Hver var þriðja skyttan á grösuga hólnum?

Leftistar hóta meira ofbeldi

"It’s anyone’s guess as to what this protest is specifically against, there’s signs about ‘trans troops’ and a woman with bright red hair and a t-shirt saying “Fuck Trump” carrying a sign saying “Veterans Bow to No King.”

Whatever, it doesn’t even matter.

The woman in the footage declares that while she isn’t promoting violence for one second, because leftists would nevvvvvvver do that, if President Trump isn’t removed from office “there will be violence.”"

Þeir eru þegar á fullu að beita allt og alla ofbeldi:

Þetta eru hryðjuverk

"The very fact that the Democrats and their leftist groups are attacking an American company because they are displeased with Elon Musk's DOGE effort to reform the bloated and corrupt federal government—captured by unelected Deep Staters—shows that the so-called party of 'love' is in a massive crisis. Cornered and desperate, Democrats have now resorted to violence."

Þeir brjaálst og byrja að skemma og myrða ef þeir fá ekki að stjórna öllu.


Menn glugga í Kennedy skjölin og finna þar ýmislegt

"These files, part of the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection, are accessible online at the National Archives (JFK Release 2025) or in person at the National Archives at College Park, Maryland.

Internet sleuths and researchers have been combing through these files, uncovering what they believe are significant revelations."



MJÖG áhugavert

Serbar beittir hljóð-vopnum

"- #Serbian Police reportedly used Long Range Acoustic Device, commonly referred to as a sonic weapon, during recent #BelgradeProtest. A piercing noise during a moment of silence caused panic & injuries. Protesters reported hearing loss."

Tæknin er geggjuð

Fólk er að missa vitið

"...compared to something as recent as the 2010s, intelligence markers like basic comprehension, reasoning, and problem solving have taken a dive.

One possible explanation for this decline is the switch in both educational and recreational reading from long texts like books to bitesized blips of information like social media posts."

Eða eins og segir í laginu: only stupid people are breeding.

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