Hernašur og önnur vitleysa


Mynd sem sżnir hve stórt hlutfall borgaranna er tilbśinn til aš berjast fyrir "land sitt."  Sżnir lķka almennt traust borgaranna til rķkisins, sem hatar žį, og vill žį feiga.

Og einhverjir hér vilja her... jęja...

Trump gęti veitt Śkranķu mikinn lišsauka

"President Donald Trump plans to revoke temporary legal status for some 240,000 Ukrainians who sought refuge in the US, a senior Trump official and three sources familiar with the matter have revealed to Reuters.

The planned rollback of protections for Ukrainians was underway before Trump publicly feuded with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during their meeting in the Oval Office last week."

Strķš, strķš, strķš...

Meirihįttar skandal afstżrt

"Sakborningar ķ Hryšjuverkamįlinu svokallaša hafa veriš sżknašir af įkęru fyrir tilraun til hryšjuverka..."

Sumir eru meš uppi hugmyndir um stofnun leynižjónustu.  Sś leynižjónusta myndi aldrei gera annaš en aš framleiša svona mįl į fęribandi.

Gaman aš grafa svona undan trśveršugleika lögreglunnar.

Evrópa gerir sig gjaldžrota

"Europe has added its own pressure on Zelenskyy as Germany’s ministry of defence admits it can’t supply more materiel to Ukraine either as it’s out of stock

That underlines the need for the German announcement on infrastructure investment and rearmament yesterday, which saw 10-year Bund yields rise 31bp on the day, their worst performance since 1997. EUR jumped.

This is going to come at a vast cost. If you think a 31bp rise in Bunds captures the scale of shocks involved in a soft-power Europe trying to set its own future in a hard-power world then you spend too much time in soft-power circles. For starters, the FT op-eds today that ‘Europe must trim its welfare state to build a warfare state’:"



Biden skildi menn eftir śti ķ geim

"Barry Wilmore and his crewmate Sunita Williams have been stuck on the International Space Station since July last year after their Boeing Starliner ran into technical issues.

At a virtual press conference on Tuesday, Wilmore was asked about Elon Musk’s claim that Joe Biden declined his offer to bring them back on a SpaceX flight several months ago for “political reasons.”"

Sišblindan var alger

Sušur Kórea gerir loftįrįs į Sušur Kóreu

"The South Korean Air Force, in a joint exercise with the United States on Thursday, accidentally dropped eight bombs on their own citizens in the village of Dong-myeon in Gyeonggi Province."


Viš, žegar viš fįum her, bżst ég viš.

Sóun gerš opinber

"“Just listen to some of the appalling waste we have already identified,” Trump said after highlighting DOGE, led by Elon Musk. He then listed off several examples of how the federal government has wasted U.S. taxpayer dollars.

“…$22 billion from HHS to provide free housing and cars for illegal aliens. $45 million for Diversity Equity and Inclusion scholarships in Burma. $40 million to improve the social and economic inclusion of sedentary migrants,” Trump began, adding, “Nobody knows what that is,” triggering laughs in the chamber.

“…$8 million to promote LGBTQI+ plus in the African nation of Lesotho, which nobody has ever heard of,” he said, prompting a smile from Vice President JD Vance. “$60 million for indigenous peoples and Afro-Colombian empowerment in Central America. $60 million.”

“…$8 million for making mice transgender,” he continued, reminding Americans that this is “real.”"

Viš ęttum lķka aš draga śr svona sóun.

Nišurskuršur hjį CIA

"A CIA spokeswoman confirmed to the New York Times that certain recently hired officers had been let go but did not specify how many. She signaled that the dismissals were performance-based, as did several unnamed officials who spoke to the outlet."

Veršur World Factbook fyrir hnjaski?


Evrópubandalagiš hefur ekki efni į mat & vopnum samtķmis


Sumir óttast borgarastyrrjöld

"The professor, who describes himself as a “classic member of the establishment,” told Perry that British society is now “explosively configured” to suffer mass unrest.

He said the fallout began with the fracture of the social contract after the political establishment in the UK tried to subvert the Brexit vote.

Subsequent years have brought about a “destruction of legitimacy” as a result of successive governments’ open border policy and their inability to protect children from grooming gangs, in addition to a two-tier justice system presided over by a highly-politicised judiciary."

