Það sem ég fann á netinu í dag

Greindarvísitala landsmanna lækkar með hverjum degi

"Karlar eru frekar fylgjandi veggjöldum en konur og eldra fólk frekar en það yngra. Þetta eru niðurstöður nýrrar Maskínukönnunar sem bendir til nokkurs viðsnúnings hjá landsmönnum þegar kemur að veggjöldum."

Estrógen í Noccóinu, held ég.

Menn vilja bara borga og borga og borga og borga og fá ekkert.

Meiri and-fasískur áróður

Það má ekki fjalla um þjóðarmorð í Afríku

"The western public has been hearing a lot about "genocide" in recent years, from the genocide of indigenous peoples, to the genocide of Palestinians to the genocide of trans people.  The demand is that these concerns be taken seriously whether they are realistic or exaggerated, that reparations be distributed and that refugees be taken in by the millions.  The underlying narrative is always the same - "White colonialism" is the ultimate culprit behind every social injustice in the world and marginalized minorities are perpetual victims that require protection.

But what happens when white people are the minority under attack?

That's a question that's simply not acceptable according to the establishment media, and any suggestion that such a thing is possible is treated as an act of xenophobia.  White people can never be considered a "marginalized minority".  This is the conundrum the western public often encounters when the issue of South Africa is broached."

Sjálfseyðingarkvöt sumra á vesturlöndum er alveg ægileg.

Bírókratía drepur

Trump og áætlanir hans fyrir Úkraníu

"Reporter: Would you support Zelinsky’s seeding territory or exchanging territory in any agreement to end the war?

President Trump: Well, he’s going to have to do what he has to do, but his poll numbers aren’t particularly great, to put it mildly. He’s got a country where it’s been savaged and attacked, and he’s got an army that’s been very, very brave, actually, despite the fact that we’ve given him, in my opinion, $350 billion. That’s what the number is. You don’t hear that number. And Europe has given, in my opinion, $100 billion. And they’ve done it in the form of a loan.

And I have a Secretary of Treasury right now who’s actually quite brave. He’s over in Ukraine on a train, and there’s a lot of things happening around that train that aren’t so good. And he’s going there to get a document done where we’re going to be assured that we’re going to, in some form, get this money back because we’re putting up far more money than Europe."


Kaninn getur víða sparað

"The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has slashed millions in contracts that were active under the Biden administration, including for a “Brazilian forest and gender consultant” and a “Central American gender assessment consultant.”"

... aha.  Jæja...


"Former President Donald Trump attended the Daytona 500 on Sunday, receiving enthusiastic applause from the crowd as Air Force One flew over Daytona International Speedway before landing at a nearby airport. 

Before the race, Trump took a lap around the track in "The Beast," the presidential state car, before addressing NASCAR drivers from inside the vehicle."

Þetta má.

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