17.1.2025 | 11:29
Framtķšin er dystópķsk... nema į Gręnlandi
"Fears of a land grab have erupted across fire-ravaged areas of Los Angeles County, as local and state officials have already begun discussing plans for "LA 2.0." One user on X commented, "Tell me this was a planned demolition without telling me this was a planned demolition."
"They are going to turn Altadena into one gigantic apartment complex," X user Bay Area State OF Mind said, referring to local officials who want to change zoning in the Altadena area from single-family to multi-family. In other words, some officials want to usher in the construction of apartment buildings and so-called 'smart cities.'"
Cyberpunk dyrstóķan veršur mjög dystópķsk. Og brennur til grunna į 20 įra fresti vegna skipulagsleysis.
Unabomber tók žįtt ķ MK Ultra.
FBI lokar śrkynjunardeildinni įšur en Trump kemur ķ embętti
"The FBI quietly closed its DEI office last month in anticipation of President Trump.
Earlier this month, Senator Marsha Blackburn sent a letter to outgoing FBI Director Wray and demanded that he stop prioritizing DEI after the New Orleans terror attack."
Ķ framtķšinni gęti FBI į kannski leyst einhver mįl.
Gręnlendingar eru jįkvęšir fyrir framtķšinni
"Egede said that a strong partnership between the U.S. and Greenland is crucial, but We dont want to be Danes. We dont even want to be Americans. We want to be Greenlanders. But we know that we have a lot to cooperate together with, especially with the defense and security for the last years, we also have a strong partnership between our countries. So, I believe we have a lot to cooperate with."
Ég held žeir fįi žaš sem žeir byšja um.
Sagan. Fįir hafa kynnt sér hana.
Analog mašurinn er linur, linari en allir ašrir
"A non-binary, South Asian, city councilor for the city of Worcester, Mass. has decided to take a full month off over alleged misgendering from others on the council. Councilor-at-Large Thu Nguyen has claimed that "transphobia and a discriminatory and toxic culture" has forced Nguyen to leave their position and take a month's leave."
Einn lélegasti mašur į jöršinni, žessi.
Sumir fréttamannafundir eru bara skemmtilegri en ašrir
"An independent US journalist was dragged out of US Secretary of State Antony Blinkens final press briefing on Thursday, after trying to ask a question about the Gaza ceasefire.
Husseini said he also wanted to ask Blinken about his connection to Jeffrey Epstein, Israeli nuclear weapons, and whether the Geneva Conventions applied to Gaza."
Allt įgętar spurningar.
16.1.2025 | 16:27
Enginn filter į himni į Akureyri
Ķbśar LA bśnir aš fatta hvernig žetta virkar
"With police forces overwhelmed by the enormous scope of devastation in Los Angeles County, residents are starting to take matters into their own hands, defying mandatory evacuation orders to instead guard their homes and their neighbor's property with firearms.
As we reported yesterday, losses from the wildfires in Los Angeles county are poised to reach $250 billion or more. Property isn't only being destroyed -- it's also being stolen by brazen looters.
in addition to looters, the defiant residents -- who call themselves "the stayers" -- are also keeping their eyes out for fire flareups."
Rķkiš er sśper-óeffectķvt.
Vatikaniš meš landamęragęzlu....
"The Vatican has hiked both monetary sanctions and prison sentences for those who violate its tight security regulations, Catholic News Agency reported Wednesday.
Last August, Pope Francis suggested that immigration laws should not be made stricter but rather looser, to allow more immigrants to cross international borders, adding that turning away migrants is a grave sin."
Enn einn leftisti tekinn fyrir leftista hluti
"Darrin Bell, a Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist known for his work with The Washington Post, has been arrested on child pornography charges, according to an entry on the Sacramento County Jails website."
Varla fréttnęmt, eins og stašan er.
