12.1.2025 | 18:10
Hin forna Róm, ofl.
Í þessum geira
Stutt spjall
Nenni engu af þessu
Lítum aðeins aftur til hinnar fornu Rómar.
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11.1.2025 | 18:04
Kalifornía er rekin eins og Reykjavík
"About 30 minutes south of Los Angeles, local media has reported that police are searching for criminals who stole three Humveesone of which was armoredmachine gun mounts, and a whole bunch of military-grade gear from the Army Reserve Center in Tustin.
"Multiple storage lockers were discovered with locks removed and missing gear. An attempt was made to cut a lock to uniform storage; however, it was unsuccessful," TPD wrote in a report, adding, "A fence was cut to gain access to a military vehicle parking lot where three Humvees were stolen. The suspects left the area at an unknown time.""
Þetta fer beint yfir landamærin, í hendurnar á einhverju gengi.
Ég hef efasemdir um geðheilsu sumra
"A transgender TikToker claims to have spent $17,000 to have six of his ribs removed and plans to have them made into a crown."
... já.
Kommúnismi og eldvarnir fara ekki saman
"Newsweek on Friday uncovered explosive evidence that just months before devastating wildfires, which have so far killed at least ten people and destroyed countless homes, Newsom approved at least $101 million worth of cuts from seven wildfire and forest resilience programs."
Kynskipti eru mikilvæg, eldvarnir ekki.
Bandaríkin eru að skemma fyrir sér með kolefnistrú
"Those pushing these beliefs also claim that it is the duty of more developed countries to transfer 100s of billions, even trillions of dollars to developing countries so that they can continue developing using so-called green technology vs. dirty old legacy technology.
Here in the United States, climate-change driven polities and mandates are being rolled out on the premise/claim that that climate change is even now disproportionately affecting the poor and disadvantaged. They also claim that man-caused climate change is negatively impacting GDP."
"Georgescu, invariably described as a far-right populist by international media, shocked the Romanian political establishment by roaring into first place in pre-election polling. His success was all the more remarkable because his campaign spent very little money on advertising; in fact, he claimed he spent nothing at all."
Loka-brandarinn gerir þetta.
10.1.2025 | 17:22
Framtíðin er komin, og einhver vél er til sem slappar af fyrir þig
... já.
Musk rannsakaður af leyniþjónustunni fyrir andstöðu sína við barnanauðgara
"The UK government's counter-extremism unit is reportedly conducting an investigation into Elon Musk for his criticism of Britain's failure to investigate the nation's infamous "grooming gang" scandal. In recent weeks, the tech mogul has used his social media platform X to launch a series of attacks on the Labour government. Musk's criticism is in response to Jess Phillips, Labour's safeguarding minister, who rejected an inquiry into Muslim Pakistani "grooming gangs" on the grounds that it is not the responsibility of Parliament to investigate the matter, which includes years of alleged child sexual exploitation."
Vá... brezka ríkið er allt samansafn af pedóum, er það ekki?
Hvað í andskotanum er að þessu liði?
"In the last few months, a growing number of reports have been coming out of the United Kingdom that Royal heir to the throne Prince William has begun flexing his royal muscles.
The Prince of Wales has reportedly ramped-up preparations for his upcoming rule, and even now is said to be seizing more power from his ailing father, King Charles."
Veit ekki. Kannski væri best að kóngurinn tæki bara alla stjórn þarna, þingið er ekkert að virka.
EZ prey
"Melodys functionality and adaptability is made possible by infusing the machine with a combination of open-source AI and advanced motor technology, Realbotix representatives claimed.
By incorporating advanced motor technology, Melody enhances movement fluidity, modularity, and interaction, making her a versatile option for a variety of applications, they said."
Vélmenni og gervigreind stela allri mannlegri hegðan af öllum. Það sem kemur strax upp í hugann:
"And when you come home late, the doll is waiting up for you
And when you fix a snack, the doll says it would like one too
The doll is in your house and in your room and in your bed
The doll is in your eyes and in your arms and in your head
And you are crazy"
Feh. Bíð eftir gena-edituðu kattastelpunum.
Þorgerður sparkar i augað á Kristrúnu ef hún nýtir sparnaðar-ráð almennings
"Síðan að opnað var fyrir umsagnir í samráðsgátt um hvernig megi hagræða í rekstri ríkisins þá hafa yfir 2.800 umsagnir borist.
