20.2.2025 | 16:42
Ríkið sóar sífellt meiri pening í ekkert
íslenska ríkið sóar meiriháttar fjármunum
98 milljarðar. 445.000 kall á hvern vinnandi mann. Út um gluggann. Og sóunin eykst ár frá ári.
"Trump revealed on Tuesday that hes seriously considering a proposal to give 20% to every American taxpayer, funded entirely by the massive savings the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) has accumulated.
With DOGE reportedly achieving $1 billion in savings per day, President Trump has an opportunity to work with Congress to take DOGE one step further and deliver what we at Azoria call the DOGE Dividend, a tax refund check to be sent after the expiration of DOGE in July 2026 funded exclusively with a portion of the total savings delivered by DOGE.
$400 billion in DOGE-driven savings *divided by* 79 million tax-paying households = $5,000 DOGE Dividend check per tax-paying household."
700.000 kall á mann. Þetta getur kaninn, og auðveldlega.
Á meðan höfum við hérna skaðræðis gerpi sem geta ekki einu sinni lagt vegi.
"In a statement on Wednesday, Microsoft said that the new chip is powered by the worlds first topoconductor, which is capable of creating an entirely new state of matter with extremely high conductivity features, making computation much more stable."
Uhm... ha?
Nei, þið getið ekki kennt COBOL um þetta.
AfD eru spilaðir sem miklir frelsarar þarna úti
"Roscher described Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck, Chancellor Olaf Scholz, and Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock as malicious failures in a post on X back in 2021. He was subsequently issued a penalty notice under the controversial Paragraph 188 of the German Criminal Code, which criminalized defamation against individuals engaged in public political life.
Following the charge, authorities also moved to revoke his gun license, citing unreliability."
JD Vance hafði rétt fyrir sér.
AfD þarf að vinna meiriháttar sigur, annars verður niðurgangur Þýzkalands alger. Síðasti séns.
Verst lyktandi ingmaðurinn fundinn
"The worst body odor in Congress is definitely [Rep.] Jerry Nadler, Santos told comedian Jim Norton on his podcast Wednesday of the 77-year-old lawmaker.
Really, its so bad. Its so bad. Dude, Jerry Nadler stinks. Dude, he stinks."
Við þurftum að vita þetta.
"Watch Sean Spicer Hilariously Explain to Glenn Beck Why Trump Can Fire Anyone He Wants to Because of Joe Biden"
Og DOGE var búið til af Obama.
19.2.2025 | 16:53
Ísland kemur alltaf illa út í samanburðinum, annar þáttur
"In just 48 hours, DOGE slashed a staggering $370 million in taxpayer dollars being blown on far-left DEI initiatives at the Department of Education (DOE).
It comes as DOGE continues to purge wasteful spending and fraudulent abuse of taxpayer funds by the federal government."
Doge hefur núna sparað hverum skattborgara $359
"Tillagan felur í sér að menningar-, nýsköpunar- og háskólaráðherra í samráði við fjármálaráðherra, leggi fram frumvarp sem kveði á um að greiðendur útvarpsgjalds geti sjálfir ráðstafað þriðjungi gjaldsins til fjölmiðla að eigin vali.
Með tillögunni sé gert ráð fyrir að almenningur fái svigrúm til að ráðstafa þriðjungi útvarpsgjaldsins á skattskýrslu hvers árs."
Hann er ekki að skilja: ég vil *HALDA* peningunum fyrir *MIG.* Ég hef engan áhuga á að útdeila þeim neitt.
Mig munar alveg um þennan pening.
Ísland kemur illa út í samanburðinum.
Meiri vitleysa í boði íslenska Ríkisins
"Daði Már Kristófersson, fjármála- og efnahagsráðherra, segir að kílómetragjald verði tekið upp innan skamms. Það sé óumflýjanlegt."
Meira í spillingarhýtina. Meira sem hægt er að stela beint, eða gegnum Zelenský.