Annar aušmašur aš reyna aš sigra himingeiminn
"Named after the first American to orbit Earth, the New Glenn rocket blasted off from Florida, soaring from the same pad used to launch NASAs Mariner and Pioneer spacecraft a half-century ago.
Years in the making with heavy funding by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, the 320-foot rocket carried an an experimental platform designed to host satellites or release them into their proper orbits."
Žaš er miklu ęskilegra aš žessir aušmenn séu aš skjóta rakettum śt ži geim en žeir séu sķfellt aš reyna aš eitra fyrir okkur, eins og sumir.
Venezuela plottar innrįs ķ Portó Rķkó
"Republican Puerto Rican governor Jenniffer Gonzįlez-Colón sent a letter to President-elect Trump asking for help securing Puerto Rico's borders.
'This is an open threat to the United States, our national security, and stability in the region,' Gonzįlez-Colón told Trump. 'I trust your incoming administration will swiftly respond and make clear to the Maduro regime that, under your leadership, the United States, will protect American lives and sovereignty and will not bow down to the threats of petty, murderous dictators.'"
Žaš er mikiš til af vondum hugmyndum. Žetta er sennilega meš žeim verri.
15.1.2025 | 18:41
Mašur rekinn fyrir aš kjafta frį öllu samsęrinu
"A top advisor to the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon has been fired after an undercover investigation caught him on camera admitting he's working with generals on a 'stop-Trump' effort.
Mannina further revealed that he was participating in a huge meeting with military leaders; in a very secure room called The Tank."
Žaš var og.
"Sullivan was clearly making a joke about the chaotic nature of his job and the fact that crazy, dangerous people don't stop engaging in terrorism and crime just because the White House is switching hands.
But since we've watched the Biden admin try to take Trump down through lawfare for more than a year ... and since Trump survived a literal bullet to the face ... everyone is a bit on edge."
Sjįum til.
Fyrst reyna leftistar aš kveikja ķ Hvķta hśsinu. Žaš veršur į föstudaginn, segja žeir.
"Customs officials at Domodedovo Airport in Moscow have confiscated 110lbs (about 50 kg) of human hair worth nearly $70,000 from the luggage of a foreign passenger arriving from Dubai."
Fręgir kallar gera fręgu kalla hluti
"Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling compared Sandman author Neil Gaiman to disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein after multiple women accused him of sexual assault."
Ég hef engu viš žetta aš bęta.
14.1.2025 | 15:33
.22 LR er banvęnni en .44 Magnum
Žetta setur hlutina ķ samhengi...
"During her speech, she also stated that the AfD will close the borders completely and turn back every illegal and undocumented migrant. And a very clear message to the whole world: Germanys borders are closed, dear friends. They are secure."
Gott plan.
"Russian anti-aircraft defenses have repelled a large-scale Ukrainian attack on Bryansk Region, downing a dozen Western-supplied missiles and over 30 drones, the Defense Ministry in Moscow said on Tuesday.
The ministry reported the details of the overnight attack in its daily briefing, stating that Ukrainian forces used six US-made ATACMS ballistic missiles and six Franco-British Storm Shadow cruise missiles. Some 31 fixed-wing kamikaze drones were also used in the attack, it added."
Žaš hlżtur aš draga eitthvaš śr žessu brįšlega.
Demókrötum ķ Kalķfornķu stendur meiri stuggur af Trump en eldsvoša
"California Democrats agreed to give Governor Gavin Newsom (D) $50 million to fight Trump as Los Angeles continues to burn.
California Democrats have reached a $50 million agreement to shore up state and local legal defenses against the incoming Trump administration just a week ahead of the president-elects inauguration. Half the money would go to fending off any mass deportation plan the new president might enact early in his administration."
... jęja.
Hvar er hausinn į žessum gaurum?
Žetta gęti haft allskonar afleišingar
"A new report out from Bloomberg suggests that Chinese officials "are evaluating a potential option that involves Elon Musk acquiring the US operations of TikTok" in the event that the company is not permitted to continue operating in the United States. The Biden administration had banned the platform unless parent company ByteDance divested from the TikTok app and sold off US operations to an American company."