Hvaš segir Tim Pool ef bretinn veršur fyrri til aš starta borgarastyrrjöld?

Evrópa hefur ekki efni į vopnum

"European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen's attempt to increase military spending across the EU is not backed by cash and shifts the financial burden to member states,

The plan “includes close to no fresh money,” leaving member states to secure “the real cash” themselves, Euractiv reported on Wednesday.

The total figure is based more on “hopes and guesses” than concrete reforms addressing the bloc’s production shortages, the report argued."



Hvernig nęlir hann sér ķ Gręnland?

"” One way or the other, we’re going to get it,” the President said, highlighting the island’s importance for military security, national security, and global security.

The President has expressed interest in purchasing the island since the election last year."

... og ég į ekkert poppkorn.

Apple vill ekki taka žįtt ķ hvaša vitleysu sem er

"Ars Technica reports that Apple is challenging a classified Technical Capability Notice issued by the UK Home Office under the Investigatory Powers Act of 2016. The notice, which was issued in January, demands that Apple provide UK security officials with a backdoor to access all content that any Apple user worldwide has uploaded to iCloud, including fully encrypted material."

Žetta getur eyšilagt daginn fyrir Apple.

Hagrętt hjį skattinum

"The Internal Revenue Service is writing up plans to cut up to half of its 90,000 person staff, according to a report from the Associated Press. This comes as the Trump administration has been working to cut back on the government and make it more efficient."

Žetta getur kaninn gert, en viš ekki.

Zerg rush


Demókrata-overlord į leiš til vinnu.

Hver stendur į bakviš žetta?

"22 Democratic Senators, including three of the most prominent in Congress, were caught on Tuesday basically plagiarizing each other.

Senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren, and Cory Booker (D-NJ) all delivered a ‘preview’ rebuttal of sorts to Trump this morning that has backfired.

As one will see, they have posted a silly video where they copy each other nearly word-for-word. It opens with Trump vowing to bring down prices starting on Day One before cutting to the Democrats launching tired attacks on him."
Spawn more overlords.
"President Trump, who has made it a personal goal to end the killing and war in Ukraine lashed out at the unpopular Ukrainian leader and announced that the US was pausing all military aid to Ukraine due to its leader who will not seek peace.
On Tuesday Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk announced that US aid at the border checkpoints with Ukraine confirmed US aid was already suspended from entering Ukraine."
Allir Donaldarnir eru į samam mįli.
"Forsętisrįšherra, fjįrmįlarįšherra og formašur hagręšingarhóps rķkisstjórnarinnar kynntu sextķu hagręšingartillögur hópsins į blašamannafundi rétt ķ žessu. Rįšgert er aš tillögurnar geti fališ ķ sér sparnaš upp į 71 milljarš króna į įrunum 2026 til 2030.
Žį sagši hann hópinn ekki hafa metiš tillögur sem sneru aš tilfęrslukerfum eša hįpólitķskum mįlum, svo sem tillagna sem sneru aš breyttu rekstrarfyrirkomulagi, sölu eša stöšvun į rekstri ĮTVR og Rķkisśtvarpsins."
Žeir ętla semsagt ekki aš laga stóru peninga-nišurföllin, bara stoppa ķ eitthvaš af minnstu götunum.  Til žess aš móšga engan sem mį missa sig.
Til dęmis: aš afleggja RŚV hefši sparaš 6 milljarša į įri, eša 24 milljarša į žessum tķma.  Žaš var mikill samhljómur um žaš mešal kjósenda.

Aš leyfa öllum aš halda eftir žessum 20K hefši aukiš gleši.

Hefši veriš jįkvętt pólitķskt śtspil.
En nei...
"The Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) has saved taxpayers $105 billion thus far, according to its own calculations posted on the official DOGE website."
Žetta er okkar fólki ókleift meš öllu.  Žó fengu žau hjįlp.
"A very unexpected and unlikely development and plan is being widely reported Tuesday: Russian President Vladimir Putin has agreed to help the Trump White House broker talks with Iran on curtailing the country's nuclear program.

Trump reportedly relayed the request for Putin to play a direct role in new negotiations with Iran during their February phone call."

Žetta mįtti allan tķmann.



Višbrögš netverja viš bullinu ķ Žorgerši Katrķnu.

Their weakness is power

"The premier of Canada’s most populous province threatened to retaliate and cut off energy to the US “with a smile on my face” — as President Trump’s new 25% tariffs on imports took effect Tuesday.