Betra en MK-Ultra sæoppið sem RÚV sannanlega er.
Á meðan, á meðal viti borinna manna:
"After firing thousands of "probationary employees" at various federal departments, the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) has arrived at the largest of them all -- the Department of Defense -- and is expected to unleash a mass termination as early as this week."
Þetta vantar okkur, og alla Evrópu vantar þetta líka.
"The EU should blame itself for being excluded from US-initiated Ukraine peace efforts, Armin Papperger, CEO of German arms giant Rheinmetall, one of the key Western firms supplying Kiev with military equipment, has said. In an interview with the Finacial Times published late on Monday, the executive indicated that the blocs under-investment in defense led the US to stop seeing it as an equal partner."
Að reiða sig á aðra gengur ekki til lengdar.
18.2.2025 | 17:05
Amazon gæti keypt Danmörku
Meðallaun á íslandi eru 724.000 kr.
Rétt undir 18% eru með laun undir 500K á mánuði, eða 6 millur á ári. Fyrir skatt. Þetta eru öll pokadýrin í Bónus, ræstingafólk, mikið af fólki í matvælavinnzlu.
Þið vitið, fólkið sem kolefnisgjöldin beinast gegn.
Alls voru um 220.600 einstaklingar starfandi á íslenskum vinnumarkaði í desember 2024 samkvæmt skrám.
Semsagt: ~40.000 eru með undir 500K á mánuði.
Ef kaninn vildi gera Íslenska Ræíkinu hina mestu skráveifu, þá gætu þeir fyrir $79.416.000.000, eða tvöfalt það sem fór í "USAID SOUTH SUDAN GENDER AWARE SUSTAINABLE WATER" (etc), tekið sig til og borgað öllu þessu fólki 2 milljónir dollara til þess að flytja til Texas. Þeir gætu jafnvel skutlað þeim þangað, sem bónus.
Mig grunar að flestir myndu taka þeim díl. Set for life.
Þessi hópur framleiðir ca 1/4 - 1/3 af öllu GDP landsins.
Þessu fólki verður nefnilega ekki skift út fyrir einhverja sandniggara, sama hversu nauðgunargjarnir eða á annan hátt ofbeldishneigðir þeir eru, vegna þess að sandniggarinn nennir almennt ekki að vinna. Allar svoleiðis hugmyndir gera illt verra.
Þetta er löglegt, og teldist ekki til stríðs-aðgerða, svo Íslenka ríkið gæti ekki kvartað.
"The reason people are pushing for this is because the eastern part of Oregon is conservative and the folks who live there are tired of having to live under progressive rule from people in the western part of the state and the far left city of Portland.
There are lots of reasons why people on the left dont want this to happen, but one of the main ones is the precedent it would set."
óskum þeim velfarnaðar með þetta.
Eitthvað einhversstaðar er ekki eins og það á að vera. Mér skilst á RÚV að svoleiðis eigi einmitt allt að vera: lélegt og bilað.
X kærir einhverja nazista fyrir ritskoðun
"Amid increasing scrutiny of the censorship regime in Germany in the wake of U.S. Vice President JD Vances speech at the Munich Security Conference, the Global Government Affairs division of X said on Monday that it has filed lawsuits in courts across the country to challenge the lawfulness of censorship demands.
In a statement, the American tech giant claimed that Germany subunits the highest number of legal demands for user data to X within the European Union."
óskum þeim velfarnaðar með þetta.
Hún lítur í alvöru svona út. Vegan...
$4.7 trilljarðar reynast órekjanlegir
"Elon Musks Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) claims has uncovered a massive gap of nearly $5 trillion in US federal spending that it cannot account for. DOGE has claimed that Treasury records made some payments untraceable."
Það er svona lagað sem ég býst við af ríkinu, og ríkjum almennt.
"Leftists have lost it. Less than a month into Trumps return to the White House there is clearly a serious storm brewing with calls for extreme violence."