Kristrún segir að starfsmenn í fjármálaráðuneytinu og forsætisráðuneytinu muni vinna úr umsögnum almennings í samráðsgátt og að gervigreind verði nýtt til að hjálpa við verkefnið."
Ég hef meiri trú á Stórfæti en að þetta verði nýtt á einhvern jákvæðan hátt.
Bigfoot eða Taylor Swift? Erfitt að segja.
9.1.2025 | 16:27
Jólatré í Belgíu
Belgar varaðir við neyzlu jólatrjá
"Belgium's food agency just issued a seasonal health warning telling citizens not to eat their Christmas trees.
In Ghent, which is apparently Belgium's answer to Portland, their city website started giving out tips on how to recycle your Christmas tree by consuming it. They said you could strip the needles, blanch them, and dry them, for stuff like flavored butter.
Not joking. They actually recommended this."
Jólatré, það er vegan.
Allir glæpamenn Albaníu eru í UK. Þá er væntanlega friðsælt í Albaniu á meðan.
"German police played down New Years Eve violence concerns, stating most arrests were of adult German males, but a leaked list of suspects suggests the truth may not be exactly as the authorities wished to portray.
Analysis of the list of 256 first names of German nationals showed, Nius.de claims, that most people on it have names commonly associated with migrant communities. Only a minority have recognisably German names. The report states:
the majority of the German suspects clearly have a migrant background and in many cases Muslim first names. The list of German perpetrators begins with Abdul Kerim, Abdulhamid, Abdulkadir, Abdul Karim and Abdullah. The first name Ali appears eight times in the list of those arrested, Hassan three times, Mohammed (in various spellings) twelve times, Youssuf (in various spellings) six times.
In all, Nius asserts that while migrant-background people make up 40 per cent of Berlins population, the list could indicate they accounted for 80 per cent of the arrests."
Sumir segja það bara eins og það er
"A Conservative MP in the UK has refused to back track after he urged that alien cultures propagated via mass immigration in Britain are making the country unsafe.
Jenrick further urged that the ongoing pedophile rape gang scandal started with the onset of mass migration."
Góður. Menn eiga að taka sér þennan til fyrirmyndar.
Feisbúkk hafði 40.000 úrkynjunarverði.
Anti-bílisti verður fyrir líkamsárás í almenningssamgöngukerfinu
"Layla Law-Gisiko (D), the president of the City Club of New York and a prominent advocate for New York Citys new congestion pricing policy, was the latest victim of a violent attack in the very subway system she promoted.
The incident occurred on Saturday when Law-Gisiko was confronted by an individual with a shopping cart who spat in her hair and pushed her into a wall, leaving her with a bruised ankle and sore shoulder."
Það er fyndið vegna þess að það er satt.
Kolefnistrúarmenn vilja ekki hafa önnur trúarbrögð en kolefnistrú
"The Church of Sweden has decided to SHUT DOWN 7 churches from the Middle Ages in order to meet climate goals."
Það er ekki nóg að svelta fólkið, frysta gamalmenni, stuðla að skógareldum og leggja hagkerfi heimsins í rúts, það á líka að banna trúariðkun sem fellur ekki að hugmyndum Al Gore.
Best of eldsvoðar í Kaliforníu:
Of fáir brunaliðpsemnn, vegna þess að þeir ráku alla sem vildu ekki láta eitra fyrir sér
Brunaliðið valdi frekar úrkynjun en lífsbjörg
Brunalið LA gefur útbúnað sinn til Úkraníu
Það var heldur ekkert vatn vegna skriffinnsku. Kalifornía er rekin eins og Ísland.
Talandi um... hvernig gengur hugmyndasöfnun alþýðunnar?
2736 athugasemdir skráðar, flestar faldar. Best of seinustu 20:
"Hvernig væri að leggja niður allar nefndir á vegum alþingis. Öll mál og tillögur sem eru ekki samþykkt á þingi og fara "í nefnd", deyja þar."
"Einungis ríkisborgarar ættu að hafa rétt á atvinnuleysisbótum."
Þar höfum við það.
8.1.2025 | 17:30
Taylor Swift er hugsanlega Stórfótur
Hér er ágætur maður að færa fyrir því góð rök að Taylor Swift sé ekki Stórfótur.
En við látum ekki eitthvert youtube-vídjó villa okkur sýn. Höfum í huga að þó það sé á internetinu, þá er það ekki nauðsynlega satt. Þess vegna getum við ekki útilokað, þrátt fyrir þetta annars skemmtilega vídjó, að Taylor Swift sé einmitt Stórfótur.
