Demókratar hyggjast leysa vind

Allir anti-Teslistarnir mótmęla fyrir utan Tesla umbošiš

1: Spjöldin eru öll į ensku.  Ekki naušsynlega rétt stafsett heldur.

2: Slagoršin eru žau sömu og mašur sér ķ USA... af einhverjum orsökum.

3: Žetta eru ~10 manns.  Sennilega allir sem eru į žessari skošun į landinu.

4: fęstir eru ķ neinu formi, sumir meš gręnt hįr.

5: "Hópurinn sé andsvar viš ógn fasķskra afla sem séu į uppleiš um heim allan." Rrrrriiiight.

Mongóar.  Allt saman.

Įsthildur Lóa er oršinn fręgasti pedófķll Ķslandssögunnar

"Iceland’s minister for children has resigned after admitting she had a child over 30 years ago with a 16-year-old boy while she was a 22-year-old church group counselor, according to the New York Post.

The NY Post article says that the teen father, Eirķk Įsmundsson, paid child support for 18 years, though Thórsdóttir allegedly limited his access to the child after marrying, according to reports."

Kynferšisglępir, strķš og fjįrsvik.  Hver saknar Ice-hot?




Aftansöngur til vinsęlda

"@AOC in Colorado on Friday said, “We need a Democratic Party that farts.”


Gęti virkaš:

Conor bżšur sig fram

"Former UFC champion Conor McGregor has again announced that he’ll run for Irish president in this year’s elections, and promised to oppose the EU Migration Pact, adopted by the European Parliament last year, if he wins.

“The next presidential election must take place by 11 Nov 2025. Who else will stand up to Government and oppose this bill? I will!” McGregor wrote on X on Thursday."

Įfram, hann.

Fyndiš žvķ žaš er satt.

Hvalur ręšst į einhverja kellingu

"Cierra Stockard was swimming with the gentle sea creatures during spring break when one of the animals lifted her into the air — and she fell, landing on the dolphin’s dorsal fin, she told Nashville’s WKRN."

Passiš ykkur į dżrunum.

Žaš er komiš bakslag ķ réttindabarįttu LGBTQ+ fólks


Veriš aš hylma yfir pedó.  Gott lśkk.

Barnamįlarįšherra kom of nįlęgt barni

"Įsthild­ur Lóa Žórs­dótt­ir, frį­far­andi mennta- og barna­mįlarįšherra, hef­ur sent frį sér yf­ir­lżs­ingu eft­ir um­fjöll­un um aš hśn hafi įtt sam­ręši viš 15 įra dreng žegar hśn var 22 įra.

Įsthild­ur Lóa sagši af sér sem rįšherra ķ gęr. Hśn seg­ist ekki munu veita frek­ari vištöl vegna mįls­ins."

Aldeilis bakslag fyrir LGBTQ+.  Ég held aš žetta sé Qiš.  Pedóisminn er svolķtiš mikiš bedlašur viš Qiš.

Bara ķ fyrra eša hitt ķ fyrra var sett ķ lög aš 15 įra vęru "kynferšislega sjįlfrįš" eša eitthvaš svoleišis, einmitt til žess aš gera svona lagaš löglegt.  Og til žess aš gelda börn.

Ekki inn nśna.  Nś er mikil hęgri-öfga sveifla ķ gangi.  Žaš mį ekki rišlast į börnum lengur.  Sandniggarar mega ekki einu sinni fremja morštilręši lengur, įn žess aš fólk nöldri.  Hęgri-öfgar!  Óttist!

Hér įšur fyrr mįtti hvaša rįšherra sem er negla ólögrįša börn hvar og hvenęr sem var, og žaš žótti bara OK.  En ekki lengur.  Nś er bara fariš framį afsögn.  Og žaš fęst bara ķ gegn.

Hvaš segja Samtökin 78 viš žessu?

Žaš mį ekki pedóast lengur.  Heimur batnandi fer.

Ah... nógu nįlęgt.

Śkranķumenn meš fjarstżrša bķla

"With losses stacking up -- including the sudden forfeiture of 500 square miles of territory once held in Russia's Kursk region -- Ukraine's military leadership announced on Tuesday that it's deploying machine-gun-equipped robots to the front lines."

Žaš var og.


