Menn sem neyta eiturlyfja í merktum bíl þurfa enga aðstoð


Já, fólk sem neytir eiturlyfja í ómerktum bíl þarf vissulaga á einhverskonar aðstoð að halda.  Hvernig eru eiturlyfjaneyzlu-bílar annars venjulega merktir?  Ég hugsa...



Forritunarvilla færir notendum Instagram Klám & Splatter.

"CNBC reports that Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, has acknowledged and fixed an “error” that caused a wave of disturbing content to appear on users’ Instagram Reels feed. The issue came to light when numerous Instagram users took to social media to express their concerns about the sudden influx of violent, sexual, and inappropriate content being recommended to them."

Gaman fyrir suma, minna gaman fyrir aðra.

Á víst að koma út á morgun.  Er mér sagt.

Kvenfólk eldist hraðar en áður

"According to a recent report from Flo Health and the University of Virginia, perimenopause is sneaking up on women earlier than ever — sometimes a decade before menopause officially crashes the party.

One reason for this is almost certainly pervasive exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals like phthalates, PFAS and polychlorinated biphenyls."

Það var og.

34.000 kr seðill

"US Republican Congressman Joe Wilson has announced plans to introduce legislation to create a $250 bill featuring President Donald Trump’s image."

Er ekki verðbólgan æðisleg?

Áhugaverður fiskur

"A fisherman is making waves after sharing footage of a bizarre, mystery sea creature that viewers have compared to an “alien.”

Fedortsov identified the blob as a smooth lumpsucker, a species of marine ray-finned fish that grows to over a foot long and resides in the depths."



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