nations who want to be free and believe in the ideas of liberty.""
Bara tóm gleði og jákvæðni þarna.
400 manna islömsku nauðgunargengi að brezkri fyrirmynd neita um aðstöðu
"Úrskurðarnefnd umhverfis- og auðlindamála hefur fellt úr gildi ákvörðun skipulagsfulltrúa um að breyta JL-húsinu við Hringbraut 121 í búsetuúrræði fyrir hælisleitendur.
Skipulagsfulltrúi hafði samþykkt tillögu um að breyta húsnæðinu í búsetuúrræði í nóvember í fyrra en nágranni kærði niðurstöðuna á þeirri forsendu að ekki væri heimild fyrir sértæku búsetuúrræði á lóðinni. Einungis væri tilgreint að heimilt væri að hafa í húsinu matvöruverslun og þjónustu."
Matur = Já
Islamskt nauðgunargengi = nei
Svíar hafa verið að sniffa alveg helling af lími
"According to his department, 100-hour civic orientation courses are being offered to every foreigner who comes to live in the country.
We want the education system to focus much more on liberal values, womens rights, issues of honor violence and, of course, also issues of sexuality. And we must not only inform, but also through a test, ensure that people understand what values apply in our country, he said.
The government is now working to establish if these courses need to be extended and made mandatory, Persson added."
Límið er kannski ekki betra en bjór eftir allt saman?
Símagláp veldur veruleikafyrringu og ofskynjunum
"Smartphones are making teenagers more aggressive, detached from reality and causing them to hallucinate, according to new research.
Scientists concluded the younger a person starts using a phone, the more likely they would be crippled by a whole host of psychological ills after surveying 10,500 teens between 13 and 17 from both the US and India for the study, by Sapien Labs.
Screen time essentially acts as a toxin that stunts both brain development and social development, Kardaras explained. The younger a kid is when given a device, the higher the likelihood of mental health issues later on."
Smá Romero, vegna þess að þið þurfið það.
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