Heheh.  Vandręšalegt.  Žetta mun įsękja žęr lengur en peningasukkiš til Śkranķu og hvķtflibbaglępir Sęland.

Žetta er dįldiš vafasamt

"Ekrem Imamoglu, the mayor of Istanbul and chief rival for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the 2028 election, was arrested on Wednesday in a move denounced by opposition leaders as a “coup against the next president.”

Imamoglu was just days away from formally receiving his party’s nomination for the presidency.

Imamoglu, 54, was among roughly a hundred people targeted by arrest warrants on Wednesday for corruption, bribery, racketeering, and aiding a known terrorist group — specifically the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), a Kurdish separatist group that Erdogan’s government regards as the greatest security threat to Turkey."

Žeir eru meš svona "okkar lżšręši" žarna.


Fjįrmagn flęšir frį EB

"Capital outflow from the EU has reached €300 billion ($325 billion) annually as retail and institutional investors move their money into assets outside the region, European Council President Antonio Costa has announced.

The statement comes as the bloc is considering doubling its military aid to Ukraine and continues to pledge billions of euros in financial assistance to Kiev."

Žetta mun bara versna.

Menn hafa sķn įhugamįl.

"According to officials, a man decapitated a sea lion on Christmas day and fled the scene on an e-bike … with the animal's head.

Officials described the suspect as a 'tan-complexioned male, approximately 30 - 40 years old, dressed in all black.'

The suspect was seen using 'a black 8-inch knife to remove the sea lion's head, placing it in a clear plastic bag, and riding away' on an electric bike, officials wrote in the release."

Żmislegt gerist.

Atburšir lķšandi stundar


Žetta er samsęri

"While the FBI investigates far-left terrorist attacks against Tesla service centers, showrooms, Supercharging networks, and vehicles, the radical Soros-funded non-profit Indivisible is preparing to launch a multi-city offensive against the American company in the coming days.

There has been a series of domestic terrorism incidents nationwide by far-left Democrats targeting Tesla showrooms, service centers, Superchargers, and vehicles. The latest occurred on Tuesday in Las Vegas."

Heimskulegt samsęri.

Vond hugmynd į vondum tķma.

Gott į žį

"A few years ago, Greenpeace and other far left activists protested the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, causing all kinds of damage to construction equipment in the process.

Now a jury in North Dakota has ordered them to pay more than $600 million in damages over the protests."


Sumir eru svartsżnir

"Berlin’s move to overhaul its national debt rules in order to boost military spending has jeopardized the economic stability of the euro area, according to Alice Weidel, the co-leader of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.

The reform, which amends the nation’s constitutionally enshrined fiscal rules, will hit the country’s future generations the hardest, according to AfD’s co-leader, who also warned that “what is being done here is the final destruction of Germany’s financial stability.”

“We will lose our AAA rating, our top credit rating,” Weidel warned."

Žeir žurfa aš afregluvęša alveg helling til žess aš fį fólk aftur til žess aš framkvęma eitthvaš uppbyggilegt, til žess aš hafa efni į öllu žessu rugli.

En žaš veršur ekki gert.

Infinite money glitch

"Speaking on Senator Ted Cruz’s Verdict podcast, Musk disclosed the existence of what he calls “magic money computers.”

During the explosive interview, Musk explained how these government computers can conjure up trillions of dollars out of thin air—completely detached from a synchronized network.

According to Musk, 14 such machines have been uncovered across various agencies, mostly at the Treasury Department, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of Defense (DOD), and even the State Department."

Ég vona aš žeir séu bśnir aš slökkva į žessu.

žaš lķtur śt fyrir aš mRNA kóvid efniš hafi gelt slatta af fólki.

"Frjó­semi bś­settra kvenna į Ķslandi hef­ur aldrei veriš minni frį žvķ aš męl­ing­ar hóf­ust įriš 1853.

Žetta seg­ir ķ til­kynn­ingu frį Hag­stofu Ķslands.

Kem­ur fram ķ til­kynn­ing­unni aš frjó­semi į Noršur­lönd­un­um hafi minnkaš į und­an­förn­um įrum, lķkt og į Ķslandi."

Skošiš grafiš og hugsiš hvaš žaš var sem geršist 2021.

Hver var žrišja skyttan į grösuga hólnum?

