Rúmenar & Shakespeare

Rúmenar fá ekki það sem þeir vilja

"Not long after sparking outrage inside and outside the country by barring right-wing frontrunner Calin Georgescu from running in May’s presidential election, Romania has barred another populist from the contest, attributing the decision to the candidate's supposedly unacceptable policy stances and "making declarations "contrary to democratic values.""

Jæja.  Man enginn hvað gerðist seinast þegar rúmenar voru pirraðir út í yfirvöld?

Þetta er upphafið að einhverju

"In a late-night announcement on Truth Social, Trump announced:

“The “Pardons” that Sleepy Joe Biden gave to the Unselect Committee of Political Thugs, and many others, are hereby declared VOID, VACANT, AND OF NO FURTHER FORCE OR EFFECT, because of the fact that they were done by Autopen."

Það fer kaldur straumur niður bakið á einhverjum núna.

Ágætt.  Ég á poppkorn.

Menn eru nokkuð sáttir við að komast aftur til jarðar

"In a viral video shared by both President Donald Trump and SpaceX founder Elon Musk, NASA astronauts Sunita Williams and Butch Wilmore, who are being rescued by a SpaceX mission after being stranded at the International Space Station (ISS) by Boeing and Joe Biden, thanked President Trump and Musk for their support in bringing them back to Earth.

Williams and Wilmore embarked on a 10-day mission to the ISS on June 5 aboard the Boeing Starliner before being stranded by Boeing’s disastrous hardware. After spending nearly nine months in space, they are set to return to Earth on March 19, alongside NASA astronaut Nick Hague and Russian cosmonaut Aleksandr Gorbunov. The replacement crew will take charge of the ISS while the returning astronauts depart."

Undarlegt mál

Kommúnistar eru ekki hrifnir af Shakespeare

"The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust (SBT) plans to “decolonize” its extensive museum collections, after research claimed that William Shakespeare’s legacy has been used to advance ‘white supremacy’, according to The Telegraph.

The SBT, which manages properties linked to Shakespeare in Stratford-upon-Avon and holds key archival materials, is exploring the “continued impact of Empire” on its collections and how “Shakespeare’s work has played a part in this,” the paper wrote on Sunday.

The initiative reportedly follows a 2022 study conducted in collaboration with Dr. Helen Hopkins from Birmingham City University, which criticized the trust’s attractions for presenting Shakespeare as a “universal” genius, an idea that supposedly “benefits the ideology of white European supremacy.”"

Í denn fóru svona kauðar beint á Klepp.

Athugum aðeins skáldið:

"So, now go tell, an if thy tongue can speak,
Who 'twas that cut thy tongue and ravish'd thee."

Ahem... já.


Conor McGregor tjáir sig

"Our government has long since abandoned the voices of the people of Ireland… there are rural towns in Ireland that have been overrun in one swoop — that have become a minority in one swoop… the 40 million Irish Americans need to hear this because if not, there will be no place to come home and visit."

Ég kannast við þetta.  Við könnumst við þetta.

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