Fólk vill láta sóa skattfé í vitleysu

Kommúnistar mótmæla sparnaði á skattfé

"Protesters unleashed a 'die-in' with 9,500+ and tombstones to oppose Trump, Musk, and DOGE cuts in NYC

They can't seem to figure out social media, they can't revolt because they demonized January 6, and so therefore they end up doing stuff like this, which is pure comedy gold."

Sóun á almannafé var þeim mjög mikilvæg, greinilega.

sóunar-aktivisti kveikir í sér

"Daniel Clarke-Pounder, 24, burned down three EV chargers in a South Carolina parking lot Friday — where he scrawled “f–k Trump,” and “long live the Ukraine,” according to federal prosecutors.

He was seen throwing five Molotov cocktails — one of which left him on fire, according to witnesses who saw him fleeing the North Charleston lot.

Witnesses said “that the suspect had accidentally caught their own back on fire while throwing the devices,” the initial police report said."

Hann náði fram réttlæti á sjálfum sér.

Evrópusambandið hyggst fjármagna þjóðarmorð í Sýrlandi

"“The European Union is increasing its pledge for Syrians in the country and in the region to almost 2.5 billion euros for 2025 and 2026,” European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said Monday in Brussels."

Ekki er það nú göfugt.

Kazakstan athugar útlend áhrif

"The Kazakh government is planning to audit all programs being implemented in the Central Asian nation under the auspices of the US Agency for International Development (USAID), local media outlet Orda.kz has reported.

According to the Kazakh Foreign Ministry, throughout 2024, USAID had 28 long-term programs running in the country, encompassing the economy, energy, healthcare, civil society, and media sectors. The activities of some of those extended beyond Kazakhstan, targeting the broader Central Asian region.

The total funding allocated for Kazakhstan in 2023–2024 stood at $26.5 million."

US.A.I.D var með klærnar víða.

Hryðjuverkasamtök eru með slæmt bókhald

"$7.2 million in taxpayer money granted to a Muslim non-profit with ties to Palestinian terrorists has reportedly disappeared. The Intelligent Advocacy Network (IAN), a California-based, non-partisan advocacy group, called for an “immediate investigation” into The Council on American-Islamic Relations’ (CAIR) California chapter’s use of funds and sent a complaint to the Department of Justice last week."

Þætti ekki tiltökumál hér á landi.

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