Heimurinn er įhugaveršur, tķmarnir įhugaveršir. Framtķšin įhugaverš.
Meiri vķsindi śr sama geira: .22 LR er banvęnni en .44 Magnum
.22 (short, long and long rifle)
# of people shot - 154
# of hits - 213
% of hits that were fatal - 34%
Average number of rounds until incapacitation - 1.38
% of people who were not incapacitated - 31%
One-shot-stop % - 31%
Accuracy (head and torso hits) - 76%
% actually incapacitated by one shot (torso or head hit) - 60%
.44 Magnum
# of people shot - 24
# of hits - 41
% of hits that were fatal - 26%
Average number of rounds until incapacitation - 1.71
% of people who were not incapacitated - 13%
One-shot-stop % - 59%
Accuracy (head and torso hits) - 88%
% actually incapacitated by one shot (torso or head hit) - 53%
Žessi gögn fengust meš nįinni greiningu į lögregluskżrzlum. Óvęnt.
13.1.2025 | 16:51
Opinber nekrófóbķa
Byrjum į aš móšga nįrišla:
"A man who murdered a teenager he met on a bus and then had sex with her corpse told a court he decided to kill the 18-year-old after flipping a coin.
After I killed her, I took her clothes off her and then I had sex with her,' he admitted."
Ég veit aš žaš er afskalega nekrófóbķskt af mér aš segja žetta, en: oj.
Deild LGBTQ+ sem er fjölmennari en ég gerši mér grein fyrir. Hvaš allir žessir nįrišlar eru svo aš safnast saman į FB skil ég ekki. Var ég bśinn aš segja ykkur frį žvķ er ég móšgaši nįrišil į FB svo mikiš aš hann stökk śt śr nįrišlaskįpnum og fór aš hvęsa į mig?
Kannski seinna.
"Critics allege that these fires might not be mere acts of nature but intentional acts to fast-track a dystopian agenda where artificial intelligence governs daily life."
Dystópķkst helvķti. Hver vill ekki bśa žar?
Rśmenar mótmęla yfirgangi glóbalista
"Hundreds of thousands of Romanians furious with the current government for the cancellation of the presidential election marched today (12) through the capital Bucharest to demand that the vote should proceed and that outgoing and by now illegitimate President Klaus Iohannis should resign."
EB nįttśrlega vill ekki aš einhverjir frišarsinnar komist til valda, og fari aš vinna fólkinu ķ hag.
Hópurinn sem ętlar aš rśsta hagkerfinu tekur į sig mynd
"Ragnar Žór Ingólfsson, žingmašur Flokks fólksins ķ Reykjavķk og fyrrverandi formašur VR, veršur formašur fjįrlaganefndar. Žetta herma heimildir fréttastofu.
Samfylkingin, Višreisn og Flokkur fólksins hafa unniš aš žvķ aš skipta fastanefndum žingsins į milli sķn og eru lķnur ašeins farnar aš skżrast.
Samkvęmt heimildum fréttastofu veršur Dagur B. Eggertsson, žingmašur Samfylkingarinnar ķ Reykjavķk, varaformašur fjįrlaganefndar. Tališ hafši veriš lķklegt aš Dagur yrši žingflokksformašur flokksins en sś staša féll Gušmundi Ara Sigurjónssyni ķ skaut.
Vķšir Reynisson, žingmašur Samfylkingarinnar ķ Sušurkjördęmi, veršur formašur allsherjar- og menntamįlanefndar samkvęmt heimildum fréttastofu.
Žį veršur Arna Lįra Jónsdóttir, žingmašur Samfylkingarinnar ķ Noršvesturkjördęmi, formašur efnahags- og višskiptanefndar Alžingis samkvęmt heimildum fréttastofu."
Žar höfum viš žaš.