Leftistar hóta meira ofbeldi

"It’s anyone’s guess as to what this protest is specifically against, there’s signs about ‘trans troops’ and a woman with bright red hair and a t-shirt saying “Fuck Trump” carrying a sign saying “Veterans Bow to No King.”

Whatever, it doesn’t even matter.

The woman in the footage declares that while she isn’t promoting violence for one second, because leftists would nevvvvvvver do that, if President Trump isn’t removed from office “there will be violence.”"

Žeir eru žegar į fullu aš beita allt og alla ofbeldi:

Žetta eru hryšjuverk

"The very fact that the Democrats and their leftist groups are attacking an American company because they are displeased with Elon Musk's DOGE effort to reform the bloated and corrupt federal government—captured by unelected Deep Staters—shows that the so-called party of 'love' is in a massive crisis. Cornered and desperate, Democrats have now resorted to violence."

Žeir brjaįlst og byrja aš skemma og myrša ef žeir fį ekki aš stjórna öllu.


Menn glugga ķ Kennedy skjölin og finna žar żmislegt

"These files, part of the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection, are accessible online at the National Archives (JFK Release 2025) or in person at the National Archives at College Park, Maryland.

Internet sleuths and researchers have been combing through these files, uncovering what they believe are significant revelations."



MJÖG įhugavert

Serbar beittir hljóš-vopnum

"- #Serbian Police reportedly used Long Range Acoustic Device, commonly referred to as a sonic weapon, during recent #BelgradeProtest. A piercing noise during a moment of silence caused panic & injuries. Protesters reported hearing loss."

Tęknin er geggjuš

Fólk er aš missa vitiš

"...compared to something as recent as the 2010s, intelligence markers like basic comprehension, reasoning, and problem solving have taken a dive.

One possible explanation for this decline is the switch in both educational and recreational reading from long texts like books to bitesized blips of information like social media posts."

Eša eins og segir ķ laginu: only stupid people are breeding.

Į mešan, ķ Še Jśkei:

Fólk vill lįta sóa skattfé ķ vitleysu

Kommśnistar mótmęla sparnaši į skattfé

"Protesters unleashed a 'die-in' with 9,500+ and tombstones to oppose Trump, Musk, and DOGE cuts in NYC

They can't seem to figure out social media, they can't revolt because they demonized January 6, and so therefore they end up doing stuff like this, which is pure comedy gold."

Sóun į almannafé var žeim mjög mikilvęg, greinilega.

sóunar-aktivisti kveikir ķ sér

"Daniel Clarke-Pounder, 24, burned down three EV chargers in a South Carolina parking lot Friday — where he scrawled “f–k Trump,” and “long live the Ukraine,” according to federal prosecutors.

He was seen throwing five Molotov cocktails — one of which left him on fire, according to witnesses who saw him fleeing the North Charleston lot.

Witnesses said “that the suspect had accidentally caught their own back on fire while throwing the devices,” the initial police report said."

Hann nįši fram réttlęti į sjįlfum sér.

Evrópusambandiš hyggst fjįrmagna žjóšarmorš ķ Sżrlandi

"“The European Union is increasing its pledge for Syrians in the country and in the region to almost 2.5 billion euros for 2025 and 2026,” European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said Monday in Brussels."

Ekki er žaš nś göfugt.

Kazakstan athugar śtlend įhrif

"The Kazakh government is planning to audit all programs being implemented in the Central Asian nation under the auspices of the US Agency for International Development (USAID), local media outlet has reported.

According to the Kazakh Foreign Ministry, throughout 2024, USAID had 28 long-term programs running in the country, encompassing the economy, energy, healthcare, civil society, and media sectors. The activities of some of those extended beyond Kazakhstan, targeting the broader Central Asian region.

The total funding allocated for Kazakhstan in 2023–2024 stood at $26.5 million."

US.A.I.D var meš klęrnar vķša.

Hryšjuverkasamtök eru meš slęmt bókhald

"$7.2 million in taxpayer money granted to a Muslim non-profit with ties to Palestinian terrorists has reportedly disappeared. The Intelligent Advocacy Network (IAN), a California-based, non-partisan advocacy group, called for an “immediate investigation” into The Council on American-Islamic Relations’ (CAIR) California chapter’s use of funds and sent a complaint to the Department of Justice last week."

Žętti ekki tiltökumįl hér į landi.

