25.3.2025 | 16:11
Valkyrjurnar valda niðurgangi
Ríkisstjórnin hyggur á frekara niðurrif hagkerfisins
"Ríkisstjórn Kristrúnar Frostadóttur tilkynnti í dag að til stendur að breyta fyrirkomulagi innheimtu veiðigjalda. Reiknað er með því að allt að tvöfalt hærri upphæð verði innheimt á ári miðað við eldra fyrirkomulag.
Atvinnugreinin búi við skattlagningu umfram aðrar greinar, takmörk á umsvifum og eignarhaldi sem þekkist ekki í öðrum greinum og óvissuálags vegna stöðunnar í stjórnmálunum, sem valdi bæði skorti á fyrirsjáanleika og torveldi ákvarðanatöku."
Færri verða ráðnir, laun munu ekki hækka, umsvif verða minni sem þessu nemur.
Það verður efnahagslegur niðurgangur.
En hverju er svosem við að búast af stríðsæsingamönnum og barnanauðgurum?
Tilgangurinn með ríkinu er ekki að gera heiminn betri, heldur öfugt.
"A North Carolina man decided to take a more creative approach to tackling a persistent bear problem in his backyard by putting on a cartoony bear costume and, somehow, successfully scaring the unwelcome ursid away.
Before he got too close, the black bear appeared to have been spooked. It scampered away, but not before pausing at the edge of the property to stare down his faux counterpart before giving up and making its way back into the woods."
... það má reyna hvað sem er, býst ég við.
Allir nazistarnir í Argentínu sýndir almenningi
"Unlike Canadas former PM Justin Trudeau, who refused to release documents registering the names of Ukrainian Nazi collaborators in his country, Argentinas libertarian President Javier Milei haw vowed to declassify records regarding the very significant German Nazi migration post-WW2."
Brátt vita allir hvaða Argentínumenn voru í Samfylkingunni.
Hvenær berst þetta hingað?
"A case of fraud was with the Small Business Administration, where they were handing out loans $330 million worth of loans to people under the age of 11, Musk revealed. I think the youngest, Kelly, was a nine-month year old who got a $100,000 loan. Thats a very precocious baby were talking about here."
Það var og.
"British chat forums are shutting themselves down rather than face regulatory burdens recently applied to internet policing laws.
On March 17, the United Kingdoms Online Safety Act, a law that regulates internet spaces, officially kicked into force.
LFGSS (London Fixed Gear and Single Speed), a popular cycling forum and resource for nearly two decades, shut down in December.
Were done ... we fall firmly into scope, and I have no way to dodge it, the site said, adding that the law makes the site owner liable for everything that is said by anyone on the site they operate.
The act is too broad, and it doesnt matter that theres never been an instance of any of the proclaimed things that this act protects adults, children, and vulnerable people from ... the very broad language and the fact that Im based in the UK means were covered, it said."
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