24.1.2025 | 16:29
Góðir menn móðga Davos klíkuna
Forseti Argentínu heldur fram ýmsum pedófóbískum ideasjónum
"Argentinian President Javier Milei flew all the way to Davos, Switzerland, just so he could show up and call everyone "pedophiles" right to their faces."
Einhver barnageldarinn mun hringja í mömmu hans í dag, held ég, og kvarta.
Talandi um pedófíla.... hvernig ætli gangi með mál fjöldasamtaka pedóa við Pál Vilhjálms?
Kannski kæra trúðarnir í '78 Milei líka?
Trump mætir til Davos og segir WEF liðinu að hann sé að gera þver-öfugt við það sem þeir fara fram á
"Ive taken rapid action to reverse each and every one of these radical left policies. In particular, with immigration, crime and inflation. Ive made it the official policy of the US: there are only two genders! Trump told the global elite.
Im pleased to report that America is a free nation once again, Trump said. On day one, I signed an executive order to stop all government censorship. No longer will our government label the speech of our own citizens as misinformation and disinformation."
Kaninn hefur þennan, og hann brillerar á hverjum degi. Gott stöff.
Á meðan höfum við vonbrigðaþrenninguna, se ég vona að geri sem minnst, helst ekkert.
"A Florida man in his mid-40s on a meat, fat, and dairy-heavy diet arrived at a Tampa hospital with ooze emanating from yellowish nodes on the palms of his hands, elbows, and the soles of his feet.
The man told doctors that he had adopted a carnivore diet eight months, explaining that his daily intake was made up of entire sticks of butter, 6-9 pounds of cheese, and hamburger patties.
Since going full fat and all animal, the man claimed he lost weight and saw marked improvements in his energy levels and cognitive functioning.
But his skin was another story: The painless but decidedly ew ooze had been affecting him for nearly a month before he sought treatment."
Maður verður ekki svona af þorramat.
52 ár... hefðu bara átt að hengja hann.
Kata Jak hafði það eftir Al Gore að sjórinn væri að sjóða
"Climate misinformation and disinformation, relentlessly pushed by far-left corporate media outlets, had their readership believing they were on the brink of perishing on a fiery planetblaming everything from Taylor Swift's private jet travels to cow farts in late 2024.
The cold blast (or what has felt like a 'mini ice age' this month) produced by the polar vortex does not align with the corporate media's and the World Economic Forum's global warming doom narrative. This may explain why 'green' politicians and unelected officials, along with MSM, have somewhat ignored the reality of a cold blast freezing the US to the core.
Lake Erie over 80% ice-covered, freighter Manitoulan is stuck in the ice just outside Buffalo Harbor. Word is they will sit there until an ice breaker gets to them tomorrow. Great tool from @MarineTraffic shows its track today. Hmmm, left a day later than they should have?"
Kolefnistrú er afsökun fyrir meiriháttar fjársvikum. Ekki láta RÚV ljúga að ykkur.
"According to a senior administration official, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) made 373 criminal arrests and 165 non-criminal arrests throughout the United States on Thursday. Breitbart News has obtained and reviewed a list of the identities of numerous criminal aliens ICE has arrested in recent days.
The suspected terrorist Leavitt referred to is Turkish national Gokhan Adriguzel, 29, according to the records. Additionally, ICE took a bounty of sexual offenders into custody, including several child predators."
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