Þetta er sannkölluð viðrinasýning.
Það er meira hvað spillingin er þeim mikilvæg.
17.2.2025 | 13:22
Það sem ég fann á netinu í dag
Greindarvísitala landsmanna lækkar með hverjum degi
"Karlar eru frekar fylgjandi veggjöldum en konur og eldra fólk frekar en það yngra. Þetta eru niðurstöður nýrrar Maskínukönnunar sem bendir til nokkurs viðsnúnings hjá landsmönnum þegar kemur að veggjöldum."
Estrógen í Noccóinu, held ég.
Menn vilja bara borga og borga og borga og borga og fá ekkert.
Meiri and-fasískur áróður
Það má ekki fjalla um þjóðarmorð í Afríku
"The western public has been hearing a lot about "genocide" in recent years, from the genocide of indigenous peoples, to the genocide of Palestinians to the genocide of trans people. The demand is that these concerns be taken seriously whether they are realistic or exaggerated, that reparations be distributed and that refugees be taken in by the millions. The underlying narrative is always the same - "White colonialism" is the ultimate culprit behind every social injustice in the world and marginalized minorities are perpetual victims that require protection.
But what happens when white people are the minority under attack?
That's a question that's simply not acceptable according to the establishment media, and any suggestion that such a thing is possible is treated as an act of xenophobia. White people can never be considered a "marginalized minority". This is the conundrum the western public often encounters when the issue of South Africa is broached."
Sjálfseyðingarkvöt sumra á vesturlöndum er alveg ægileg.
Bírókratía drepur
Trump og áætlanir hans fyrir Úkraníu
"Reporter: Would you support Zelinskys seeding territory or exchanging territory in any agreement to end the war?
And I have a Secretary of Treasury right now whos actually quite brave. Hes over in Ukraine on a train, and theres a lot of things happening around that train that arent so good. And hes going there to get a document done where were going to be assured that were going to, in some form, get this money back because were putting up far more money than Europe."
"The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has slashed millions in contracts that were active under the Biden administration, including for a Brazilian forest and gender consultant and a Central American gender assessment consultant."
... aha. Jæja...
"Former President Donald Trump attended the Daytona 500 on Sunday, receiving enthusiastic applause from the crowd as Air Force One flew over Daytona International Speedway before landing at a nearby airport.
Before the race, Trump took a lap around the track in "The Beast," the presidential state car, before addressing NASCAR drivers from inside the vehicle."
Þetta má.
16.2.2025 | 19:21
Framtíð okkar verður eins og nútíð meginlands Evrópu
Ríkið hefur 3-5 ár til þess að henda þessum drengjum úr landi
"Fimmtán ára piltur var rændur af sex manna hópi drengja skammt frá Smáralind í gær.
Pilturinn var á gangi með vini sínum þegar hópur drengja kemur upp að þeim og hótar þeim. Vinur piltsins náði að hlaupa á brott og hringja í lögregluna.
Gerendurnir eru af erlendu bergi brotnir."
Uppúr 18 ára aldri verða þeir farnir að stunda hryðjuverk. Rekandi fólk á hol og annað slíkt, alveg éns og í Evrópu.
Alvöru hryðjuverk, ekki bara eitthvað mas á Telegram um tölvuleiki og gæludýr.
Leftistar í USA skjóta sig aftur í fótinn
"According to DropSite, the State Department was "forecast" to pay for a $400 million contract for armored Teslas in 2025, referencing a State Department spreadsheet that referenced $400 million worth of "Armored Tesla" vehicles. The spreadsheet was then mysteriously changed to exclude "Tesla" from the line item.
The report was soon picked up by NPR and the New York Times,
Except, nobody did basic journalism until it was too late - because it was the Biden administration that originally included the potential procurement, and the spreadsheet was wiped of Tesla references in December 2024 - also by the Biden administration."
Propaganda fail.