“If they want to try to annihilate Ontario, I will do everything — including cut off their energy with a smile on my face,” Ontario Premier Doug Ford vowed Monday, the Toronto Sun reported."



Menn eru kįtir:

Žetta er lķka skemmtilegt:

Óreiša mešal glóbalista


Yfirmašur hjį ESB į leiš til skrifstofu sinnar.

Augljósir hlutir eru augljósir

"In a shocking but unsurprising exchange, Musk and Rogan discussed the absurd wealth accumulation of members of Congress, who are somehow able to transform their modest $170,000-a-year salaries into multimillion-dollar fortunes.

“I think maybe three-quarters of the graft is Democratic. I think there’s maybe 20–25% that’s Republican,” Musk revealed, exposing how the system is rigged for political elites.

“Most of the graft is going to the Democrats, but they throw some bones to the Republicans too, so then they’re in on it.”"

Žetta er svona allstašar.

Rśssar skopast aš Kanadamönnum

"The senior diplomat’s remark followed Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s statement on Sunday that his government is open to contributing forces to a possible joint Western mission in Ukraine. British Prime Minister Kier Starmer announced the formation of a “coalition of the willing” once a possible ceasefire with Russia is reached following a meeting of Kiev’s European backers in London.

“Who would defend Canadian land if the US expands north? Probably Ukrainians, who are dodging the draft in Canada,” Zakharova quipped, alluding to the widespread evasion of mandatory military service among Ukrainian citizens."


Glępahópar eru ekki į allt sįttir

"Several cartel members told the New York Times they had either “gone into hiding” or were in the process of “trying to figure out how to protect” their families “in case the American military” launches strikes in Mexico as a result of the Trump administration designating the crime syndicates as terrorist organizations."

Mexķkanska rķkiš hefši alveg geta bundiš enda į žetta vandamįl, en nei... žaš hentaši žeim ekki.


Menn eru ekki stemmdir fyrir friši

"Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky met with Democratic lawmakers before his Oval Office meeting with President Donald Trump on Friday, where he reportedly received advice to reject the terms of the proposed mineral deal, according to Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.)."

Kaninn žarf aš flżta sér śr NATO įšur en Evróökratinn hefur WW3.


Einkafyrirtęki lendir į tunglinu

"Firefly confirmed on X around 0336 ET that the 6.6-foot-tall lander "stuck the landing" and "became the first commercial company in history to achieve a fully successful Moon landing. This small step on the Moon represents a giant leap in commercial exploration," adding this "paves the way for future missions to the Moon and Mars.""

Fly me to the moon, let me play among the stars...

Fact-tékiš žetta endilega.  Segiš mér nišurstöšuna.

Kaninn ekki alveg sįttur viš NATO

"Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) called for the United States to leave NATO in response to a Norwegian fuel company, Haltbakk Bunkers, deciding to stop refueling U.S. military ships."

Hugsum žetta ašeins lengra: er NATO nokkuš annaš en dragbķtur į USA nśna?

Rśssar stunda ekki višskifti viš NATO, en ef USA er ekki ķ NATO...


Musk viršist į sama mįli

"Tech baron Elon Musk backed calls for the US to withdraw from NATO and the United Nations after months of badmouthing the two international organizations."


"Bondi, appearing on Fox News’ Life, Liberty & Levin on Thursday, revealed that she had been assured there were only 120 pages of files to release—but a whistleblower has since exposed that the FBI’s New York office is sitting on thousands of undisclosed pages.

As a lawyer, as a prosecutor, I want to review everything before I make a firm conclusion. But I think it’s very interesting that they withheld that from us. I will find out who withheld it, and they will not be working for us anymore."

Hver höndin upp į móti annarri.

Eru rśssarnir bśnir aš eitra fyrir Zelensky?

"“He doesn't look very good visually, but you should ask him,” Peskov said in an interview with Rossiya 1 TV journalist Pavel Zarubin published on Saturday, answering whether he thought Zelensky felt cornered."

Kannski... hann hefur jś veriš aš žvęlast fyrir žei į żmsan hįtt.

Ekkert sem žeir hafa ekki gert įšur.