Fólk er fariš aš fjalla um kreditkortafyrirtęki nśna.
Žess vegna nota žeir milligöngumenn eins og Epstein & Maxwell.
Viš žurfum aš spyrja Žorgerši Katrķnu hver tók viš af žeim skötuhjśum.
12.1.2025 | 21:41
Allir geta gert göng nema Ķslenska Rķkiš
Glóblistar višurkenna afskipti af lżšręšinu
"Former French European Commissioner Thierry Breton has essentially openly confessed that the West stole the Romanian election and stands ready to do it again in Germany if deemed necessary.
"We did it in Romania, and we will do it in Germany if necessary," a translation from the French of Breton's recent appearance in European media said. Early last month a top Romanian court simply annulled the first round of the country's presidential election in order to create what amounted to a 'do over' election."
Frakkar žurfa alvarlega aš nį ķ fallöxina śr geymzlu. Ljóst aš margir žurfa aš fį aš p“rofa hana. Thierre fyrst.
"Pakistan International Airlines, which is Pakistans national carrier, put out an ad on the X platform in which they announced that flights between the capital of Islamabad and Paris would be resuming.
Paris, were coming today, the ad declares."
Sala į Jaguar dregst markvert saman
"Jaguar car sales have plummeted by more than a quarter in data released after the company launched its woke rebrand.
New industry registration figures released by its parent company, Jaguar Land Rover (JLR), indicated that the number of vehicles sold by the firm dropped dropped to 33,320 from 45,779 last year - a difference of 12,459."
Žeir hefšu įtt aš rįša Pakistana.
Alveg eins og Reykjavķk.
"Roughly 12,000 far-left Anti-Fascists attacked the convention of the opposition AfD party in Riesa, East Germany, Saturday, erecting roadblocks, attacking vehicles, and demanding ID while police looked on.
The AfD is currently the second-most popular party in Germany, gaining another 2% in the two days since Elon Musks X Space with party chair Alice Weidel (pron.: Vydel) last Thursday, to 22%. Weidels armored Mercedes limousine was attacked by about 30 violent Anti-Fascists on her way to the convention in Riesa, Saxony."
AfD veršur vinsęlli meš hverjum degi. Enda hafa žeir göfuga stefnu.
"A sophisticated smuggling tunnel believed to be used for human trafficking has been discovered at the El Paso border sector, connecting El Paso, Texas, to Ciudad Juįrez, Mexico."
Mexķkönsk glępagengi geta aušveldlega gert göng, Hamas getur aušveldlega gert göng - meira aš segja fjįrmgnuš af ķslenska Rķkinu, og Fęreyjingar geta gert öll žau göng sem žį langar.
Žeir einu sem eru of miklir lśšar til žess aš gera göng er Ķslenska Rķkiš.
Ef rįšamenn fęru ķ fęrri barnanaušgunartśra ķ loftslagsrįšstefnur žį hefšu žeir kannski manndóm ķ sér til žess aš gera fleiri göng. Til of mikils męlst eins og er.
12.1.2025 | 18:10
Hin forna Róm, ofl.
Ķ žessum geira
Stutt spjall
Nenni engu af žessu
Lķtum ašeins aftur til hinnar fornu Rómar.
Bękur | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
11.1.2025 | 18:04
Kalifornķa er rekin eins og Reykjavķk
"About 30 minutes south of Los Angeles, local media has reported that police are searching for criminals who stole three Humveesone of which was armoredmachine gun mounts, and a whole bunch of military-grade gear from the Army Reserve Center in Tustin.
"Multiple storage lockers were discovered with locks removed and missing gear. An attempt was made to cut a lock to uniform storage; however, it was unsuccessful," TPD wrote in a report, adding, "A fence was cut to gain access to a military vehicle parking lot where three Humvees were stolen. The suspects left the area at an unknown time.""
Žetta fer beint yfir landamęrin, ķ hendurnar į einhverju gengi.