Frekari sannana er þörf. Okkur vantar fleiri óskýr myndskeið af Taylor Swift úti í á, uppi á fjalli og inni í skógi. Svo þarf að bera þau vídjó saman við amsvarandi Stórfóts-vídjó.
Taylor Swift eða Stórfótur? Ómögulegt að greina af þessu færi. Við gætum þurft tóndæmi.
8.1.2025 | 13:27
Grænlendingar hitta Trump jr.
Grænland verður sjálfstætt, svo fara þeir að vinna með kananum. Allt á uppleið þar. Ég spyr: hvers vegna var Daninn ekki búinn að koma einhverju á fót þarna?
Þýzka lögreglan þarf að kljást við fjölmenninguna
"According to statistics from the Civil Rights and Police publication, the 2024 fatalities may represent the highest annual total since German reunification in 1990. The previous record highs were 19 deaths in both 1995 and 1999.
Many of these incidents involved individuals in psychological distress, often armed with knives. For example, a 31-year-old woman was shot in a Munich supermarket; shed had prior encounters with law enforcement due to mental health and drug-related issues."
Við erum alltaf 5 árum á eftir.
"In a replay of Baltic Sea undersea infrastructure attacks by Chinese ships in October of 2023 and November 2024, a Chinese-associated ship has now destroyed a major undersea cable off Taiwan."
Eystrasaltið var bara æfing.
Þetta bendir til þess að salernin séu ekkert oft þrifin
"A mother who died in a disabled toilet of a Blackpool restaurant was found three days later, her daughter has revealed.
The body of Sabrina Marlynn Lyttle, 47, was discovered at the Gurkha Buffet Restaurant, Hotel and Bar on Saturday, November 30."
Einu sinni eða tvisvar í viku kannski.
Illmenni, tilbeðið af Íslenskum pólitíkusum.
Fjöldasamtök barnanauðgara taka Tommy Robinson mjög alvarlega
"The CEO of a professional body of therapists in the UK has been forced to issue a grovelling apology after it was discovered that he was following Tommy Robinson on X.
James Esses notes that the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists were informed back in August that its Chief Executive Steve Jamiesons personal X account was following Robinson, who the organisation describes as a farright activist.
The non-profit organisation conducted a five month investigation into the matter led by trustees and even appointed a barrister as an independent investigator.
A sub-committee was established with a barrister appointed to investigate, in order to reflect the gravity of the situation.
Even more ludicrous, the investigation found that on the balance of probabilities it was deemed that this was an accidental follow.
The outcome? The CEO has been forced to issue a personal apology for his actions. In this apology, he has apologised for the hurt, distress, fear and anger that this caused."
Barnanauðgarar hafa of mikil völd í UK. Það þarf að laga. Til þess má til dæmis nota greinakurlara.
"According to the BBC, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer may end his countrys security partnership with the United States if Donald Trump does not distance himself from Elon Musks recent comments on grooming gangs.
Nick Watt, a reporter for the nightly current affairs show BBC Newsnight, claims that Downing Street are going to give a hard-headed assessment of whether these views are held solely by Musk or by the administration as a whole."
Bretlandi er stjórnað af viðbjóðslegu fólki.
"So far, five AfD members have received a notice that their gun license would be revoked, while another member voluntarily returned his license after a revocation procedure was initiated. Another 51 cases are currently being examined by authorities, according to data released by the Saxony-Anhalt Interior Ministry in response to a request for information from the Left Party.
Hunters and sport shooters will also have their gun licenses canceled by authorities. In total, there are 74 members of the AfD in Saxony-Anhalt that hold a firearms license, with 49 registered as sport shooters and 25 as hunters."
Þýzkarinn er sko militantly pro-pedó.
Barnageldarar vopnast af ótta við að ríkið banni þeim að skera kynfærin af börnum
"For decades, the left has sought to erode Americans Second Amendment rights, pushing for stricter gun control laws under the guise of public safety. Yet, when faced with imagined threats, they conveniently abandon their principles.
Matthew Thompson, a gay man from New Jersey, justified his purchase of a gun by citing fears of being put in concentration camps.
A., who The Inquirer is identifying by the first letter of her [sic] first name because of safety concerns, is new to the world of shooting ranges and target practice. As a trans woman [AKA dude in a dress] who lives in Philadelphia, she [sic] began seriously considering armed self-defense this summer, as she [sic] saw Texas uphold a ban on gender-affirming care for minors [chemical and physical castration of children] and Florida prohibit nurse practitioners from prescribing hormones to transgender people."