Tölvuteiknuš börn eru ekki meš hnķf

Pedóiš į öruggan hįtt

"The operation also highlights the broader issue of AI-manipulated “deepfake” imagery, which often uses images of real people, including children, and can have devastating impacts on their lives. According to a CBS News report, there were more than 21,000 deepfake pornographic pictures or videos online during 2023, representing a staggering 460 percent increase compared to the previous year. The amount has continued to grow rapidly."

Menn eru aš seilast langt.  Allir ašilar.

Kannski ég fjįrfesti ķ skrifstofuhśsnęši ķ DC

"CRE data company Trepp shows the federal gov't accounts for about 10% of all CRE buildings across the DC metro area. 

"The DC office market is wiped out," Ben Miller, CEO of Fundrise, a Washington-based property investment platform, told Bloomberg. "Almost no office has equity value."

Miller said the DOGE-related downturn in the area will only make things worse for the CRE DC office market. He compared the situation unfolding to what happened in the 2008 financial crisis in New York City."

Stór og rśmgóš ķbśš ķ įhugaveršum bę.  Hugsa žašp fyrir ellina.  Sem kemur.  Alltaf.

Zelensky varpaš į dyr fyrir eigin vitleysu

"“He disrespected the United States of America in its cherished Oval Office. He can come back when he is ready for Peace,” said President Trump.

Things got heated in the Oval Office with President Trump, VP Vance, and Zelensky.

Vance called Zelensky out for being disrespectful to the President, and President Trump blasted him for “gambling with World War III.”"


Žaš er stutt ķ aš einhverjir FBI guttar verši reknir og kęršir

"The FBI, which has been accused of withholding documents, is also under pressure to release additional materials following Bondi’s demand for full disclosure.

Bondi has requested that the FBI hand over the remaining documents by 8:00am Friday and has “tasked FBI Director Kash Patel with investigating why the request for all documents was not followed.”

“There will be no cover-ups, no missing documents, and no stone left unturned – and anyone from the prior or current Bureau who undermines this will be swiftly pursued,” said Patel after Bondi wrote him a letter earlier in the day demanding the immediate release of all pertinent files."

Žeir fį aldrei vinnu aftur.

Betra meš hverjum degi.

Menn sem neyta eiturlyfja ķ merktum bķl žurfa enga ašstoš


Jį, fólk sem neytir eiturlyfja ķ ómerktum bķl žarf vissulaga į einhverskonar ašstoš aš halda.  Hvernig eru eiturlyfjaneyzlu-bķlar annars venjulega merktir?  Ég hugsa...



Forritunarvilla fęrir notendum Instagram Klįm & Splatter.

"CNBC reports that Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, has acknowledged and fixed an “error” that caused a wave of disturbing content to appear on users’ Instagram Reels feed. The issue came to light when numerous Instagram users took to social media to express their concerns about the sudden influx of violent, sexual, and inappropriate content being recommended to them."

Gaman fyrir suma, minna gaman fyrir ašra.

Į vķst aš koma śt į morgun.  Er mér sagt.

Kvenfólk eldist hrašar en įšur

"According to a recent report from Flo Health and the University of Virginia, perimenopause is sneaking up on women earlier than ever — sometimes a decade before menopause officially crashes the party.

One reason for this is almost certainly pervasive exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals like phthalates, PFAS and polychlorinated biphenyls."

Žaš var og.

34.000 kr sešill

"US Republican Congressman Joe Wilson has announced plans to introduce legislation to create a $250 bill featuring President Donald Trump’s image."

Er ekki veršbólgan ęšisleg?

Įhugaveršur fiskur

"A fisherman is making waves after sharing footage of a bizarre, mystery sea creature that viewers have compared to an “alien.”

Fedortsov identified the blob as a smooth lumpsucker, a species of marine ray-finned fish that grows to over a foot long and resides in the depths."



Vélmenna uppreisnin

Mašur handtekinn fyrir aš sigra kosningar

"Romania's conservative populist presidential election front-runner Călin Georgescu has been arrested in a shock move by the state, which has left his supporters bewildered and outrage, as they mobilize to protest what appars brazen ongoing political persecution.

The detention and 'questioning' by police and the prosecutor's office is reportedly in relation to last November's canceled vote that he won, after unsubstantiated and vague claims of 'Russian interference' were claimed. Western media has commonly sought to portray him as a 'far-right, pro-Russian' candidate."

Vilji fólksins henter ekki glóbalistum.


Sturlunin er aš nį hįmarki.

Tungliš gęti tekiš skellinn

"After two months of observations, NASA scientists have officially declared Earth safe from “city killer” asteroid 2024 YR4.

On Tuesday, the space agency recently placed space rock’s impact probability at just 0.0017%, meaning it will almost certainly fly by our planet in 2032 and won’t threaten us in the next century, the AP reported."

Eitthvaš til aš fylgjast meš.

Vélmenna uppreisnin hefst ķ Kķna

"Video footage taken on February 9 shows the human-shaped robot, adorned with a bright jacket, appearing to lunge at a group of people behind a barricade at the Spring Festival Gala in Tianjin, northeast China

Its erratic movements forced the festival's security to drag it back from the crowd, over fears it may harm someone."

Allt sem Kķnverjar gera er bilaš.

Śkranķa borgar USA

"Dealmaker Donald Trump appears to have struck again, with Ukraine agreeing to sign a mineral rights deal without explicit future security guarantees. Both the U.S. and Ukraine say President Zelensky will go to Washington on Friday to seal the deal with President Trump in person."

Śkranęia žarf lķka aš borga Evrópu.  Žaš var bśiš aš semja um žaš fyrir löngu.


Mašur vondra hugmynda

"Hann leggur til stofnun ķslensks hers og leynižjónustu..."

Bęši tvennt veršur fyrst og fremst notaš gegn almenningi.

Hann er samt meš eina góša hugmynd:

"Efling innlends varnarmįlaišnašar og framleišsla hergagna"

Sem viš ęttum aš selja moršóšum Evrópubśum fyrir top-dollar.

Į mešan, ķ Kķna.


Stušningsmenn hryšjuverkasamtaka eru móšgašir śt ķ Helga

Vararķkissaksóknari móšgar stušningsmenn hryšjuverkasamtaka

"Helgi Magnśs setti lęk viš žetta sem og athugasemd žar undir sem Kristjįn Johannessen fréttastjóri Morgunblašsins skrifaši: „Žetta eru ekki menn, žetta eru einhvers konar dżr. Skepnur.“

„Ég skil ekki hvaša frétt žetta er?“ segir Helgi Magnśs. Honum žykja žaš engin tķšindi aš Hamas-lišar séu sagšir skepnur..." 

Helgi vara er sammįla žvķ aš hryšjuverkamenn séu ógešslegir, og rķkissaksóknari hefur móšgast fyrir hönd moršingjanna.

Minnir mig nokkuš į žegar barnanaušgarinn móšgašist śt ķ mig og hringdķ ķ mömmu, alveg brjįlašur.

„Ef ég segši Hitler skepnu vęri ég žį aš blammera alla žżsku žjóšina? Nei, varla.“

Mér skilst reyndar aš žaš sé einhverskonar hatursoršsęša, samkvęmt žżzkum lögum.


Vitleysingur stęrir sig af skattsvikum og stundar moršhótanir

"TikToker who admits she hasn't filed taxes in 8 years calls for Elon to be ass*ssinated

Enter U.S. Attorney Ed Martin, who somehow found the time and the manpower to respond.

"Duly noted. Thx for letting us know. We’ll put you in the system. Talk soon, M’am.""


Innra netiš hjį CIA er spes

"While the left clutched pearls over one of Elon Musk's DOGE employees who went by the name 'Big Balls' online a few years ago, they've been dead silent over a bombshell report from Chris Rufo revealing secret NSA "sex chats" that involved at least one CIA employee that go back two years - featuring discussions involving "sex, kink, polyamory, and castration." And butthole zapping."

.... ha?  Jį... einmitt... aha...

Lokatakmarki kommśnismans nįš į Kśbu

"On Saturday, Juan Carlos Alfonso Fraga, deputy chief of Cuba’s National Office of Statistics and Information (ONEI), explained at a meeting of the Cuban Government Commission for Attention to Demographic Dynamics that the country ended 2024 with an effective population of 9,748,532 inhabitants — more than 300,000 less than the 10,055,968 that regime officials estimated in 2023. Of the remaining total, Alfonso Fraga pointed out, “more than a quarter” are individuals 60 years old or older.

Despite the ongoing collapse of Cuba’s population, the Castro regime introduced changes to the nation’s health code in late December 2023 to legalize the practice of euthanasia in the nation — which the piece of legislation reportedly describes as “the right of people to a dignified death.”"

