Evrópubandalagið hefur ekki efni á mat & vopnum samtímis


Sumir óttast borgarastyrrjöld

"The professor, who describes himself as a “classic member of the establishment,” told Perry that British society is now “explosively configured” to suffer mass unrest.

He said the fallout began with the fracture of the social contract after the political establishment in the UK tried to subvert the Brexit vote.

Subsequent years have brought about a “destruction of legitimacy” as a result of successive governments’ open border policy and their inability to protect children from grooming gangs, in addition to a two-tier justice system presided over by a highly-politicised judiciary."

Hvað segir Tim Pool ef bretinn verður fyrri til að starta borgarastyrrjöld?

Evrópa hefur ekki efni á vopnum

"European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen's attempt to increase military spending across the EU is not backed by cash and shifts the financial burden to member states,

The plan “includes close to no fresh money,” leaving member states to secure “the real cash” themselves, Euractiv reported on Wednesday.

The total figure is based more on “hopes and guesses” than concrete reforms addressing the bloc’s production shortages, the report argued."



Hvernig nælir hann sér í Grænland?

"” One way or the other, we’re going to get it,” the President said, highlighting the island’s importance for military security, national security, and global security.

The President has expressed interest in purchasing the island since the election last year."

... og ég á ekkert poppkorn.

Apple vill ekki taka þátt í hvaða vitleysu sem er

"Ars Technica reports that Apple is challenging a classified Technical Capability Notice issued by the UK Home Office under the Investigatory Powers Act of 2016. The notice, which was issued in January, demands that Apple provide UK security officials with a backdoor to access all content that any Apple user worldwide has uploaded to iCloud, including fully encrypted material."

Þetta getur eyðilagt daginn fyrir Apple.

Hagrætt hjá skattinum

"The Internal Revenue Service is writing up plans to cut up to half of its 90,000 person staff, according to a report from the Associated Press. This comes as the Trump administration has been working to cut back on the government and make it more efficient."

Þetta getur kaninn gert, en við ekki.

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