22.3.2025 | 17:15
Demókratar hyggjast leysa vind
Allir anti-Teslistarnir mótmæla fyrir utan Tesla umboðið
1: Spjöldin eru öll á ensku. Ekki nauðsynlega rétt stafsett heldur.
2: Slagorðin eru þau sömu og maður sér í USA... af einhverjum orsökum.
3: Þetta eru ~10 manns. Sennilega allir sem eru á þessari skoðun á landinu.
4: fæstir eru í neinu formi, sumir með grænt hár.
5: "Hópurinn sé andsvar við ógn fasískra afla sem séu á uppleið um heim allan." Rrrrriiiight.
Mongóar. Allt saman.
Ásthildur Lóa er orðinn frægasti pedófíll Íslandssögunnar
"Icelands minister for children has resigned after admitting she had a child over 30 years ago with a 16-year-old boy while she was a 22-year-old church group counselor, according to the New York Post.
The NY Post article says that the teen father, Eirík Ásmundsson, paid child support for 18 years, though Thórsdóttir allegedly limited his access to the child after marrying, according to reports."
Kynferðisglæpir, stríð og fjársvik. Hver saknar Ice-hot?
"@AOC in Colorado on Friday said, We need a Democratic Party that farts.
Gæti virkað:
"Former UFC champion Conor McGregor has again announced that hell run for Irish president in this years elections, and promised to oppose the EU Migration Pact, adopted by the European Parliament last year, if he wins.
The next presidential election must take place by 11 Nov 2025. Who else will stand up to Government and oppose this bill? I will! McGregor wrote on X on Thursday."
Áfram, hann.
Fyndið því það er satt.
Hvalur ræðst á einhverja kellingu
"Cierra Stockard was swimming with the gentle sea creatures during spring break when one of the animals lifted her into the air and she fell, landing on the dolphins dorsal fin, she told Nashvilles WKRN."
Passið ykkur á dýrunum.
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