Ég hef efasemdir um gešheilsu sumra
"A transgender TikToker claims to have spent $17,000 to have six of his ribs removed and plans to have them made into a crown."
... jį.
Kommśnismi og eldvarnir fara ekki saman
"Newsweek on Friday uncovered explosive evidence that just months before devastating wildfires, which have so far killed at least ten people and destroyed countless homes, Newsom approved at least $101 million worth of cuts from seven wildfire and forest resilience programs."
Kynskipti eru mikilvęg, eldvarnir ekki.
Bandarķkin eru aš skemma fyrir sér meš kolefnistrś
"Those pushing these beliefs also claim that it is the duty of more developed countries to transfer 100s of billions, even trillions of dollars to developing countries so that they can continue developing using so-called green technology vs. dirty old legacy technology.
Here in the United States, climate-change driven polities and mandates are being rolled out on the premise/claim that that climate change is even now disproportionately affecting the poor and disadvantaged. They also claim that man-caused climate change is negatively impacting GDP."
"Georgescu, invariably described as a far-right populist by international media, shocked the Romanian political establishment by roaring into first place in pre-election polling. His success was all the more remarkable because his campaign spent very little money on advertising; in fact, he claimed he spent nothing at all."
Loka-brandarinn gerir žetta.
10.1.2025 | 17:22
Framtķšin er komin, og einhver vél er til sem slappar af fyrir žig
... jį.
Musk rannsakašur af leynižjónustunni fyrir andstöšu sķna viš barnanaušgara
"The UK government's counter-extremism unit is reportedly conducting an investigation into Elon Musk for his criticism of Britain's failure to investigate the nation's infamous "grooming gang" scandal. In recent weeks, the tech mogul has used his social media platform X to launch a series of attacks on the Labour government. Musk's criticism is in response to Jess Phillips, Labour's safeguarding minister, who rejected an inquiry into Muslim Pakistani "grooming gangs" on the grounds that it is not the responsibility of Parliament to investigate the matter, which includes years of alleged child sexual exploitation."
Vį... brezka rķkiš er allt samansafn af pedóum, er žaš ekki?
Hvaš ķ andskotanum er aš žessu liši?
"In the last few months, a growing number of reports have been coming out of the United Kingdom that Royal heir to the throne Prince William has begun flexing his royal muscles.
The Prince of Wales has reportedly ramped-up preparations for his upcoming rule, and even now is said to be seizing more power from his ailing father, King Charles."
Veit ekki. Kannski vęri best aš kóngurinn tęki bara alla stjórn žarna, žingiš er ekkert aš virka.
EZ prey
"Melodys functionality and adaptability is made possible by infusing the machine with a combination of open-source AI and advanced motor technology, Realbotix representatives claimed.
By incorporating advanced motor technology, Melody enhances movement fluidity, modularity, and interaction, making her a versatile option for a variety of applications, they said."
Vélmenni og gervigreind stela allri mannlegri hegšan af öllum. Žaš sem kemur strax upp ķ hugann:
"And when you come home late, the doll is waiting up for you
And when you fix a snack, the doll says it would like one too
The doll is in your house and in your room and in your bed
The doll is in your eyes and in your arms and in your head
And you are crazy"
Feh. Bķš eftir gena-editušu kattastelpunum.
Žorgeršur sparkar i augaš į Kristrśnu ef hśn nżtir sparnašar-rįš almennings
"Sķšan aš opnaš var fyrir umsagnir ķ samrįšsgįtt um hvernig megi hagręša ķ rekstri rķkisins žį hafa yfir 2.800 umsagnir borist.
Kristrśn segir aš starfsmenn ķ fjįrmįlarįšuneytinu og forsętisrįšuneytinu muni vinna śr umsögnum almennings ķ samrįšsgįtt og aš gervigreind verši nżtt til aš hjįlpa viš verkefniš."
Ég hef meiri trś į Stórfęti en aš žetta verši nżtt į einhvern jįkvęšan hįtt.