"Victor Orbán explained how the liberal globalist elites are using US taxpayers money to spread their ideology around the world. This includes the financing of more than 60 NGOs, paid politicians, and media outlets in Hungary.
As Gateway Pundit reported, Biden, Berlin and Brussels worked together with the United Opposition, which included the neo-Nazi Jobbik party, to try and oust the Christian conservative Victor Orbán, to no avail."
Ungverjar gefa sig ekki.
Hægri öfgamenn eru betri en barnanauðgarar
"The AfD wants Germany to have very good relations with our European neighbors and with great powers as well, the politician said, adding that it includes Russia.
Until two years ago, we sourced cheap natural gas from Russia through the Nord Stream, Weidel said, referring to the Russian undersea pipelines delivering natural gas to Germany that were sabotaged via a series of explosions in autumn 2022.
Berlin has since taken steps to put an end to Russian energy imports as part of its EU sanctions policy, which is linked to the Ukraine conflict."
Fjandans pedóar gera ekkert annað en að loka kjarnorkuverum, reisa vindmillur og fara í stríð.
"$1.9 billion of HUD money was just recovered after being misplaced during the Biden administration due to a broken process, DOGE revealed on X, posting screenshots of the receipts.
These funds were earmarked for the administration of financial services, but were no longer needed."
Við þurfum þetta. En við fáum bara þátttöku í land-stríði í Asíu í staðinn.
90ies B.
15.2.2025 | 14:12
ísland kemur alltaf illa út í samanburðinum
Þessi skaðræðisgripur enn að minna á tilvist sína
"Loftslagsráðherra segir sláandi hversu lítið hafi verið gert til að endurheimta votlendi á ríkisjörðum í tíð fyrri ríkisstjórnar.
Ísland nær ekki að standa við skulbindingar sínar um samdrátt í losun gagnvart Parísarsamkomulaginu fyrir lok þessa áratugs samkvæmt mati stýrihóps umhverfis-, orku- og loftslagsráðuneytisins sjálfs."
Hvað með það?
Hættið þessu bullið og farið að gera eitthvað uppbyggilegt. Þessi költismi er orðinn meira en bara úldinn.
Hræðzla grípur um sig meðal fenjadýranna
"Earlier this week, internet search trends for "Criminal Defense Lawyer" and "RICO Laws" went viral on X, fueling speculation that Washington's political elites were in panic mode. The searches coincided with DOGE's efforts to neuter USAID's funding of NGOs that propped up a shadow government, as well as begin cutting tens of thousands of workers from various federal agencies.
Now, more suspicious search trends have erupted among DC residents as DOGE efforts went into beast mode at the end of the week.
"Washington DC searches soar for "Swiss bank" (yellow), "offshore bank" (green), "wire money" (red) and "IBAN" (blue)," WikiLeaks wrote on X late Thursday."
Já, ólíkt því sem gerist á íslandi, er stundum hart tekið á spillingu í útlandinu.
Trump losar um mannskap hjá skattinum
"According to a report from The Washington Post, the Trump administration is planning around 9,000 job cuts at the agency specifically targeting employees who are still on their probation period."
Hægri-öfgamaður sýknaður í Ástralíu
"Australia's so-called "eSafety Commissioner" just got legally wrecked in a major victory for free speech and a massive blow to the censorship regime that's been creeping its way into democratic societies under the guise of "safety."
Celine Baumgarten, an Australian woman who dared to exercise her basic right to free speech when she made a post last year that uncovered a "queer club" at Montmorency South Primary School in Melbourne where kids as young as eight were being encouraged to "identify" as LGBTQIA+"
Pedófóbía stangast ekki á við lög. Barnageldarar eru fúlir.
Þorgerður Katrín mun reyna að redda þessu
"US defense stocks took a sharp dive this week after President Donald Trump announced that he could slash military spending in half. The announcement came amid a wider cost-saving push by his administration.