Kommar munu komma.

Frišrik II var stušningsmašur mįlfrelsis.  Sķšan žį hefur žetta greinilega veriš ķ skötulķki.

Talandi um žjóšverja...

"A woman protesting the rise of Germany’s populist right-wing party was busted for scrawling swastikas while completely topless — and looking like Nazi leader Adolf Hitler."


Brezka rķkiš opnar Apple sķma fyrir glępamenn

Brezka rķkiš ętlar aš gefa hökkurum ótakmarkašan ašgang aš Apple sķmum

"As reported by the BBC, Apple is, at least in part, accommodating the UK government's request to have access to private user data by removing its highest level security tool from its UK users.

Advanced Data Protection (ADP) means only account holders can view items such as photos or documents they have stored online through a process known as end-to-end encryption.

But earlier this month the UK government asked for the right to see the data, which currently not even Apple can access."

Hakkarar eru samt skįrri en rķkiš.  Žaš versta sem hakkarar geta gert er aš eyša 0llu śt af sķmanum eša stale öllum peningunum.

Rķkiš gęti sett žig ķ djeiliš aš eilķfu, eša myrt žig.



Kaninn hefur fundiš farveg fyrir blóšžorstann

""We're going to put them out of business. President Trump does not mess around with criminal terror organizations. These cartels have killed more Americans than every terror organization combined," the official said. 

He continued: "President Trump will end up wiping the cartels off the face of the Earth - putting them out of business. If you put them out of business - you take their money away - they can't buy or bribe Mexican officials. Without money, they have no power

"We're not just going to attack in Mexico, the Jalisco cartel. We're going to attack them in the 43 countries they have operations currently. We're going to attack them worldwide," the border emphasized."

Skįstu skotmörk til žssa.

Frakkar aš dķla viš žetta venjulega

"French police have made several arrests since a man went on a stabbing rampage, killing one and wounding several others in what President Emmanuel Macron called an “Islamist terrorist act”, anti-terror prosecutors told AFP Sunday."

Sama sama.  Varla fréttnęmt.



"Michael Smerconish:

Listen to me. Listen to me. This is a Ponzi scheme

James Fishback:

No, Ukraine was a Ponzi scheme. The migrant funding was a Ponzi scheme. Hardworking Americans deserve a break. It was their money, Michael. It was their money.

Michael Smerconish:
James, give me a chance to speak. Theoretically, it’s my program. We don’t have the money is what I’m trying to tell you. It’s a Ponzi, Madoff-like—"

James Fishback:
We didn’t have the money for Ukraine, right? We didn’t have the money for Ukraine—$350 billion."

Michael Smerconish:
I never do this. I don’t want to be that guy. Do I have to silence your microphone so that I can respond to what you’ve said? Because there’s so much fallacy in what you’ve just offered.

James Fishback:
Please go ahead and refute it.

James Fishback:

"Michael, let me say this: we’re fellow Americans. We care about this issue, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to come on this program, but I’ve got to speak truth here. At the end of the day, we’ve got to send the money back that is saved—just 20% of it.

The other 80% goes to paying down the national debt and narrowing the deficit. To your point, yes, there has been a fraud—a fraud against the American people: the Green New Deal scam, Ukraine, the migrant crisis.

Their taxpayer dollars were sent abroad, were not spent at home, were not spent in America—not on healthcare, not on education. That ends with President Trump’s leadership today. He is delivering on his promise of major government reform, Michael. The DOGE Dividend Plan is bold, and Americans support it.

Michael Smerconish:

All right, I’m calling time on all of that. I appreciate your being here. I think we’ve each, I hope, made our respective points."



Bretland er gjörsamlega ķ ruglinu

"Furious Brits have slammed Manchester Police and Labour for 'shameful' behaviour targeting a grandmother exposed by The Mail on Sunday.

Two police officers were caught on camera paying a visit to a grandmother simply for criticising Labour politicians on Facebook.

Detectives have been accused of acting like East Germany's Stasi secret police for quizzing Helen Jones over her calls for the resignation of local councillors embroiled in the WhatsApp scandal exposed by The Mail on Sunday."

Ef žetta hęttir ekki innan skamms žį veršur Bretland eins og Noršur Kórea, meš öllu sem žvķ tilheyrir.


Nęsta sķša »


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