Hefur RÚV breytt út lygum frá BBC ókeypis?

DOGE tracker

Þetta er frábært á allan hátt.  Okkur vantar svona.

Já.  Ef þið viljið rifja það up...

Það er verið að reyna að fela eitthvað alveg voðalegt

"The late-night order, issued Saturday by U.S. District Judge Paul Engelmayer in Manhattan, blocks most Trump administration officials—including Musk and members of his cost-cutting initiative—from accessing sensitive Treasury records for at least a week while the case proceeds in the New York court.

The injunction specifically prohibits President Donald Trump and Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent from granting access to records containing personally identifiable or confidential financial information to political appointees, special government employees, or any other employees from outside of the department. The White House has designated Musk a special government employee."

Nú vita þeir hjá DOGE hvar þeir eiga að byrja, og hvað þeir þurfa að skoða extra vel.


Þýzkarinn með sitt venjulega kommúnista bullshit.

"...there was a mass protest in Berlin and around the country against the surging right-wingers of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) and immigration reform.

However, if you pay closer attention, the German press itself will show us that these demonstrations are not in any way organic. There is taxpayer money funding shady groups making this happen.

This is a scandal that would be bad enough to topple the failed government of Olaf Scholz, if it was not already terminally unpopular and outgoing."

AfD þarf að fá meirihluta þarna.

Rússar þekkja andstæðinginn

"The EU would be unable to move a major military force within the bloc’s territory in case of need, a recent report by its financial watchdog stated this week. Bureaucratic hurdles and chaotic logistical planning would prevent a swift deployment, the European Court of Auditors (ECA) concluded in the document."

Stríðið er tapað áður en það hefst.

Svona eins og RÚV.

Þetta er klúður

"Ars Technica reports that robocallers posing as employees of the FCC inadvertently targeted real FCC staff members and their families with a scam aimed at intimidating and defrauding unsuspecting victims. The incident, which occurred on the night of February 6, 2024, has prompted the FCC to take swift action against the voice service provider allegedly responsible for enabling the illegal robocalls.

The FCC has proposed a substantial fine of $4,492,500 against Telnyx, a Chicago-based company that offers voice services and APIs."


Borgarstjórn Reykjavíkur getur ekki einusinni sagað niður fáein tré

"Isavia lokaði á miðnætti austur-vestur flugbraut Reykjavíkurflugvallar og er nú einungis ein braut í notkun. Samgöngustofa fyrirskipaði aðgerðina vegna trjágróðurs í Öskjuhlíð sem er sagður skerða öryggi flugfarþega."

Tornæmasta fólk á jörðinni: borgasstjórn RvK.

Þetta er mál sem tekur einn dag að redda, fyrir lágmerks pening.  Eitt símtal, og það reddast samdægurs.  En nei.. ofvaxið getu Reykjavikurborgar.


Það nýjasta frá þessum ágæta manni.

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