Bigfoot eša Taylor Swift? Erfitt aš segja.
9.1.2025 | 16:27
Jólatré ķ Belgķu
Belgar varašir viš neyzlu jólatrjį
"Belgium's food agency just issued a seasonal health warning telling citizens not to eat their Christmas trees.
In Ghent, which is apparently Belgium's answer to Portland, their city website started giving out tips on how to recycle your Christmas tree by consuming it. They said you could strip the needles, blanch them, and dry them, for stuff like flavored butter.
Not joking. They actually recommended this."
Jólatré, žaš er vegan.
Allir glępamenn Albanķu eru ķ UK. Žį er vęntanlega frišsęlt ķ Albaniu į mešan.
"German police played down New Years Eve violence concerns, stating most arrests were of adult German males, but a leaked list of suspects suggests the truth may not be exactly as the authorities wished to portray.
Analysis of the list of 256 first names of German nationals showed, Nius.de claims, that most people on it have names commonly associated with migrant communities. Only a minority have recognisably German names. The report states:
the majority of the German suspects clearly have a migrant background and in many cases Muslim first names. The list of German perpetrators begins with Abdul Kerim, Abdulhamid, Abdulkadir, Abdul Karim and Abdullah. The first name Ali appears eight times in the list of those arrested, Hassan three times, Mohammed (in various spellings) twelve times, Youssuf (in various spellings) six times.
In all, Nius asserts that while migrant-background people make up 40 per cent of Berlins population, the list could indicate they accounted for 80 per cent of the arrests."
Sumir segja žaš bara eins og žaš er
"A Conservative MP in the UK has refused to back track after he urged that alien cultures propagated via mass immigration in Britain are making the country unsafe.
Jenrick further urged that the ongoing pedophile rape gang scandal started with the onset of mass migration."
Góšur. Menn eiga aš taka sér žennan til fyrirmyndar.
Feisbśkk hafši 40.000 śrkynjunarverši.
Anti-bķlisti veršur fyrir lķkamsįrįs ķ almenningssamgöngukerfinu
"Layla Law-Gisiko (D), the president of the City Club of New York and a prominent advocate for New York Citys new congestion pricing policy, was the latest victim of a violent attack in the very subway system she promoted.
The incident occurred on Saturday when Law-Gisiko was confronted by an individual with a shopping cart who spat in her hair and pushed her into a wall, leaving her with a bruised ankle and sore shoulder."
Žaš er fyndiš vegna žess aš žaš er satt.
Kolefnistrśarmenn vilja ekki hafa önnur trśarbrögš en kolefnistrś
"The Church of Sweden has decided to SHUT DOWN 7 churches from the Middle Ages in order to meet climate goals."
Žaš er ekki nóg aš svelta fólkiš, frysta gamalmenni, stušla aš skógareldum og leggja hagkerfi heimsins ķ rśts, žaš į lķka aš banna trśariškun sem fellur ekki aš hugmyndum Al Gore.
Best of eldsvošar ķ Kalifornķu:
Of fįir brunališpsemnn, vegna žess aš žeir rįku alla sem vildu ekki lįta eitra fyrir sér
Brunališiš valdi frekar śrkynjun en lķfsbjörg
Brunališ LA gefur śtbśnaš sinn til Śkranķu
Žaš var heldur ekkert vatn vegna skriffinnsku. Kalifornķa er rekin eins og Ķsland.
Talandi um... hvernig gengur hugmyndasöfnun alžżšunnar?
2736 athugasemdir skrįšar, flestar faldar. Best of seinustu 20:
"Hvernig vęri aš leggja nišur allar nefndir į vegum alžingis. Öll mįl og tillögur sem eru ekki samžykkt į žingi og fara "ķ nefnd", deyja žar."
"Einungis rķkisborgarar ęttu aš hafa rétt į atvinnuleysisbótum."
Žar höfum viš žaš.