Já. Ofsóknaróðir og veruleikafyrrtir geðsjæúklingar sem eru þekktir fyrir að beita ofbeldi af eingum ástæðum, algerlega út í bláinn, oft í skólum, eru að vopnast á fullu vegna þess að þeir meiga ekki limlesta börn.
Förumenn eru þrefalt líklegri til þess að vera kynferðisafbrotamenn en innfæddir
"Foreigners are more than three times as likely to be arrested for sex crimes in the UK as British citizens, according to a first-of-its-kind analysis by the Centre for Migration Control using data from the Home Office and the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
The report comes amid claims that the government has purposefully suppressed information on migrant crime stats, as well as a renewed uproar over institutional cover-ups in the grooming gangs scandal."
Það var tilgangurinn með því að hleypa förumönunum inn í landið.
Of lítið, of seint. Þeir eru búnir að fæla alla geðheilbrigða menn burt, og engir eru eftir nema kommúnistar, náriðlar og barnaníðingar. Mikil skörun í þeim hóp. Helmingurnn er svo AI.
6.1.2025 | 19:11
Létt verk og löðurmannleg munu reynast ríkinu óyfirstíganlega erfið
Kíkjum aðeins á hina mjög svo skemmtilegu samráðsgátt
Umsagnir eru 2238. Skoðum þær fyrstu 220, sem sjást opinberlega:
Vill leggja niður RÚV: 8 (6 milljarðar + 20.000 kr auka vasapeningur fyir almenning)
Ganga úr NATO: 3 (20+ milljarðar)
Fækka aðstoðarmönnum: 9 (milljarður, lágmark)
Hætta að styrkja stríð í Úkraníu: 4 (20+ milljarðar)
Senda hælisleitendur burt: 7 (40-60 milljarðar - dregur úr glæpum)
Fækka sendiráðum: 8 (8+ milljarðar)
Hætta kolefnistrúariðkun: 5 (30+ milljarðar - leiðir af sér mikla lífskjaraaukningu almennings)
Allt tillögur sem hver um sig sparar meira en milljarð árlega. Allt góðar hugmyndir. Allt ástæður þess að nú vill Þorgerður humma þetta allt fram af sér.
Fólkið sýnir ríkinu hvernig það er gert, fólkið sýnir að verkið er einfalt í eðli sínu. En ríkið hatar fólkið.
Allar þessar ásakanir eru sannar
"Vegagerðin hyggst ekki svara nánar fyrirspurn um hvort eitthvað hafi verið hæft í orðum starfsmanns sem sagði bruðlað með fé í deild sem hann starfaði í hjá stofnuninni árið 2021.
Maðurinn starfaði á vitasviði Vegagerðarinnar árið 2021. Fullyrðir hann að yfirmaður sinn, sem hann nafngreinir ekki, hafi misfarið með opinbert fé, bæði í formi notkunar á bifreið í opinberri eigu og með því að ofskrá yfirvinnutíma og dagpeninga."
Þessi náungi er maðurinn.
Keir Starmer er mjög mikilll stuðningsmaður barnanauðgara
"After news broke that UK's 'safeguarding minister' Jess Phillips blocked a public inquiry into the country's prolific rape gangs, Prime Minister Keir Starmer - who allegedly covered for Jimmy Savile, went into victim mode - dismissing the outrage as simply part of the "playbook" of the "far right" - the same thing he said after a Muslim radical stabbed 8 children, killing 3, in the Southport Massacre."
Illska þessa manns er botnlaus. Hann þarf að vera sendur í dejilið. Og hann þarf að upplifa fangelsis-kynlíf á hverjum degi.
Brezka ríkið vill láta nauðga börnum á iðnaðarskala.
Bill Gates ætlar að drepa alla í Afríku
"Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is rolling out a plan to use Africans as guinea pigs for an expanded series of new genetically altering mRNA injections.
Gates is driven by profit and by his insatiable desire to depopulate the world."
Menn geta ekki bara slappað af og bara notið peninga, þeir þurfa að fara út og skemma eitthvað.
"Justin Timberlake was convicted of Drink Driving. If hed have gone to jail hed have heard the words Sexy Back a lot more often,
Kevin Hart said that being at one of Diddys parties was uncomfortable, as he wouldnt leave him alone. Eventually he had to shout Imma Midget, not a child,'"
Leiðir hugann að kolefnisgjöldunum, sem fara örugglega öll í barnanauðgara-leiðangra með einkaþotum á sólríka staði, til þess að tala um "loftslagsmál."
