Leftistar hafa í frammi morðhótanir og stunda skemmdarverk

Maður sýnir morðhótanir sem honum hafa borist

"Republican senator releases voicemail clips with messages from mostly peaceful maniacs

While many of these people are likely so far left that they'd call Stalin right-wing, Tillis has also received death threats from the unhinged side of MAGA that MAGA doesn't like to talk about."


Leftistar eru líka hrifnir af þrælahaldi

"In a spectacular display of leftist hypocrisy, a Ugandan United Nations judge who studied human rights at Columbia University and received a prestigious human rights award has been convicted of enslaving a woman in the United Kingdom.  

Forty-nine-year-old Lydia Mugambe, who is also a Ugandan High Court judge, was found guilty of tricking a Ugandan woman of coming to the UK, where Mugambe proceeded to impede her from finding a steady job, instead compelling her to serve her as a maid and care for Mugambe's children -- all without compensation."

Flokkur fóksins er ekkert einn um að skandalisera.

Yfirvofandi stríð sem við getum fjármagnað

"This Saturday – just hours from now – protests are planned in Serbia against the sitting, democratically elected government. The protesters do not approve of the current leadership’s positions especially its standing on the Ukraine-Russia War.

Serbian News B92.net broke an explosive report on the planned protests tomorrow in Belgrade, Serbia.

B92.net is reporting the opposition politicians and students are plotting a secret coup that may erupt into civil war!"


Talandi um stríð...

"Russian air defense systems successfully intercepted and destroyed 126 Ukrainian drones across various regions overnight, the Defense Ministry has reported.

Regional Governor Andrey Bocharov reported on Saturday morning that drone debris caused a small fire which was quickly extinguished, and confirmed there were no injuries or damage to infrastructure."

Þetta fer að hætta.

Endalausar góðar fréttir.

Vandalar hlaupa um núna

"A deranged, anti-Elon Musk dad scrawled a swastika on the side of a Cybertruck in Brooklyn in a brazen attack committed right in front of The Post.

The lefty loon was so triggered by the $80,000 electric Tesla truck parked on Washington Avenue in Prospect Heights that he double-parked his Subaru – with two car seats in the back – burst out, and defaced the car."

Komið á það stig að það er ekki lengur hægt að spauga með þetta

"Liberals across the world have defeated Naziism by painting swastikas on everything and setting fire to immigrant-owned storefronts.

With hope seemingly lost after Nazis seized America and threatened to take over the globe, progressives courageously fought back by committing widespread arson against immigrant businesses and spray-painting Nazi symbols on cars and buildings.

At publishing time, liberals had celebrated their victory over the Nazis by burning all the opposition leaders in effigy along with all of their books."

... já.

Hæ Litli!

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