Rśmenar & Shakespeare

Rśmenar fį ekki žaš sem žeir vilja

"Not long after sparking outrage inside and outside the country by barring right-wing frontrunner Calin Georgescu from running in May’s presidential election, Romania has barred another populist from the contest, attributing the decision to the candidate's supposedly unacceptable policy stances and "making declarations "contrary to democratic values.""

Jęja.  Man enginn hvaš geršist seinast žegar rśmenar voru pirrašir śt ķ yfirvöld?

Žetta er upphafiš aš einhverju

"In a late-night announcement on Truth Social, Trump announced:

“The “Pardons” that Sleepy Joe Biden gave to the Unselect Committee of Political Thugs, and many others, are hereby declared VOID, VACANT, AND OF NO FURTHER FORCE OR EFFECT, because of the fact that they were done by Autopen."

Žaš fer kaldur straumur nišur bakiš į einhverjum nśna.

Įgętt.  Ég į poppkorn.

Menn eru nokkuš sįttir viš aš komast aftur til jaršar

"In a viral video shared by both President Donald Trump and SpaceX founder Elon Musk, NASA astronauts Sunita Williams and Butch Wilmore, who are being rescued by a SpaceX mission after being stranded at the International Space Station (ISS) by Boeing and Joe Biden, thanked President Trump and Musk for their support in bringing them back to Earth.

Williams and Wilmore embarked on a 10-day mission to the ISS on June 5 aboard the Boeing Starliner before being stranded by Boeing’s disastrous hardware. After spending nearly nine months in space, they are set to return to Earth on March 19, alongside NASA astronaut Nick Hague and Russian cosmonaut Aleksandr Gorbunov. The replacement crew will take charge of the ISS while the returning astronauts depart."

Undarlegt mįl

Kommśnistar eru ekki hrifnir af Shakespeare

"The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust (SBT) plans to “decolonize” its extensive museum collections, after research claimed that William Shakespeare’s legacy has been used to advance ‘white supremacy’, according to The Telegraph.

The SBT, which manages properties linked to Shakespeare in Stratford-upon-Avon and holds key archival materials, is exploring the “continued impact of Empire” on its collections and how “Shakespeare’s work has played a part in this,” the paper wrote on Sunday.

The initiative reportedly follows a 2022 study conducted in collaboration with Dr. Helen Hopkins from Birmingham City University, which criticized the trust’s attractions for presenting Shakespeare as a “universal” genius, an idea that supposedly “benefits the ideology of white European supremacy.”"

Ķ denn fóru svona kaušar beint į Klepp.

Athugum ašeins skįldiš:

"So, now go tell, an if thy tongue can speak,
Who 'twas that cut thy tongue and ravish'd thee."

Ahem... jį.


Conor McGregor tjįir sig

"Our government has long since abandoned the voices of the people of Ireland… there are rural towns in Ireland that have been overrun in one swoop — that have become a minority in one swoop… the 40 million Irish Americans need to hear this because if not, there will be no place to come home and visit."

Ég kannast viš žetta.  Viš könnumst viš žetta.

Allri vilja fara til Mars

Serbar eru aš żfa sig

"On Saturday, March 15, 2025, an estimated 100,000 Serbians and others held one of the largest protests in Belgrade in history.

The demonstrators called on the democratically elected government led by President Aleksandar Vucic, to step down. The protesters accused the government of corruption."



Kannski finna žeir lękningu?

"Minnesota Senate Republicans have introduced legislation to officially classify “Trump Derangement Syndrome” (TDS) as a mental illness under state law.

The bill, spearheaded by Republican Senators Eric Lucero, Steve Drazkowski, Walter Hudson, Justin Eichorn, and Glenn Gruenhagen, aims to recognize the widespread hysteria that has gripped leftists across America since Trump first announced his candidacy in 2015."

Fyrsta skreiš aš lękningu er aš įtta sig į hver kvillinn er.

Vélmenni fer til Mars

"SpaceX founder Elon Musk on Friday said that Starship will launch by the end of the next year to Mars carrying the Tesla humanoid robot Optimus."

Tęknin er geggjuš.



Rśssar vilja lķka fara til Mars

"Russian sovereign wealth fund head Kirill Dmitriev has pitched a US-Russia partnership for Mars exploration to Elon Musk. In a post on X on Saturday, Dmitriev, who has also taken on the role of chief economic envoy in the US-Russia talks, noted the importance of space collaboration between the two countries “for the glory of humanity.”"

Į sama tķma er framlag Evrópu til framtķšarinnar įfastir plast-tappar.

Leftistar hafa ķ frammi moršhótanir og stunda skemmdarverk

Mašur sżnir moršhótanir sem honum hafa borist

"Republican senator releases voicemail clips with messages from mostly peaceful maniacs

While many of these people are likely so far left that they'd call Stalin right-wing, Tillis has also received death threats from the unhinged side of MAGA that MAGA doesn't like to talk about."


Leftistar eru lķka hrifnir af žręlahaldi

"In a spectacular display of leftist hypocrisy, a Ugandan United Nations judge who studied human rights at Columbia University and received a prestigious human rights award has been convicted of enslaving a woman in the United Kingdom.  

Forty-nine-year-old Lydia Mugambe, who is also a Ugandan High Court judge, was found guilty of tricking a Ugandan woman of coming to the UK, where Mugambe proceeded to impede her from finding a steady job, instead compelling her to serve her as a maid and care for Mugambe's children -- all without compensation."

Flokkur fóksins er ekkert einn um aš skandalisera.

Yfirvofandi strķš sem viš getum fjįrmagnaš

"This Saturday – just hours from now – protests are planned in Serbia against the sitting, democratically elected government. The protesters do not approve of the current leadership’s positions especially its standing on the Ukraine-Russia War.

Serbian News broke an explosive report on the planned protests tomorrow in Belgrade, Serbia. is reporting the opposition politicians and students are plotting a secret coup that may erupt into civil war!"


Talandi um strķš...

"Russian air defense systems successfully intercepted and destroyed 126 Ukrainian drones across various regions overnight, the Defense Ministry has reported.

Regional Governor Andrey Bocharov reported on Saturday morning that drone debris caused a small fire which was quickly extinguished, and confirmed there were no injuries or damage to infrastructure."

Žetta fer aš hętta.

Endalausar góšar fréttir.

Vandalar hlaupa um nśna

"A deranged, anti-Elon Musk dad scrawled a swastika on the side of a Cybertruck in Brooklyn in a brazen attack committed right in front of The Post.

The lefty loon was so triggered by the $80,000 electric Tesla truck parked on Washington Avenue in Prospect Heights that he double-parked his Subaru – with two car seats in the back – burst out, and defaced the car."

Komiš į žaš stig aš žaš er ekki lengur hęgt aš spauga meš žetta

"Liberals across the world have defeated Naziism by painting swastikas on everything and setting fire to immigrant-owned storefronts.

With hope seemingly lost after Nazis seized America and threatened to take over the globe, progressives courageously fought back by committing widespread arson against immigrant businesses and spray-painting Nazi symbols on cars and buildings.

At publishing time, liberals had celebrated their victory over the Nazis by burning all the opposition leaders in effigy along with all of their books."

... jį.

Hę Litli!



Trump er annt um mannslķf

"President Trump has revealed Friday that he has held the second phone call of his current administration with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the prospect of ending the Ukraine war. The call, held Thursday, included a plea by Trump for Russia to spare the lives of Ukrainian soldiers currently surrounded in the Kursk region. Such a direct appeal like this by Trump is unprecedented."

Allt sem Trump gerir er žveröfugt viš žaš sem okkar stjórnvöld ašhafast.

Kommśnistar eru aš reyna aš lįta myrša fólk... eins og venjulega

"As The Gateway Pundit reported, several conservative figures including Nick Sortor, Gunther Eagleman, and Shawn Farash have been swatted over the last couple of days.

This comes after Infowars journalist Jamie White was brutally murdered in Austin earlier this week while another journalist from the organization got swatted twice.

Now, independent journalist Breanna Morello has discovered an important clue: the individuals swatting conservative influencers are sending pizza delivery orders to their homes before placing the distress call to 9-1-1. Specifically, the orders are coming from Domino’s and Papa John’s."

Žaš er veriš aš hafa af žeim peningana. Gefur žeim ašra įstęšu til žess aš fara ķ fżlu.

Trump hefur jįkvęš įhrif um allan heim

"Two of Britain’s top financial regulators have scrapped plans to introduce more diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) requirements for firms as the impact of President Donald Trump’s anti-woke drive spreads globally."

Hvenęr berst žessi ferski andblęr til okkar?

Hér er of mikiš af leftista-prumpi, sem žarf aš blįsa burt.

Enn einn ofbeldishneigšur tranni

"Terrifying video shows a preacher having a gun pointed at him from just inches away as he lectured someone he assumed to be a transgender woman, telling her, “God made men to be men.”

Kevin Kihara, a pastor at Christian Forgiveness Ministries, shared footage of Wednesday’s alarming confrontation on his church’s Facebook page, titling it: “Transgender pulls gun on street preacher in San Francisco.”"

Leftistar: pervertķskir og ofbeldishneigšir.

UFO eru skemmtileg

"A new documentary film called ‘Age of Disclosure’ is getting a lot of notice because it is making the claim that UFOs are real and that aliens are on planet Earth, living among us.

The thing that sets this film apart from others that have made similar claims is that it’s full of former and current DC insiders."

Hryšjuverkamenn ķ žjįlfun

Žvķ lengur sem strķšiš stendur, žvķ meira land eignast rśssar

"Ushakov says he has communicated Moscow's rejection of the 30-day ceasefire plan to Trump's national security adviser Mike Waltz.

None of this comes as a great surprise, given not only that Russian forces have the clear battlefield momentum and upper-hand, but back in January President Putin explained why he would never settle for any ceasefire that's temporary.

He had said at the time, "The goal should not be a short truce, not some kind of respite for regrouping forces and rearmament with the aim of subsequently continuing the conflict, but a long-term peace based on respect for the legitimate interests of all people, all nations living in this region.""

Trump reddar žessu fyrir sitt fólk

"Egg prices, gas prices, and inflation are all down under President Donald Trump.

Gas prices soared under Joe Biden and Democrats. That was their plan."

Viš erum enn aš vinna meš Biden planiš.

Finnar eru aš grafa holu fyrir sig til aš lyggja ķ

"Finland on Thursday announced a new arms package for Ukraine amounting to around 200 million euros ($217 million) and pledged more defense cooperation with Kyiv.

The aid package for Ukraine involves artillery ammunition, “which is in great need right now,” said Finland’s Defense Minister Antti Häkkänen as he signed a memorandum of understanding alongside his Ukrainian counterpart Rustem Umerov.

Finland’s Defense Ministry said other contents of the aid package would not be divulged at this time."


Góšar fréttir

"Breakthrough Energy, the umbrella organization for Bill Gates' climate change programs, slashed its grantmaking budget last month and has begun laying off US and European workers. This comes as the Trump administration shifts its focus away from inflation-driving (also de-growth) and unreliable green technology, instead boosting proven fossil fuel power and investments. It also coincides with Elon Musk's DOGE dismantling USAID.

 Bloomberg reported that Breakthrough Energy has fired dozens of workers across its offices in the US and Europe as climate change policy advocacy work slows."

En betur mį ef duga skal.

Af hverju eru žessir kaušar ekki bara lamdir?

"Į mešan rįšalausir foreldrar barna ķ Breišholtsskóla hittust til aš bera saman bękur sķnar ķ gęrkvöldi var aš tilefnislausu rįšist į tólf įra dreng sem hafši ķ fyrsta sinn ķ langan tķma hętt sér śt aš leika sér. [...] Einn gerandi sem hafi veriš skilaš į heimili sitt ķ handjįrnum ķ gęr hafi aš lķkindum verši tilkynntur fleiri hundruš sinnum til lögreglu.

Hermann Austmar hefur undanfarin įr reynt aš vekja athygli borgaryfirvalda į įstandi ķ 7. bekk ķ Breišholtsskóla žar sem dóttir hans er mešal nemenda. Hann hefur lżst žvķ aš fįmennur hópur drengja rįši rķkjum og önnur börn verši fyrir andlegu, lķkamlegu og jafnvel kynferšislegu ofbeldi."

Fyrst verša naušganir, svo verša morš.

En žaš er tilgangurinn, er žaš ekki?

Borgarstjórn Reykjavķkur vill lįta myrša börnin ykkar.  Af hverju finnst ykkur žaš įsęttanlegt?

Śtlönd eru ekkert öšruvķsi.

Nęsta sķša »


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