Sannið að svo sé ekki.
5.1.2025 | 19:13
Upphaf árs
"In a significant regulatory shift that took place quietly the day after Christmas, the Biden administration finalized new climate rules targeting natural gas-powered instantaneous water heaters. The Department of Energy (DOE), which traditionally issues a press release for such regulations, chose not to announce these changes publicly, raising eyebrows across various sectors."
Efnhagurinn er svo slæmur að...
"...a halal food cart worker was filmed capturing a pigeon with his bare hands and placing it into a plastic bag before returning to the cart.
A commuter waiting for a bus, identified as Oriana Winchester Biersack, witnessed the worker feeding pigeons before attempting to grab one from the flock, according to the New York Post.
After a failed attempt, the worker succeeded in capturing a pigeon, which he then placed into a plastic bag and took back to the food cart."
Elon Musk vill koma Tommy Robinson á þing
"Nigel Farage has broken his silence after Elon Musk made a surprise demand, calling for the Reform UK leader to be replaced.
In a furious spat on Twitter, Musk claimed the Clacton MP doesn't have what it takes after ruling out allowing Tommy Robinson to join his party."
Það væri vissulega memetískt.
Nýr söngvari Soundgarden stekkur af sviðinu
"At the recent Seattle reunion concert for Soundgarden, the new vocalist tried crowd surfing but landed on the floor instead. Shaina Shepherd replaces the late Chris Cornell."
Aðsókn á Hollywood-kvikmyndir dalar talsvert
"The domestic box office for 2024 was three percent lower than last years already terrible total, $8.7 billion compared to $9.04 billion, respectively.
Compared to five years ago, the domestic box office is down an incredible 23.5 percent, or this years $8.7 billion compared to 2019s $11.3 billion."
Það er tvennt sem þarf að athuga: Það er sannarlega kreppa. Hún er um öll vesturlönd.
Hitt er að fólki leiðist heilaþvotturinn. Fólk vill skemtun, ekki heilaþvott.
Tölvuleikjaheimurinn er að fara miklu verr út úr þessu, með meiriháttar gjaldþrotum yfirvofandi.
Öllum er sama þó tölvuleikir séu Kínverskir, Kóreiskir eða Rússneskir, og með alveg hörmulegri grafík:
Að spila þetta er eitt, að horfa á þetta er Tarkovský-leg reynzla. Þetta er það sem Rússar eru víst á kafi í.
4.1.2025 | 15:48
Gamlir skandalar lifa enn
Þessi skandall gleymist ekki á þessari öld
"The officials in Rotherham, Rochdale, Telford and elsewhere did not have a high-minded concern for social cohesion they had a selfish and small-minded desire not to rock the boat.
In defence of Holland, the author and lecturer Adrian Hilton wrote:
He isnt speaking about individual motives, but social virtue, and he is absolutely right: the Kings peacepax regisis a noble pursuit. You can cavil with his hierarchy of nobleness, but public order is indeed a noble pursuit. And so is child safeguarding.
Obviously, when a concern for public order is enabling mass child rape, public order is not the virtue that it might have been. If my concern with litter in the park is causing me to hurl abandoned puppies into the bin, that social virtue has warped into something perverse."
Brezka ríkið lét nauðga þegnum sínum. Viljandi.
Elon Musk hefur samband við konung Englands
"Musk reposted Tommys Documentary Silenced, which was banned in Britain and first screened in the United States with the collaboration of OKeefe Media and The Gateway Pundit.
The people of Britain do not want this government at all. New elections. Musk posted, calling for King Charles to step in and dissolve Parliament."
Áhugaverðir tímar.
Forseti Hondúras vill ekki sjá flóttamenn frá Hondúras aftur
"Honduran President Xiomara Castro has threatened to terminate military cooperation with the United States if President-elect Donald Trump proceeds with his plan for mass deportations of illegal immigrants, including those from Honduras."
Þetta hljóta að vera sérlega ömurlegir menn.
"Ukrainian neo-Nazi officer upset over Russias e-scooter soldiers."
... já. Ég sé það fyrir mér.
"President Biden is giving out the customary end-of-tenure Presidential Medals of Freedom now and he (well, someone in the White House) has selected 18 recipients including Hillary Clinton and George Soros."
... jæja: