3.3.2025 | 14:35
Óreiða meðal glóbalista
Yfirmaður hjá ESB á leið til skrifstofu sinnar.
Augljósir hlutir eru augljósir
"In a shocking but unsurprising exchange, Musk and Rogan discussed the absurd wealth accumulation of members of Congress, who are somehow able to transform their modest $170,000-a-year salaries into multimillion-dollar fortunes.
I think maybe three-quarters of the graft is Democratic. I think theres maybe 2025% thats Republican, Musk revealed, exposing how the system is rigged for political elites.
Most of the graft is going to the Democrats, but they throw some bones to the Republicans too, so then theyre in on it."
Þetta er svona allstaðar.
Rússar skopast að Kanadamönnum
"The senior diplomats remark followed Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeaus statement on Sunday that his government is open to contributing forces to a possible joint Western mission in Ukraine. British Prime Minister Kier Starmer announced the formation of a coalition of the willing once a possible ceasefire with Russia is reached following a meeting of Kievs European backers in London.
Who would defend Canadian land if the US expands north? Probably Ukrainians, who are dodging the draft in Canada, Zakharova quipped, alluding to the widespread evasion of mandatory military service among Ukrainian citizens."
Glæpahópar eru ekki á allt sáttir
"Several cartel members told the New York Times they had either gone into hiding or were in the process of trying to figure out how to protect their families in case the American military launches strikes in Mexico as a result of the Trump administration designating the crime syndicates as terrorist organizations."
Mexíkanska ríkið hefði alveg geta bundið enda á þetta vandamál, en nei... það hentaði þeim ekki.
Menn eru ekki stemmdir fyrir friði
"Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky met with Democratic lawmakers before his Oval Office meeting with President Donald Trump on Friday, where he reportedly received advice to reject the terms of the proposed mineral deal, according to Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.)."
Kaninn þarf að flýta sér úr NATO áður en Evróökratinn hefur WW3.
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