12.3.2025 | 18:23
Alls ekkert saknæmt að gerast þarna
"A senior USAID official on Tuesday ordered the agency's remaining staff to report to their now-former headquarters in Washington DC for an "all day" group effort to destroy documents, many of which contain sensitive information, Politico reports."
Mmm hmm...
"More than 7,000 Christians and Alawites have been slaughtered in Syria, according to Greek Member of the European Parliament, Nikolas Farantouris, a member of the European Parliaments Committee on Security & Defense, who visited Damascus on 8-9 March, Greek City Times reports.
According to Syrian journalist and human rights activist Nizar Nayouf, 15,000 Alawites have been executed. Nayouf claims the massacre had been planned since February 24:
Nayouf claims the Syrian Ministry of Defense and the terrorist militia distributed detailed digital maps to their faction leaders, marking Alawite, Christian, and Ismaili neighborhoods and villages in Syrias coastal region, as well as the primary and secondary roads leading to them"
Svo er fólk að nöldra undan Gaza.
"Climate insanity: "A new four-lane highway cutting through tens of thousands of acres of protected Amazon rainforest is being built for the COP30 climate summit..." So let me get this straight: The climate cult is literally paving paradise, destroying nature all to build a highway so people can go to a climate change conference."
Ætli ég geti fengið styrk frá ríkinu til þess að dæla svona 40.000 tonnum af díoxíni í Þingvallavatn?
Rússar ná meira af Kursk til baka
"Over the past 24 hours, Russian troops have recaptured more than 100 square kilometers of land, the ministry said in its daily briefing on Tuesday. The liberated locations named by the military include the villages of Agronom, Bogdanovka, Bondarevka, Dmitryukov, Zazulevka, Ivashkovsky, Kolmakov, Kubatkin, Martynovka, Mikhailovka, Pravda, and Yuzhny."
Þannig fór það.
Mannætutranni er alltaf rétti maðurinn í djobbið
"A transgender OnlyFans adult content creator, who has a cannibalism fetish, was unanimously appointed to fill a vacant seat on the Lynnwood City Council in Washington state.Jessica Ann Roberts, 32, born Neil Vincent Roberts, has posted on social media about having an uncontrollable desire to impregnate women and eat them."
Tónlistamenn spjalla saman.
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