14.3.2025 | 16:20
"President Trump has revealed Friday that he has held the second phone call of his current administration with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the prospect of ending the Ukraine war. The call, held Thursday, included a plea by Trump for Russia to spare the lives of Ukrainian soldiers currently surrounded in the Kursk region. Such a direct appeal like this by Trump is unprecedented."
Allt sem Trump gerir er þveröfugt við það sem okkar stjórnvöld aðhafast.
Kommúnistar eru að reyna að láta myrða fólk... eins og venjulega
"As The Gateway Pundit reported, several conservative figures including Nick Sortor, Gunther Eagleman, and Shawn Farash have been swatted over the last couple of days.
This comes after Infowars journalist Jamie White was brutally murdered in Austin earlier this week while another journalist from the organization got swatted twice.
Now, independent journalist Breanna Morello has discovered an important clue: the individuals swatting conservative influencers are sending pizza delivery orders to their homes before placing the distress call to 9-1-1. Specifically, the orders are coming from Dominos and Papa Johns."
Það er verið að hafa af þeim peningana. Gefur þeim aðra ástæðu til þess að fara í fýlu.
Trump hefur jákvæð áhrif um allan heim
"Two of Britains top financial regulators have scrapped plans to introduce more diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) requirements for firms as the impact of President Donald Trumps anti-woke drive spreads globally."
Hvenær berst þessi ferski andblær til okkar?
Hér er of mikið af leftista-prumpi, sem þarf að blása burt.
Enn einn ofbeldishneigður tranni
"Terrifying video shows a preacher having a gun pointed at him from just inches away as he lectured someone he assumed to be a transgender woman, telling her, God made men to be men.
Kevin Kihara, a pastor at Christian Forgiveness Ministries, shared footage of Wednesdays alarming confrontation on his churchs Facebook page, titling it: Transgender pulls gun on street preacher in San Francisco."
Leftistar: pervertískir og ofbeldishneigðir.
"A new documentary film called Age of Disclosure is getting a lot of notice because it is making the claim that UFOs are real and that aliens are on planet Earth, living among us.
The thing that sets this film apart from others that have made similar claims is that its full of former and current DC insiders."
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Þetta með eu reglurnar er flott. Enda eu ein allsherjar klósettrás
Loncexter, 14.3.2025 kl. 17:21
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
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