Companies which saw share prices fall this week include aerospace manufacturers
Lockheed Martin (-4.86%)
Northrop Grumman (-6.58%)
as well as General Dynamics (-5.30%)
according to Fridays trading data."
14.2.2025 | 17:27
Heimurinn þrammar áfram
Ég og félagar mínir myndum skammast okkar við svona frétt
"Skólastjóri Laugalækjarskóla segir alla í áfalli yfir skotvopni sem nemendur skólans fundu á þaki hans seint í gærkvöldi."
Við myndum segjast ganga í Ísaksskóla eða eitthvað.
Í áfalli, já. Aumingja krakkarnir að sitja undir þessu níði um sig.
Þetta er sæopp. Lögreglan setti þessa byssu þarna, til þess að krakkarnir fyndu hana. Athugið að við erum að ræða hæér um sömu mennina og hleruðu einhverja gaura upp úr þurru, þar sem þeir voru að tala um tölvuleiki, og tóku þá svo fasta og sökuðu þá um hryðjuverk.
Treystiði þeim?
Tengd frétt: ef það eru ekki múslimar eru það trannar.
Barnageldarar eru ekki par hrifnir af Trump
"A federal judge on Thursday temporarily blocked President Trumps executive order restricting federal aid to hospitals and healthcare clinics that perform transgender surgeries on minors.
Trump previously signed two executive orders aimed at protecting children from monsters who surgically mutilate minors and give them cross-sex hormones."
Barnageldarar vilja gelda börn.
Varaforsetinn sér þetta eins og þetta er
"US Vice President J.D. Vance has criticized European leaders for fearing their own voters and failing to uphold democratic values, citing the recent annulment of Romanias presidential election.
He further urged European Union leaders to embrace what your people tell you, even when it is surprising and they do not agree.
If youre running in fear of your own voters, there is nothing America can do for you, nor, for that matter, is there anything that you can do for the American people who elected me and elected President Trump, Vance stated."
Mér lýst vel á hversu mikið mannskapurinn hefur batnað þarna megin hafsins.
Tim Pool um viðrini.
"In the latest edition of "new study confirms what we already knew," a survey from the Institute for Family Studies confirmed that liberal women are sadder and more lonely than conservative women.
From the study:
Specifically, we found that 37% of conservative women reported being 'completely satisfied' with life, whereas only 12% of liberal women did"
Menn sem hugsa ekki verða vitlausari af því
"Individuals who rely too much on artificial intelligence (AI) to perform certain tasks are reducing their critical thinking skills, according to a new study by Microsoft and Carnegie Mellon.
The research discovered that AI can lead to the "deterioration of cognitive faculties that ought to be preserved.""
Það var nú ágætt.
13.2.2025 | 17:37
Af nýlegum bókmenntum.
Þetta hafa fáir lesið.
Upprifjun atburða úr fortíðinni
Þetta er ekki hafn slæmt og hæún vill vera láta, og alls ekki vert þess að röfla um í næstum 2 tíma.
Meiri upprifjun á fortíðinni
Ég hef aldrei lifað aðra eins sjóferð.
Bækur | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
12.2.2025 | 16:08
Maður dauð-öfundar kanann þessi dægrin
"DOGE head Elon Musk said on Tuesday that DOGE is going to investigate federal employees whose net worths have exploded despite their comparatively low pay.
The announcement - which came after President Donald Trump signed an executive order calling on federal agencies to work with DOGE, follows a bombshell report that Samantha Power, former head of USAID, saw her net worth explode to $30 million despite an annual salary under $250,000."
Hvað er langt þar til DOE finnur eitthvað vafasamt á okkar lið?
Allt er tengt... gæti gerst.
Íslenska ríkið er ekki eitt um að fjármagna hryðjuverk
"USAID sent $9.3B to Islamic terror states that killed 3,000 American soldiers
The explosive disclosures about how U.S. taxpayer monies are being used to subvert governments worldwide, while propping up others, continues to shed light on the outragious fools our own government must take us for. They steal our money and use it however they wish, often in secret deals that reward obedient foreign regimes while punishing the disobedient."
"H.R.1161 - To authorize the President to enter into negotiations to acquire Greenland and to rename Greenland as "Red, White, and Blueland"."
Já. Því ekki.
Það eru myndir.
"Over the weekend, the DOGE chief also took aim at two long-standing state-funded propaganda outlets, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) and Voice of America (VOA). The two CIA cutouts were prominently used by Washington to counter Soviet influence in Europe during the Cold War.
Shut them down. Europe is free now (not counting stifling bureaucracy). Nobody listens to them anymore. Its just radical left crazy people talking to themselves while torching $1B/year of US taxpayer money, Musk wrote in a post on X."
Poppkorn eða buggles? Það er spurningin.
Einmitt. Egg. Set það á innkaupalsitann.
11.2.2025 | 17:16
Ekkert gott hefur nokkurtíma komið frá Morfís
Franskir kommúnistar vilja útrýma frökkum og setja Kreóla í staðinn
"In two speeches given less than 24 hours apart in the French city of Toulouse, Jean-Luc Mélenchon delivered some of the most shocking yet brutally honest words from a European politician, openly calling for the older French to be replaced by a Creole generation of mixed races and cultures."
Það kemur alltaf betur í ljós að Nazistarnir voru langt frá því að vera þeir verstu.
"Tractors blocked the streets around the Houses of Parliament in London on Monday as British farmers gathered to rally against the governments plans to change the countrys inheritance tax policies. The changes will force many farms into bankruptcy, analysts say."
Breska ríkið er þegar búið að fæla alla tækni-gaurana úr landi, gullið flæðir úr Englandsbanka, vegna þess að enginn treystir því fyrirbæri, og enn eru þeir að hamast við að eyða matvælaframleiðzlu í landinu.
Sjálfseyðingarhyggjan er sterk.
Trump heldur áfram að uppræta kolefnistrú
"This comes after President Donald Trump signed an executive order that would cut all environmental justice programs in the federal government Trump also paused funding disbursements from the Inflation Reduction Act that was put into motion by the Biden administration. According to Axios, NOAA has also been instructed to comb through its grants given out to institutions for keywords related to climate change.
Some of the terms include "climate," "methane," "nitrous oxide," "greenhouse gas," "climate science," "carbon," the "Paris Agreement," as well as others."
Ekkert dauða-költ fær að starfa meðan hann rekur pleisið.
Á meðan, á Íslandi:
Gaurinn sem fer fyrir einu skaðlegasta ráðuneytinu er með einhverja Morfís takta
"Hann tók enn fremur fram að aðgerðir stjórnvalda í loftslagsmálum myndu bera þess merki að ríkisstjórn myndi þjóna vinnandi fólki."
Þetta ráðuneyti hans er til. Hver dagur sem líður á meðan það er enn til er tær þjófnaður.
Ef hann afleggur ekki öll kolefnisgjöld með það sama, þá er ekkert að marka hann. Ef hann á í erfiðleikum með að fjármagna það, þá er alltaf hægt að spara pening með því að hætta í Parísarsáttmálanum, og hætta að borga mönnum fyrir að hella eitrí í Hvalfjörðinn.
Svona sem byrjun.
Ég treysti þessum gæja ekki lengra en ég get hent honum. En hann er svo fullur af heitu lofti, að kannski er það léttara verk en mig grunar.
Hvað er eiginlega mikið af JFK skjölum?
"The FBI has just stumbled upon a whopping 2,400 previously undisclosed records tied to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
This revelation comes mere days after President Donald Trump signed an executive order mandating the release of all classified documents concerning the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr."
Þeir hljóta að vera að framleiða þetta ennþá.
Vísindi og fræði | Breytt s.d. kl. 17:17 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)